This is a fantastic and insightful talk, thank you all. Credit to Glinner, a comedian with a big heart. We could do with a few more of them!

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Brilliant chat.

Anita and Angus are amazing. I've subbed to Genspect and as soon as my bans are up I'll share to my groups to spread the word.

Anita really opened my eyes. I have a 14 year old boy. Luckily he isn't so interested in reddit or deviant art so far. But they are definitely going on the block lists now.

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Bless you "as soon as my bans are up"...I relate so much to that as I suspect so many other people do as well...are we the most banned folks on the internet at this point? Imagine what the internet would be like if they banned predators, pedophiles and pornographers the way they ban us. And most of the ones doing it are 'free speech' libertarians too.

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Excellent podcast. Genspect looks promising and yes, there are some terrible times ahead for many parents.

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Thank you sir. This one hits home on so many levels. Group joined.

A 14 year old girl will naturally rebel against her dad who has had to go underground.

To help off the edge of the abyss.

Not unwittingly push her in.

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Thanks for this. I am so excited about Genspect. Great interview.

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I’ve been thinking about the grooming of teenage boys (& some men) lately. The “sissy hypno ruined my life” section of Reddit is horrific. Luckily I think it’s a very niche market affected a small number although I suspect it accounts for a sizeable chunk of trans identified young men. It’s startling how easily men/boys can be conditioned via their sex drive. We believe male sexuality is fixed ... it’s not.

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This was really interesting and informative. I’m so grateful that Genspect has been formed. The grooming starts very early. I’m in Australia and my beautiful 5 year old nephew informed his parents that he is really a girl. They did some investigating and learned that the Kindergarten/Daycare he attends has a non binary hand puppet and they have weekly lessons about inclusivity which involved the ‘teachers’ telling the children it was possible they can be born in the wrong body. Did I say he was 5?? And he’s one of the older children attending!

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Horrific no other word for it. I'm ragin at the thought of the damage bein done to wee children teachin such a falsehood. 🤬

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So disturbing, but utterly illuminating

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Brilliant and horrific, thanks for doing the interview. Will be following and supporting Genspect.

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The system and institutions in New Zealand are extraordinarily dangerous for children. There is no safeguarding no support for parents, particularly Mothers and open access to inappropriate material on every platform and throughout media. Anyone who objects is hammered. A code of silence is enforced by Government perpetrators protected more than victims of this grooming and other offences to the point it is unsafe in most communities both from violence and sexual abuse. DARVO and blaming the victims (often children) to let offenders off is the order of the day. Neglect and coercion is the order of the day. All to support very sick criminal men. Most reasonable people feel under siege and traumatised by the lawlessness, perversity and brutishness within communities. The sooner the reins are handed over to the adults not the enablers the better as the corruption goes right to the very top and the establishment and men in communities have a lot they wish to hide. They forget, if we survive, we grow up and see just how many of us who where mistreated and lied to there are. They deserve every single consequence coming their way. They also know who they are. It really is of biblical proportions. Do not let your children near the internet or devices, or schools or hospitals or be without security is where we are all heading because of these ammoral bullies and perverts empowered and protected now. Irresponsible doesn’t even begin to cover it. Makes me sick. There is no fighting it except within communities so I can certainly understand why normally peaceful people are weaponing up world wide in the west to protect their

homes lives and properties as these (worse than) animals have no problem entering them at will to steal property and target children as well as attack. And that’s just the Police 😂 no seriously it’s all men and their handmaidens. Of course women who resist or object are just “crazy”. Most women here are entirely beaten down. Not traumatised...just crazy. Keep your children very close is my advice of course the machine wants to “own” them and destroy families. They’ve hardly been concerned about blowing off body parts before or smashing people to smithereens before have they? Let alone using the vulnerable for food and sex then stealing their goods and homes eh? Hardly new. So now they use banks instead of tanks.That it still occurs under multiple guises and no one is allowed to speak of it, resist and that their remains no consequences to these affronts to law, life and humanity in a “civilised” society is the only real surprise.

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Are you in touch with gender-critical people in New Zealand? I totally understand your frustration and anger. There's Redline, a left-wing website which carries a lot of information about transgenderism and world politics; I used to read a great blog by a radical feminist in New Zealand, who has been targeted; all I can remember is Renee.

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Fascinating and frightening in equal measure. Thanks to Angus and Anita for speaking out, and to Glinner for the show. Would be great to hear from them again.

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Hi Graham. Am concerned about your recent YT. At about 4 mins you refer to AC as a paedophile. Unless you have some evidence you haven't shared I’m concerned it could be used against you. Totally agree there seems pretty clear evidence that the boyfriends were grooming / having relationships with AC when underage.

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There is also his deleted 'pup profile' and his enthusiasm for nappies. I don't think he'll risk bringing more attention to that

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I don’t see how that makes HIM a paedophile though. IMO those show him as a victim of 2 paedophiles (let alone his father ….) . I am not defending anything he has done, just don’t want any chance of attacks on you. He may not want to draw attention to his murky mucky past but other TRAs would happily sacrifice him to get at you.

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His whole sexuality revolves around childhood. there may be a distinction there (and again, I would be very interested to see it teased out in court) but I doubt he would like to bring attention to it. These guys are hiding in plain sight. They just can't resist broadcasting what they do because they don't think they're doing anything wrong.

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Legally, only the person allegedly defamed could sue for alleged defamation. Other TRAs could not sue because they wish to object on behalf of another person. They wouldn't have the legal standing to take a legal action. The truth is a defence to any defamation action. So, if the person sued and wanted to argue the facts in an open court, they could decide to do so.

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We can’t even tell them to “fuck off” now then? They really should.

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