Yes! I hope he doesn't buckle. Thank you Graham for your tireless advocacy!

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Great quote "Trans people make up words to win arguments".

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A real man with real balls! Wonderful, refreshing and a huge thank you

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Dominic Raab is being lampooned for not knowing what misogyny is by people who don't know what a woman is

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OMG! This is HUGE!!

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Most of us know you called this "fight" quite a while ago and you've never wavered in your support of women's rights. Thank you for that. When the dust settles I think there will be a lot of embarrassed "liberal" celebrities out there, deleting their online history and such.

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I’m having trouble getting past the fact he opened the show saying its his last show - come on Dave! I’m glad he is still weighing in on this, his comedy is priceless. It’s no surprise he confused sex and gender, nor confuses the LGB movement with the TQs since that’s exactly how it was designed by the TRAs. I hope he has a lot of stuff in the pipeline because he is one of the *very* few willing to wade into the this territory.

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Literally what needs to happen. I can shout all day and no one would care. Celeberties need to stop being puppets.

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Dave is GOAT. His skit about lesbians being thrown out the "community" taxi is the work of true genius. This is quite good too: https://ibb.co/5RK4z6x

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Just when I thought I couldn't love Dave any more than I do...

It's no coincidence that one of the best comics ever is standing up for women, while the lesser talents are throwing themselves onto the gender bandwagon.

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Why does this news make me tear up? Thanks Dave, you can't know what it means to hear this.

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The audience photo is gold.

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I watched it last night, and it’s brilliant. Yes, he is offensive to everyone, uses the n word, calls women the b word. But he speaks up for JK Rowling. He closes the act by focusing on the modern lgbt rights movement and where it has gone horribly wrong. He states that when you mess with someone’s livelihood, you’re killing them, he describes the suicide of a TIM who dared to speak up for him on Twitter. He ends by saying that these activists have got to stop attacking his people, meaning comedians and artists. Yes, he’s saying what Graham and countless others gave been saying for years, and he’s saying it to an audience of millions. He standing up to bullies.

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"This is a big moment, a massive intervention by a massive talent."

Irrefutably true. Finally, another famous man with some courage and decency. Was starting to think Graham was in a class of 1.

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Lovely to have him on side, I've always enjoyed his routines, even more so now.

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It would be especially funny to hear Owen Jones’ verdict on Dave Chapelle’s views. After this, Twitter noise is irrelevant.

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