WTAF?! A middle aged disabled woman is stickering - let's go and arrest her (etc.). Meanwhile a clearly disturbed individual is admitting to the possibility of committing two rapes and the police react by asking him to send them a DM!!!!! You couldn't make this up!!!

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Well, it makes it quite clear that the male police don't have a problem with rape and the murder of women by men. Is it accurate to say that the police have a high rate of wife battering?

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I don't know about that (but it wouldn't surprise me). They are in the top 10 professions with the most psychopaths though!

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A terrible psychosis has taken over the police. Truly frightening.

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The "razor blade behind the poster" trope is well-worn, and utterly nonsense. Think about it - you tear a poster you disagree with down from the corner. Plus most people who remove flyposters will be some poor minimum wage person, not the object of your ire.

But it's very easy to accuse your enemies of doing it and faking the evidence. You don't need footage of someone doing it, just the piece of kit. Hence why it still has currency.

Finally - picture your typical mumsnetty "terf". Now picture your average studenty angryperson who got Kathleen Stock to leave. Hmm.

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So many troubled souls hiding behind anime images. Glossy hair, sweetly childlike, perfect skin, squeaky clean cartoon perfection. The opposite of their actual adult human male bodies. They’re all “fantasists to some degree” actually. “Living” their fantasy of being a member of the opposite sex class. Some really troubled ones just take that initial fantasy to further depths. But no matter how unbalanced the fantasist, almost every institution accepts the fantasy, protects the fantasy, and in a lot of cases — lauds the fantasy. All respect to those of you teaching the world to see clearly. All respect to Jenni Swayne who is walking the talk.

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Gwent police have seriously skewed priorities. Two men, one of whom admits to sexual assault (at the very least), and another sending inappropriate messages to minors, are allowed to walk the streets and, apparently, have the protection of the police, whilst a disabled woman gets, arrested and her personal dignity, safety and home and belongings violated for putting stickers up. There is a Chief Constable who needs to be out of a job, along with all the officers involved in the arrest.

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Aren't the Met in the midst of some sort of enquiry/review of their procedures and conduct?

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...and in the immortal words of one Brenda from Bristol, not another one!

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This is very disturbing.

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This is making me feel ill. These are patently disturbed men. 'Katie' states "Terf claims in an interview with the BBC that the 'academic' materials police seized from her were for "educational purposes". I bet that's the exact same term holocaust revisionists use too."

And "So much of what terfs do is psychological warfare."

There is absolutely no horror, no victim and no pain they won't coopt. And Twitter allows both these delusional men to continue to DARVO their way through this as most vulnerable whilst suspending others? Why the **** are the BBC and the Argus spreading this?

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Sounds like serious mental health issues and Gwent Police/ BBC/Argus are way out of their depth.

Previous to Stonewalls reign mental health services and police worked together. Police knew patients in their area well. Now young men aren’t ill but trans instead how do workers sign post them to mental health services? This is terrible

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I'm sorry it's hard not to weep at how crap this all is.

I'm leaving this here at some attempt to do something positive. Apologies, I could have dug out something specifically Welsh, but this is true for all of us and all our children https://eachother.org.uk/school-group-raises-genocide-awareness/

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I don't buy the "mental health issue" as an excuse. It takes agency away from men like these two who are simply toxic men, who know exactly what they are doing and are taking advantage of the wide gaping craters (instead of loopholes) that allow them to do what they are doing. Saying its a mental health issue is insulting to those who do have mental ill health but don't go out of their way to upset, harm or otherwise impose on others.

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I agree about toxic men. Many are very manipulative. Have worked with vulnerable women and in nursing years previously. Did a stint in mental health which was an eye opener. I was surprised at the close working between hospital and the police who knew mental health patients. Mainly this was men displaying bizarre behaviour. The women I met were lovely. Recall one when I was dreading doing injections. She volunteered her arm. The behaviour needs addressing - it is totally unacceptable for the police not to be doing their jobs and I so applaud Jenni Dwayne who sounds fearless. Always on the side of women!

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Why does a sticker saying 3 women are murdered by men have anything to do with TRA? It's just attention-seeking by these entitled narcissists. And see the piece about the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy [sic] funding your U.K. media. The NED is just another face of the CIA.

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“Katie” is also claiming on Social Media to have filed a police report on you, Graham... and is accepting advice from Haydon as to how to do it!

