There is, this. Then there is this... Gillian Mackay MSP @GillianMacMSP is advertising an intern position along with Lorna Slater. Gillian says on her Twitter that "Candidates must self-define as disabled". I am disabled. I do not self- define as disabled. In fact, I don't know what she means by this. Either you are disabled or you're not. How do these stupid people get elected?

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If it wasn’t so serious you would have to laugh at these noodle heads. They are cancelling and expelling people at such a rate of knots eventually they will be shouting into the void from a very isolated place indeed.

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Couldn’t get anyone from Green Party to respond to my requests for clarification; however, they contacted me immediately when I cancelled my direct debit.

I don’t see any point in responding. (Same happened with the Women’s Equality Party.)

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Re. Ani Stafford-Townsend, ‘non-binary’ co-chair of the women’s committee. Non-binary is such a cop-out. Cop-out: “to avoid or neglect problems, responsibilities, or commitments”. Like throwing up your hands in the difficult and courageous effort required to erase sex-role conformity. They, of course, think they are doing the opposite. The very term acknowledges the binary, but then illogically declares it doesn’t exist. Seems like a number of handmaidens choose this route. Such a betrayal of their own integrity first of all, and a wilful ignorance of the results of their cowardice — ripples of damage affecting so many others — children especially, and in this particular instance, the "green" political work necessary for the much needed care of "Birthing Parent" Earth.

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wtf is wrong with these dingbats? How can you call for the expulsion of people for not voting the way you wanted them to, and still expect to be taken seriously? But then, how can you advocate gender-unicorn-fairytale-bollocks and then expect people to believe you're "listening to the science" on another issue?

Shahrar Ali - just by speaking normally about things most people understand to be true - manages to look like the only grown-up among that shower of credulous plums.

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I think the Green Party is unfit for anyone to be a member of it and vote for such bigotry as this

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Dangerous cranks.

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If you are a member of the Green Party, please don't leave - stay and vote. If you are not a member, please join and vote. We are fighting to get the party back on track and we need support!

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About the word 'radical' - in the context of using it in relation to feminism, remember that it has more than one meaning, and here it is used in its meaning of 'the root' or 'basic principle'.

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I tried to follow the link to WDI and found myself blocked by Norton Lifelock alleging that WDI website is unsafe. I was able to read the WDI website but in read-only mode. therefore, I'm unable to sign the declaration online. I suspect it's because a lot of bad actors are attempting to hack the site and Norton's algorithms have signed it off as unsafe. I don't know how to fix this. I'm hoping someone reading this knows what to do.

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These people accuse the feminists of wanting to sterilise trans people - like we're the ones dishing out puberty blockers and hormones like Smarties and removing healthy sex organs from children!

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ok dudes come get me


(I know it's not a joking matter, insanely misogynistic, dystopian, etc. I have to laugh though)

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Please do carry on making yourselves unelectable. We can find other parties who will concentrate on looking after the environment.

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Same happened to Australian Greens

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