Police still at it
@HackneyTerven @Ecuadorian_Mum In for questioning under caution, malicious communications. Told a bloke many times on twitter to keep his rancid dick out of our little girls loos, unfortunately for me, he says hes a woman. Wait now to see if they charge me, they better not
Aiden Comerford still at it
The other failed comedian, still witchfinding, still taking revenge on humour for not giving him a career.
Anyone who isn't blocked by Aidan Comerford:
Could you please report this tweet for targeted harassment? Thank you ♥
Left wing bros still at it
@taderfxt Im a communist and I pay sex workers on onlyfans for content that they already are making without my request. I do it not just because I’m an average horny human being but because I want to support sex workers during a pandemic. That shouldn’t be condemned in a capitalistic world
@kookysocialist @taderfxt communism: A system that allows men to buy women?
Crikey. What a turn up for the books.
Teachers still at it
This is completely insane. You know what the teacher's crime was?
"The teacher told the public school board that a book available in school libraries make 'very serious medical interventions seem like an easy cure for emotional and social distress."
Harm? Give me a break. Real harm is mutilating children.
Scott Piatkowski @ScottPiatkowski
Sturgeon still at it
Good for Kate. Note that she mentions the concerns of her constituents. This is not a popular policy.
Girlguiding still at it
Has anyone else had any problems after emailing Girl Guides with objections re: Nottingham and new appointments?
I heard from a friend that a police force had been in touch for a 'friendly chat' and I wondered how many more had been contacted?...
@MDayCassandra Know someone who sent a polite email. She was interviewed under caution last week and waiting to hear if she is to be prosecuted
You can ask Girlguiding what gives here.
This is why people are complaining.
Handmaidens still at it
"I want to see integrity in politics," says person who calls women 'maggots' for knowing what sex people are.
Bethany Williams @BethanyinCBR
Criminals still at it
We have some new facts about transwomen prisoners: 60% were jailed for sexual offences. But what does that mean? We need more evidence, and common ground in a divisive conversation. spectator.co.uk/article/are-se… via @spectator
Femi still at it
A man accused of sexual misconduct = a woman standing up for women’s safety. What an arsehole you are, Femi.
Ooh! Walkies! Where can one subscribe to this august publication?
Just been on Gettr. That stupid woman Karen is really giving Graham a bad press. Just had an argument with some woman claiming that women like us are in thrall to men and that Graham is AGPs best friend. I asked for proof but nothing. This is bloody annoying as people who should be on our side are behaving like our enemies. I know we can come across as a rag tag bunch but it's one thing not to be of one mind, and another finding people who have a common enemy with us are wasting words on in-fighting. Sorry to butt in like that, had to get it of my chest.