Not convinced that’s the *best* advice money can buy.

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Me? On what grounds? That I read what they wrote on a public forum? And found it utterly ghastly? I believe it stokes hatred and I find it alarming.

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Not you: no. Graham.

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Ah, thanks for clarifying. That comma! I am rereading most sentences a few times as there's a lot of confusion abounding :-). Although am unhappy to see the continual attacks on Graham and involving his family yet again. My comments here have been used before as an example of something or other and it seems to be a feature of all this.

The same old names are openly attacking Graham, readers of this substack, substack itself and are using the 'complaints' process and reporting tactic to try to shut all of us down. Like their tactics on Twitter. Exactly the same actions are in turns celebrated or condemned. That's where confusing non-hate non-crime has led us.

I did check to see what was brewing online as I have my own and others risk to consider. Looking at the multiple Tweets - endlessly ramblingly Tweeting gives the distinct impression they have an obsession with him, this topic, anyone who holds similar opinions and anyone who disagrees or asks questions. It's inflaming and appears deliberate. Yet of course, that's what they accuse the object of their obsession of having.

Anyone who dares question, speak up, hold an opinion, or happen to be in the vicinity of this in possession of thoughts seems to be fair game to them.

I know people keep alluding to mental health, but there's a component of that with this. I want these people to get help. This isn’t false concern. Attacking women for being or standing up for our rights is not helping them (or us, or men, or anyone in how they identify). It’s poisoned all public debate. It’s not the women threatening and silencing the men, although anyone can create havoc. Reframing the statement of facts or stats as 'hate speech' is hard to grapple with. Facts aren't 'transphobic'. Maybe this is where 'alternative facts' led us all.

I worry about their mental states and that they see so much as an attack on their amorphous global human rights and how fearful they are creating the world to be as it obscures genuine risk and stymies genuine risk assessment. It also seems to give them the mistaken belief that if you call that 'activism' or 'standing up for human rights' (which aren't under attack) then they are in the clear. You can't attack or incite someone then claim to be 'scared' they may defend themselves. How many women have been abused, murdered, or the court cases covered in the press this week? In just seven days? It's an escalating one-upmanship and distraction for who can Tweet or scrawl their thoughts loudest, most aggressively, or most on bikes, poles and benches. Who is most unhinged wins currently. Then those being reasonable are accused of being unhinged. It's very similar to how some men have behaved and that's been normalised over millennia.

If it’s true that someone featured in the last few articles is now seeing to crowdfund for rent it shows some escalation is happening and being caused the longer this carries on. Escalation in actuality or fantasy and they seem to seek and court it. The police and platforms have a duty of care in this and for their actions. To us all. It’s fair and reasonable for the public to ask questions and to expect the police to act in a fair and reasonable manner.

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These people are seriously scary, they should be investigated by the police not Jenni. I don't understand what is wrong with our society, it seems really twisted right now.

Could people please start adulting?

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The Leeds connection is interesting. Some time ago I was sitting in my car at 11.30 pm in a quiet countryside area listening to poetry on BBC Radio 3 & looking at the stars. The cops turned up & an obnoxious male officer interrogated me (as if I didn’t have the right to exist) and then asked if I’d been to Leeds recently. I live 350 miles away from Leeds.

Here’s a conspiracy theory for you. In the 70’s Leeds was the focus of much feminist organising against male violence, mainly because of the murderous crimes committed by Peter Sutcliffe against women. I took part in some protests in Leeds, was snapped by a photographer & my pic appeared on the front page of many newspapers the following day.

Could it be that Leeds Police hold & collect a data base on female activists? If your details are punched into the Police National Database that search will match any data held by them. My driver’s licence details were searched via Swansea, where a photo is kept of everyone who has a driving licence. Facial recognition technology can fairly quickly match photos. If the cops stored photos from a certain demonstration in Leeds in 1982(?), they could have matched it with my licence; hence the cop’s slightly give-away cocky question about whether I’d been to Leeds recently. (They just can’t resist having a go can they, the power-mad creeps? The female officer who was with him intervened at that point and reigned him in.)

Of course, this could all be coincidence and Leeds could just be the central location for processing / accessing people’s phones, with no particular interest in women’s rights activists.

