Good heavens! So the word "love" now just means "have sex with"? And robes, like men still wear in Saudi Arabia, are now dresses? Where's that meteor when you need it?

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There is a good reason why the law does not equate the word "Philia" with "Love", not as the Greeks meant it, not as Aristotle meant it, and that is because, when linked with any word from ancient times, meaning "Child", it has been proven 100% of the time to mean "LUST"

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The terrible thing is that the language has become so corrupted that a lot of people wouldn't spot the problem here.

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How is one ‘bisexual’ and ‘non binery’ at the same time?! 🤔 it’s like trying to force like poles of two magnets together!

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It's surprisingly exclusionary of fellow genderblobs. Like, you're attracted to men and to women but not other genderblobs? C'mon. Bigotry.

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So sick of the NB shit! No one cares. As long as you know what sex you are when seeking medical treatment. And if your intention is to dupe people, then you're not a good person.

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'And, don't forget, kiddies, if you see a man in a dress, that Jesus loves all the little children'... Acceptance Without Exception, children, and EVERYONE *is* who they say they are....Here endeth today's lesson on Trust EVERYONE, children.....oh, except for our very special guest, Auntie Elly:


There we are children, such love...everywhere. Don't forget now, just be kind....include everyone and love everyone, for love, children, has no age, remember....."


Beam me up, Scottie! Or, better still, beam up the ones doing this to our children, globally!

If I knew how, I'd make a Joyce Grenfell style video, like the one she did in the nursery that time...except I'd update it to now....

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Holy bloody hell

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2. I'm going to send this to Mr. Menno, see if he can make a monologue like Joyce's, but based on the Elly Version of Nursery Schools these days... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXhHFgDRNBQ

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Pretty sure in the Bible the male pronoun is exclusively used both for Jesus and God

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