What appalling hand writing. (Seriously, I'm so so sorry you have to put up with this rubbish.) Take good care xx

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Can't help thinking it's been written with the non-dominant hand to avoid recognition.

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Dec 17, 2020Liked by Mlle Clunge

Graham, I’m so sorry. That’s really horrible. (If we all had your address you’d be getting flowers, chocs and booze)

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I agree. 👍❤️

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Dec 17, 2020Liked by Mlle Clunge, mole at the counter

The fuck you at the end is almost like an afterthought. Zero marks for spacing. Really shit use of surface and appalling kerning. *shaking my head*

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Do you know, I read it and thought "I'm glad it's not just me that starts off too big and runs out of space!"

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I'd have put a comma after 'you' as well. . .

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Sorry, Graham. I hope our love and appreciation for you is felt far more anything those arseholes do. I'd say they hate themselves more than they do anyone else, its apparent by their ridiculous behavior.

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Zero points for originality, bravery, importance or meaningful contribution. Top marks for pointless cowardice. Their penmanship isn't that hot either, I like to think if I was going to screech futile fury at my betters I might at least make an effort to print carefully.

I am simply shocked that a member of the Woobabble Anti Reality Transology cult would creep around in the darkness behaving like a deranged craven jellyfish. Shocked.

Please do put cameras/security in. I'd happily contribute to any crowd funder you may want to arrange to get decent security put in.

I know this is going to embarrass you, but I'm saying it anyway. I've never met you. I'm not a fangirl type. To be honest, although I absolutely loved Father Ted, Black Books and the IT Crowd I had absolutely no idea who wrote them or who you were on Twitter before about 18 months ago. I'm shit with names anyway, it took me ages to remember yours (and I still don't know how to pronounce your last name). I can still remember trying to find your Twitter feed,, having forgotten your name again, and having to Google who wrote Black Books.

I am what is considered to be a radical feminist - hilarious considering I'm a middle aged mum and was radicalised only by paying attention to transology. (I prefer to call radfems actual feminists as opposed to the libfem dick sucking variety merrily offering golden showers to gynophobes).

I really cannot be arsed with the male sex a great deal of the time, and I don't give men (except my fiance, son, friends) compliments generally because as a sex they're so good at doing that themselves they don't need any from me :D In fact, because I have been paying close attention for the last few decades I am naturally wary of men.

But you are, actually a hero, an authentic women's rights hero. When all this gruelling gynophobery has passed, you will be remembered as brave, decent and fair and one of the few men who put their head over the parapet. You have lost a lot and risk a lot defending decency and women's human rights. You're a good man, and a brave man.

Thank you for giving a shit about the other half of the human race. Please don't let the dreary dimwits grind you down.

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Dec 17, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

What?! No glitter!?

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How awful! So sorry to hear this. Seems like a good time to thank you for all that you are doing. It’s greatly appreciated ❤️

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Cowardly bastards.

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Sorry to see that Graham and agree a camera is a good idea. It’s cowardly and childish, they are clearly not a candidate for the Oxford Union 😂

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It will be from a kid. Not that it's an excuse of course.

As the parent of a teen who's caught up in all this and is too exhausted with it all to stick my own head above the parapet, I can't thank you enough for everything you are doing.

I'm in an online group of mums and the first time I mentioned this probably a year ago I was met with a chorus of woke wankery from some and silence from others. Today's the first time since then I've felt able to bring it up again. The tone has changed. This time lots of people stayed silent but the ones who replied are the ones who are starting to join the dots. The tide is turning and you are a big part of that.

Excuse the sexist and quite possibly tone deaf language but you're what I think of as a real man. Wish there were more like you.

Merry Christmas and FANK you Glinner!

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Dohhhh. Thank you right back helene

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I wouldn't be too sure about that. Misogyny comes in all shapes and forms, but some of the loudest gynophobic hatred is coming from grown men who definitely do know better. One thing I am reasonably certain of though, it will be from a male.

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Thank you for continuing to stand up for women's rights, which are actual human rights. The TRAs stole that motto from Hillary Clinton in their effort to trample on women's rights. They ignore their responsibility to act like decent human beings while demanding privileges to which they are not entitled.

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I'm sending this to the gender identity extremists: https://i.ibb.co/8r4chb3/Screen-Shot-2020-12-17-at-16-16-41.png

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Bloody hell! That's scary!!

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I’m sorry. I gather that installing a camera that would show you who is approaching your door is quite inexpensive nowadays - it is an option perhaps? Take care.

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That's awful. I hope you have passed it on to the Police, surely, that's a Hate crime?

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After all, just stating biology is a "hate crime", so something like this must surely be worse?

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What a charming neighbour, full of Christmas cheer! I am really, really sorry, as it is not nice to know that there is hostility close by. I know the feeling. You know how much we all appreciate you - hug hug hug.

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Oh no being stalked at home for opinions. Typical male pattern abuse pushing the boundaries. How predictable. So sorry. This is where women are advised to start keeping a diary of any abuse and start collecting their own evidence whilst being ambushed. Some people are controlling, desperate, thought policing shits.

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