I have no plans to re-visit Leeds in the near future. If I do, I’ll be wearing a newsprint bag over my head and not carrying a smart phone.

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Aren't Mermaids based in Leeds?

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Apparently yes - I’ll add that to the conspiracy theory!

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You are of course right about matching licences to CCTV footage. Anywhere.

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“Layla” is one sick puppy.

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Is it just me, or do so many of these TRAs seem to have "alters" they can blame all their nasty stuff on? They literally invent their own scapegoat.

How Gwent police cna be ok with those terf stickers and not ok with Jenni's I'll never know. I bet if women phoned and said those stickers made them dfeel unsafe the police would do sweet FA.

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If the trans get-out-of-jail card doesn’t work, self-diagnose an alter & blame them.

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Just to remind everyone. There are a couple of websites monitoring Trans criminals when they are finally caught, prosecuted and sentenced: https://theysaythisneverhappens.wordpress.com/ and


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This hideous bastard brutally murdered a family friend in her parents house. She was a sweet, shy and incredibly talented girl. Her parents and sister have bravely navigated their lives after such a shockingly violent and unprecedented incident. I had heard that he had a sex change. Reading this makes me feel sick. He will most definitely attack someone else.

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We must keep being shocked and not let the wearying regularity make this fade into the background. It's all over the radio news that Emma Raducanu has inevitably been stalked. District Judge Sushil Kumar said: "His (Magar’s) inability to explain how he did not think this was harassment is incapable of belief."

Yet she was criticised in the press for her performance. Many of these men have histories going back to when they are children or years previously. They escalate. I don't care what they identify as or what excuses they have.

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Thanks for those links.

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The first has been suspended.

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Thank you for info, Corisande. Do you know any other websites collating media and police info? This is really important statistical work. Boring but really important.

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Sorry to jump in here Una-Jane but I agree and it's tricky to name them on here without some random attempts to take them down. The archive here mentions many. There are personal accounts then collective sites. Social media is very useful in that respect as they hold a public record of sorts and why there is such debate over how they manage or manipulate it.

Individuals and charities have been trying to take this challenge on and highlight that gap. This is one of the fundamental points underpinning many of the recent legal actions - how we address 'the' record and who accesses 'it', why and what decisions are based on what's within it. Census, policy, laws, how we educate and safeguard, police our streets and access to health screening - the lot.

That some sources are being scraped and disputed and how we collect or analyse any data. That those we trust like government or the police are struggling with these concepts is deeply concerning.

Of course it's contentious. That's why online providers and platforms are acting like this. Sites disappear. Counting dead women and others have/had to go on media reports as that's the only place some of this is coming to light. It's only recently that the police are being tasked to collect data. Then it turns out they're fudging this too.

Some researchers and charities are now working with gov funded organisations or Unis on some projects.

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Oh a man in a flowing cloak of brilliance on a bike! :-(

So if you remove the record it never happened? Are they coming with an ice cream scoop for all our memories and experiences?

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Left comment on Wales online...

Mmmn did you mention the book she had taken!


"When my house was raided, it has come to my attention that a BOOK was taken by the police. A book edited by Heather Brunskell-Evans on GC children. It was crammed with my notes. MY THINKING IS BEING INVESTIGATED- not things, not materials, not actions my actual thinking."

The razor blades libel

Police, journalists and trans activists join forces to smear feminists with a disgusting, dangerous lie

search the... glinner update.


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It's by Ryan O'Neill, Trainee multimedia reporter, Newport. I don't think a trainee anything should be allowed to touch this. How to mislead online and get paid to do it. The way it's written! This is gutter 'journalism':

'Woman, 53, arrested over 'abusive' stickers in Newport

The public has been advised not to remove posters after glass and pins were found behind some of them'

So this is why they arrested her is it? How are they claiming this? What's the inference? Or are sentences next to each other nothing to do with each other or they'll blame the sub.

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Petition signed & donation made!

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That 11 year-old's language and use of commas sound very much like an educated adult rather than a child...

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Let's hope it's a cop.

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Ah, but, s/he identifies as an 11yo.Challenving that is literal violence, you monster! 😁 😁

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Dear Jenni, I have donated to your fundraising, and I have nominated you. Thank you, Graham, for letting us know about these initiatives!

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This is such a sorry tale. Thank you for your journalism, so appreciated.

Donated to Jenni’s fund raiser

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