It takes a lot of time and effort to collect, check, and organise long, detailed posts full of meaty information and links like today's.Thank you for the sustained effort you're (all) putting in: it's valued and appreciated.

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How is it people are allowed to march through London saying 'kill JK Rowling' and that's not a hate crime, but saying women are biological females with vaginas IS? Are the police force bonkers? Why aren't the real peddlers of hate crimes, the trans activists threatening women with violence and death, being prosecuted for hate crimes?

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In the next three weeks, I will be going to London several times and I'll be surreptitiously sticking TERF stickers everywhere I can think of. It's a very tiny way of spreading the word to normal British people who aren't aware of what's happening. I went overboard; I have hundreds, including ones designed by Birdy Rose and Jess De Wahls.

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We are creating, and pandering to self obsessed adults and children and I am absolutely sick of it. I am also fed up with pathetic parents who are scared to question anything, who roll their eyes when I bring the topic up. I am alarmed that my child has to sit next to someone at school who is (in no particular order) bisexual, polyamorous, lesbian, anxious, suicidal and trans (there are 10, I forgot some). And my child cannot call it out for what it is. They are 12. If you get this child's name wrong she point at the children around her and says 'what's my name?', 'what's my name?' what's my name....am I bovvered, am I bovvered, am I bovvered??!!

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As a proud resident of Terf Island, I'll continue to be-ribbon my local area at every opportunity.

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How is it people are allowed to march through London saying 'kill JK Rowling' and that's not a hate crime, but saying women are biological females with vaginas IS? Are the police force bonkers? Why aren't the real peddlers of hate crimes, the trans activists threatening women with violence and death, being prosecuted for hate crimes?

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Regarding Hubbard, I had a peek at a forum I left 2 years ago when I realised they were lib-fem type idiots, and lo and behold nothing has changed. The splinters in their collective arses must be getting sore by now. I think it has to potential of peaking so many people. You can't sit on the fence with this, the lower testosterone levels that TIMs must adhere to are still something like 4 X more than women have at optimal levels, and then there's all the other advantages male-bodied people have. There may be a handful of sports where men and women can compete fairly against one another, but weightlifting ISN'T one of them. I mean C'MON! This is basic stuff.

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young lesbians have to put up with hassle from boys/men/other girls/women/doctors all expecting them to conform to a ridiculous stereotype (and are then persuaded/pushed into transitioning) - so they need to know about lesbian histories and role models - the lgb news is a good place to start - https://lesbianandgaynews.com/2021/06/caroline-spry-the-woman-who-put-gays-on-tv/

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A friendly pointer that your gofundme search is for the words "top" or "surgery". So includes people raising money for surgery for their dog or to bring back top of the pops.

Use double quotes and you get a truer number where those words are appearing together.

"transition fund" - 18,781

"top surgery" - 12,733

"gender affirming" - 1,663

"bottom surgery" - 855

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And we burn so very brightly... sorry that's what came to me. I am actually amazed that it is this obvious and we clearly are the ones holding the line.

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How is it people are allowed to march through London saying 'kill JK Rowling' and that's not a hate crime, but saying women are biological females with vaginas IS? Are the police force bonkers? Why aren't the real peddlers of hate crimes, the trans activists threatening women with violence and death, being prosecuted for hate crimes?

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Let’s face it these young men are so detached from reality and any humanity for women and children, herded together, badly educated and badly nurtured without any sense of right and wrong or self discipline or way to channel their energy constructively. Abject failure of society and seemingly just sex obsessed and hedonistic. The absolute worst. And no one is able to say a word against any of it. It is once again state sponsored destruction of reality and division of families and communities. The things humans need to thrive and it s being imposed upon us by Government and other institutions AGAIN. There is nothing good about this movement and we need to be able to say it. It’s not cool and with authorities behind it will ensure we all remain in fear of both us and our children being neglected and abused so perverts and sadists continue to have access to us our resources and by using our children or anyone vulnerable to control and exploit. Making us all able to be controlled by fear. It is a totalitarianism and women have seen it all before. This time we must all object to our rights being removed.

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A good read, thanks very much. Let Stonewall et al quake :-)

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Nicholson / Hunt talk link broken, try https://zoom.us/rec/share/6zRbLlvyOAYvL0WcF_m6bpvMYiOa9VuuZyDJpX8Qn8ZBHH8CNXeSJb8wgiv2by2p.iC0H3PTETRNBnB3k (missing the k on the end :) )

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I've now written a formal complaint/query to the Metropolitan Police asking why 'kill JK Rowling' placards, as posted on social media from the recent Pride march, are not being prosecuted as hate crimes when women are being prosecuted for querying gender ideology

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thanks so much for putting all of it together. my mind is tired at the pure stupidity of all of this.

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