Well, well. Is reality finally encroaching on the gender ideology fantasy?

It's difficult not be cynical about this stuff but there was a documented massive push by pharmaceutical/biotech companies who could see revenue streams from, basically, people who will need lifelong medical treatment, but now (I'm guessing) they're seeing a tsunami of lawsuits coming.

Either way, if it stops these ghouls from medicating and surgically-altering young people, it'll be a glorious moment. I'm so grateful to people like Abigail Shrier and Graham for never giving up on doing the right thing.

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One thing noticeable with the Western Australian heath dept when looking at this in the wee hours last night: Many of the Govt links around the Perth Children's Hospital gender clinic to outside affirming orgs and pages, are 'page not found'. They have got to be worried about detransitioner litigation.

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deletedOct 4, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan
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I believe Helen Joyce said that puberty blockers cost $20,000 a year. They marketed Lupron for endometriosis and prostate cancer, neither of which it helped, so they needed a new market. I read an article years ago by a former pharma rep in which she stated that the goal is 8-10 meds every day for every person. Well, taking this poison and wrong-sex hormones will certainly help that process along, and her article sounded like her former bosses were quite Machiavellian.

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The Women given Lipton for endometriosis saw their bodies destroyed & some became wheelchair bound. There are ongoing lawsuits re this. It damages bone density. It is highly poisonous & it really is disgraceful to see this being marketed to children. 😕

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To be fair, Lipton is filth.

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Worth a watch https://youtu.be/0cLCR-whb0E

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Esp from 10:45 (although whole thing is worthwhile)

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TT Exulansic stuff on post op complications ( thats putting it mildy ) is worth a watch . Terrifying

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"I've worked in Big Pharma in the past; if you have ever have to take a view as to whether their actions of ruthlessly Machiavellian or incompetent and driven by intellectual inverse snobbery, it's the latter every time."

No, it's not. The Sackler Family story for one (of many) disproved that.

Here's a useful intro to the subject: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transgender-Body-Politics-Spinifex-Shorts/dp/1925950220/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Transgender+Body+Politics&qid=1604828964&sr=8-1

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I wasn't referring to the response. From my direct and reasonably high level of experience in business I know what the prospect of profitability can do to morality, but one doesn't need direct experience - the phenomenon is well documented - as it will also be in future books on the subject of gender realignment.

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People tend to credit human beings in general with 'more cunning, intelligence and forethought' than we as a species deserve. This is where so many conspiracy theories fall down for me.

I read someone saying recently that we are not in fact rational, we rationalise.

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Perhaps I didn't word it very well but I'm not sure where you're seeing a conspiracy theory, as personally I think all conspiracies are nonsense.

The pharma/biotech sectors have taken advantage of gender ideology; this is well-documented (and to be expected), but no-one's suggesting they're driving it, or have the power to.

These things aren't about Machiavellian deals; just mundane scenarios where departments spot commercial opportunities and other departments sign off on projections, without considering the human cost.

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"Bowers can build a labia, a vaginal canal and a clitoris, and the results look impressive."

And, once again, Bowers does none of these things. It is not a vaginal canal, it is a surgical wound which requires dilation every day for the rest of the male's life. And for all of you who don't know -- and most people don't -- the clitoris is quite a large organ in a woman's pelvic region, not just a little nub that one can see. Bowers is proof of what the commenter said who posted the information about surgeons being the number one profession of people who possess psychopathic characteristics.

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Indeed, it is a never healing hole which requires daily treatment, for life. There have been some reports of pubic hair from the testicles growing inside the hole. It is a terrible cruelty. I cannot imagine how any human could perform such an act on a living, breathing person. It's genuinely reminiscent of Nazi experimentation.

The only men who identify as trans that I feel genuinely sorry for are the ones who have been convinced to have this done to them. It just doesn't bear thinking about. For no other mental delusion do we pretend affirmation is treatment.

Removing the penis and digging a never healing hole into the perineum shuts the door to any sort of healthy life, or hope for the future for these poor souls. They are experiments. The children, most of all.

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Well said Susan! This literally is an ass-covering exercise. The only positive thing I take from this is that the game really must be up for these guys to actually say something. They should be in jail.

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I know it's the Guardian, but this is helpful. These butchers are NOT building a clitoris or anything like it:


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"It is not a vaginal canal, it is a surgical wound..."

The smell must be awful.

