WTAF?! A middle aged disabled woman is stickering - let's go and arrest her (etc.). Meanwhile a clearly disturbed individual is admitting to the possibility of committing two rapes and the police react by asking him to send them a DM!!!!! You couldn't make this up!!!

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The "razor blade behind the poster" trope is well-worn, and utterly nonsense. Think about it - you tear a poster you disagree with down from the corner. Plus most people who remove flyposters will be some poor minimum wage person, not the object of your ire.

But it's very easy to accuse your enemies of doing it and faking the evidence. You don't need footage of someone doing it, just the piece of kit. Hence why it still has currency.

Finally - picture your typical mumsnetty "terf". Now picture your average studenty angryperson who got Kathleen Stock to leave. Hmm.

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So many troubled souls hiding behind anime images. Glossy hair, sweetly childlike, perfect skin, squeaky clean cartoon perfection. The opposite of their actual adult human male bodies. They’re all “fantasists to some degree” actually. “Living” their fantasy of being a member of the opposite sex class. Some really troubled ones just take that initial fantasy to further depths. But no matter how unbalanced the fantasist, almost every institution accepts the fantasy, protects the fantasy, and in a lot of cases — lauds the fantasy. All respect to those of you teaching the world to see clearly. All respect to Jenni Swayne who is walking the talk.

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Gwent police have seriously skewed priorities. Two men, one of whom admits to sexual assault (at the very least), and another sending inappropriate messages to minors, are allowed to walk the streets and, apparently, have the protection of the police, whilst a disabled woman gets, arrested and her personal dignity, safety and home and belongings violated for putting stickers up. There is a Chief Constable who needs to be out of a job, along with all the officers involved in the arrest.

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This is very disturbing.

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This is making me feel ill. These are patently disturbed men. 'Katie' states "Terf claims in an interview with the BBC that the 'academic' materials police seized from her were for "educational purposes". I bet that's the exact same term holocaust revisionists use too."

And "So much of what terfs do is psychological warfare."

There is absolutely no horror, no victim and no pain they won't coopt. And Twitter allows both these delusional men to continue to DARVO their way through this as most vulnerable whilst suspending others? Why the **** are the BBC and the Argus spreading this?

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These people are seriously scary, they should be investigated by the police not Jenni. I don't understand what is wrong with our society, it seems really twisted right now.

Could people please start adulting?

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The Leeds connection is interesting. Some time ago I was sitting in my car at 11.30 pm in a quiet countryside area listening to poetry on BBC Radio 3 & looking at the stars. The cops turned up & an obnoxious male officer interrogated me (as if I didn’t have the right to exist) and then asked if I’d been to Leeds recently. I live 350 miles away from Leeds.

Here’s a conspiracy theory for you. In the 70’s Leeds was the focus of much feminist organising against male violence, mainly because of the murderous crimes committed by Peter Sutcliffe against women. I took part in some protests in Leeds, was snapped by a photographer & my pic appeared on the front page of many newspapers the following day.

Could it be that Leeds Police hold & collect a data base on female activists? If your details are punched into the Police National Database that search will match any data held by them. My driver’s licence details were searched via Swansea, where a photo is kept of everyone who has a driving licence. Facial recognition technology can fairly quickly match photos. If the cops stored photos from a certain demonstration in Leeds in 1982(?), they could have matched it with my licence; hence the cop’s slightly give-away cocky question about whether I’d been to Leeds recently. (They just can’t resist having a go can they, the power-mad creeps? The female officer who was with him intervened at that point and reigned him in.)

Of course, this could all be coincidence and Leeds could just be the central location for processing / accessing people’s phones, with no particular interest in women’s rights activists.

I have no plans to re-visit Leeds in the near future. If I do, I’ll be wearing a newsprint bag over my head and not carrying a smart phone.

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“Layla” is one sick puppy.

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Is it just me, or do so many of these TRAs seem to have "alters" they can blame all their nasty stuff on? They literally invent their own scapegoat.

How Gwent police cna be ok with those terf stickers and not ok with Jenni's I'll never know. I bet if women phoned and said those stickers made them dfeel unsafe the police would do sweet FA.

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Just to remind everyone. There are a couple of websites monitoring Trans criminals when they are finally caught, prosecuted and sentenced: https://theysaythisneverhappens.wordpress.com/ and


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Left comment on Wales online...

Mmmn did you mention the book she had taken!


"When my house was raided, it has come to my attention that a BOOK was taken by the police. A book edited by Heather Brunskell-Evans on GC children. It was crammed with my notes. MY THINKING IS BEING INVESTIGATED- not things, not materials, not actions my actual thinking."

The razor blades libel

Police, journalists and trans activists join forces to smear feminists with a disgusting, dangerous lie

search the... glinner update.


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Petition signed & donation made!

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That 11 year-old's language and use of commas sound very much like an educated adult rather than a child...

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Dear Jenni, I have donated to your fundraising, and I have nominated you. Thank you, Graham, for letting us know about these initiatives!

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This is such a sorry tale. Thank you for your journalism, so appreciated.

Donated to Jenni’s fund raiser

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