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I’ve seen accounts of exactly this - it’s obv prone to infection, difficult to treat, causes unpleasant odours which are socially embarrassing, and needs constant invasive care.

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Our bodies want so much to heal; I know from my own experience. They have to dilate because the body -- which I have come to understand is far more full of wisdom than people's brains -- wants to HEAL. Gendertrender posted a study done of the discharges these men have, and it was gross, including E. coli. This is why I get so upset when anyone calls this terrible mutilation a vagina or a neovagina.

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It really struck me in that article that these two doctors - Bowers in particular - despite that they were now "voicing concerns", sounded just so...cavalier about the whole thing. There was no sense of alarm, concern, guilt, outrage, empathy. No real emotion or acknowledgement that this has potentially utterly ruined people's bodies and lives. And Bowers is still happily chopping up people's genitals and presumably coining it. He came across as way, way too obsessed with his weird idea of the "perfect" female genitalia. Ugh!

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Anderson: “It is my considered opinion that due to some of the — let’s see, how to say it? what word to choose? — due to some of the, I’ll call it just ‘sloppy,’ sloppy healthcare work, that we’re going to have more young adults who will regret having gone through this process.”

Ah yes, just delicately searching for le mot juste there. WHAT UTTER GHOULS. How can they sleep at night?

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I'll bet they sleep like babies because they possess NO CONSCIENCES.

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Aren't they just covering their tushes? Is Anderson a trans woman also like Bowers. Bowers is still doing the surgeries. How has he (yes he) seen the light if he is still in the business of ruining bodies, no matter how "skillfully"? Abigail was altogether too respectful of these people. So how is this "big," Graham? I don't want to be disrespectful but my tolerance is fraying at this point. These doctors and other clinicians are monsters.

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I understand that he is indeed a man who identifies as trans larping as a woman. I think it's big because finally one of these Frankensteins is showing a chink in the idealogy armour.

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But only a chink. Mustn't admit to themselves and certainly not to the world they've so successfully duped that they are practitioners of delusion-rooted mutilation.

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It does say in the blog post that both the doctors are "trans women". I wonder whether they've undergone the same "treatments" they're putting children and young adults through, or whether they have stopped short of the full butchery.

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The vast majority of men who identify as trans have no surgeries of any kind, so I'd be surprised if they had. https://fairplayforwomen.com/penis/

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It’s big because these men are seen as leaders in their field. Their surgical mutilation field.

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I am constantly flabbergasted at how we got to the point of sterilising and mutilating children. And anyone who raised concerns "cancelled" and labelled a bigot.

I truly believe we will look back at this time in 20, 30, 40 years and think...what the fuck was humanity thinking?

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We are already screaming this now!

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I prefer to enjoy the positives coming out of this article. Its huge that these two prominent medical professionals have felt the need to speak out! Regardless of the ethics of their practice this will help raise awareness in the US of the risks of puberty blockers and surgery. This can only be a good thing!

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Jack turban called Bowers a "legend" on Twitter 6 weeks ago.


He should face pressure to either publicly respond to the points raised (with a respected colleague he can't just call transphobic) or to echo them.

These are the cracks that need wedged wide open.

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This is a very disturbing, uncomfortable read. The New York Times not 'having time' to publish Bowers op-ed is indicative of the sheer disregard the mainstream media have reporting on the butchery happening to children. Bowers is absolutely culpable and this sudden mea culpa is too little too late in my opinion.

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Way too little too late. 'Rats leaving a sinking ship,' summed an early commenter on Weiss' site. (Though unfair on rats, who simply lead their natural lives.)

I have visceral fury at what these men and their like have done, leading the preposterous normalisation of mutilating so many formerly healthy young bodies, profoundly harming their transfixed patients' prospects of leading fulfilling lives, AND surely motivated in part or in whole (consciously or otherwise) by a selfish desire to validate their own trans identities, their own autogynephilic fetish.

The move by other older autogynephiles to invent and sell the notion of 'trans children', to ensnare them in a faux rights movement, and actively harm them for self-validation? Can't bring myself to say more. Except look how successful they've been! An over 4000% rise in girls clamouring for 'medical transition' in the UK over 10 years. Ghoulish predation on minors.

These men see the backlash coming and are looking to covering their arses just enough, without being seen to rock belief in the myths. Trying to sneak out of the house of cards without touching anything.

Shrier also goes down in my estimation for choosing to actively reinforce the indoctrinatory lies. These two men are not 'women' who 'build vaginas'. Live not by lies. Live not by goddamned lies.

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*Anderson not Bowers op-ed*

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I was disappointed by Bowers milqutoast expressions of concern (not sure / not a fan) but then I looked up this doctor and realized instantly that this is an AGP man. It makes so much more sense now. Any hesitancy and willingness to tap the brakes is a welcome thing, but I really hope some physicians whose identities are not tied up in transing kids start coming forward with stronger warnings. Hopefully Bowers' pause inspires some.

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Dr Marci Bowers is responsible for the destruction of Jazz Jennings genitals despite Jazz’s poor mental health so their ´concern’ strikes me as attempted damage limitation given public awareness/opposition is growing re these horrific surgeries performed on kids/very young adults

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Yes, I think that's it. I think he's realised he's going to have to pay for what he's done and is trying to shift sides.

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Let's think this through. Man becomes woman, autogenophile? Spends rest of life constructing beautiful fannies (UK dictionary definition)....all sounds so very bizarre.

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I watched Jazz Jennings surgery last week for the first time. Bowers & Ting argue about removing tissue. Ting wanted to retain it but Bowers insisted on slicing it off due to ´scarring’. They literally argued on camera - astonishing. Who the hell would see it!!! He was intensely focussed on creating the perfect fanny but the complications that arose afterwards were heartbreakingly inevitable. I the wound split in two due to the pressure & tension. All of these surgeries performed on completely healthy bodies. Frankenstein indeed!

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Dr Frakenstein

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I find it infuriating that the male doctors in this story are referred to as "she". The featured doctors also seem to have this mindset: there are some problems with how early/hard puberty blockers have been pushed, failing to do any psych work-ups on people, etc.....but overall, if we just tweak things here and there, we can just keep on keeping on with our work. The psychologist, a man who pretends to be a woman, can keep assuring kids that pretending to be the opposite sex is a fine option for a troubled person. The surgeon can keep on cutting up and chopping off healthy body parts. The whole premise behind their work is outrageous. It is anti-science nonsense that is doing incredible harm to children and others. I suspect that when Bowers leads WPATH starting in 2022, he will push for some token "reforms" while keeping the whole creepy destructive gender identity medical industrial complex intact and profitable.

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Jazz didn't experience gender dysphoria at age 2 - her parents did.

I remind everyone once again of the parable of the vegan cat.

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Yeah, that bothered me. It's pretty clear there was a lot of homophobia going on there and basing their interpretation of the poor child's behaviour on gross gender stereotypes.

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I should have said "*his* parents did" - that would be more accurate.

While conversion therapy is outlawed in 18 states including the District of Columbia, gender reassignment surgery is perfectly legal.


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Pharmaseutical and surgical 'realignment' not Conversion therapy? Whodathunkit.

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Can barely bring myself to read this. This is mine and thousands of other children. I feel sick to my stomach most days, but the fire in me is raging. I will not give up my child to these butchers without a fight, fuck the Judgment of Solomon, I'm bringing fire and brimstone to the party.

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Wow! I wonder if both clinicians can contribute evidence in support of Keira Bell appeal to the Supreme Court. It really is damning evidence.

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For a while I’ve been thinking of parallels with the lobotomy craze & how society pivoted away from it.

Some of the biggest boosters died or retired & others more or less walked away, while the victims were quietly left on back wards & in the care of their families.

A couple of decades later, young medics were amazed: did people really do that?

I can see the same shift happening & the victims similarly forgotten, after so much damage has been done.

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Yes, I,think Helen Joyce has mentioned it. My wife would not be alive today if her first psychiatrist had affirmed her teen anorexia bulemia nearly 40 years ago. She coulndnt and still has difficulty, even open her mouth to the real reason for her illness for anther 30 years.

A predatory man.

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Yes, the parallels between anorexia/bulimia and gender identity ought to be obvious. We're not callous enough to 'affirm' the misguided yet self-certain perceptions of anorexia, yet are instructed we MUST affirm those of gender identity.

And yes, the real causes seem so often rooted in experiences like what you describe.

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When I read this I still have concerns about the scandal gaining traction away from Substack and GC Twitter:

"Earlier this month, Anderson told me she submitted a co-authored op-ed to The New York Times warning that many transgender healthcare providers were treating kids recklessly. The Times passed, explaining it was “outside our coverage priorities right now.”

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