I was horrified when I learned back in the 50s homosexuality was treated as a criminal offense and the offender was then pumped full of body altering chemicals.

Thank goodness nowadays we tell these same people they’re actually trans and convince them to inject themselves with body altering chemicals.

I weep for joy at such progress.

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Also, homosexual men were hooked up to electric shocks, shown erotic photos of men, then shocked. Isn't the psychiatric profession just full of humanity?

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May 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

They were also given medication to induce nausea and vomiting. I can’t even imagine the trauma all of that would cause. How can anyone have healthy sexual experiences after that? Utterly barbaric.

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To say nothing of lobotomies.

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I thought they generally reserved those for women.

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Mere anecdote, but I nursed equal numbers of both sexes who had been lobotomised when I was a student doing my long-stay psychiatric experience - two of each.

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deletedMay 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022
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This was always my understanding due to the expectations of women. If they were not content with their "role," if they "misbehaved," etc, etc, lobotomy was the solution. For those who don't know, one of the Kennedy (Rose and Joseph, parents) daughters was lobotomized.

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Oh my alice. I knew less of the US experience, and not of this paper. I know of the annoying women who were sent away in the UK and Ireland when they got old, ill or 'difficult'. As in unwanted. And there was a neat solution for the men in their lives, families and communities. For those who are unaware of those seen as different and rejected in generations past, the parallels with the current trans activism is shocking. It's the same. We're being shut up, threatened and sidelined.

'A patient previously fearful of aging could now “grow old gracefully” and care for her home. She complained of a lack of spontaneity, but her husband praised the changes her surgery had wrought, declaring her “more normal than she had ever been,” possibly the least credible measure of therapeutic success in the annals of history. By 1942, 75% of the lobotomies Freeman and Watts had performed were on women.'

It's all about keeping a nice home is it? Help! Help! The tidying police will cart you away for not having dusted and put your doilies out. Scrubbing your front step or putting your curlers in. We're only learning now about women's health and only NOW talking in public about the menopause and how hormones affect us over our lifetimes. In 2022. We're still fobbing everyone off with antidepressants no matter what the issue is. I'm not against their use by the way, I'm all for their appropriate use and as part of treatment pathways. And not to cover and squash social issues and poverty.

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I met someone a decade back, someone who'd had ECT and was a bit odd, but less 'odd' apparently than she was before. I heard bits of her history, and met her family, but I admit I found her disturbing and like a very small child, and she was unable to engage in anything really, other than in a very superficial way. She laughed a lot, had instant and brief emotions and looked amazed at everything. I hoped she was unaware. Her daughter, whose wedding I went to, was a feisty, outspoken and also a 'difficult' woman who would shout and argue in public and with her partner. She stormed off a few times at events I was at. I wonder if it was a few years before, and with a different husband and friends, whether she too would have led a truly different life, and been 'sorted' out like that. For having the wrong character, feelings and opinions.

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Why does one woman not take one of the clinics which did those lobotomies to the Court! If it can be done to Tavistock etc. it must be possible to still take these bastards to court!

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There are often very strict time limits on these. With medical interventions or care it often takes years or decades to come to light. It takes enormous damage, to many people, over decades and some very persistent people and grieving families to get anywhere. Even a grudging apology.

To go up against an institution that employs legal punch to manage its brand and liability, like any governing or government body, you are really up against it. If only we had a less adversarial system for much of this. And things weren't kicked into the long grass time and again.

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May 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Brian dowling and husband totally erased the fact that theres a women involved in "their" pregnancy and not one person in their comments called them out on it

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May 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

It's repulsive. I'm reminded of the recent stories in various publications, the LA Times for one, of wealthy Westerners 'bravely' carting off newborns from Ukraine just as the war started. There was either no mention or just a passing mention of the women who had been surrogates in this horrible and exploitative trade. Never mind that they had given birth in a war zone, the stories were all about the plucky, Western couples. The American couple I read about even put pressure on the doctors - who refused, at least - to induce the woman early so that they could get out of Ukraine asap.

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It's a fairly stark reminder that often people sell anything they can to survive or get on with few other options. It's age old and still happens all around us. Selling ourselves, our bodies, sex with us or others who are vulnerable, the use of our fertility, the spare children we can't afford to feed. The whole idea of the family unit or wider community and who gets protected or not, and what we will do to live. What do you want? What's your dream? We'll sell it to you.

That our proudly 'first' 'transgender' MP ran a sugar daddy website is absolutely no surprise at all. Youth and sex is a resource and so is fertility. The fact that there's a premium on finding a mother or pregnancy host like this makes me think they view us like brood mares. And we know what happens to those don't we? If you're rich enough you can buy anything and anyone apparently.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022


When the 'first' 'transgender' MP story broke, I expected follow-up coverage looking into the issue of the sugar daddy site he ran. If any other MP had been found to have run one it would have been big news and uproar. I didn't see anything. Did others?

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No and it was such a corker and with so many complaints recorded against all his 'enterprises' that's suspiciously poor coverage. I wonder why interest was so low. That the police also took a while to deal with the driving offences also struck me as a little odd. The timing about when all of these stories have come out is intriguing.

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Same stories over here all about the couples making a mad dash to polish border nothing about the birth mothers stuck in basements and not allowed leave the Ukraine because they are under contract to the rich white people

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And some outraged that governments were not going to their aid and flying them out asap. What about those who are trapped and killed in a war zone. Who can't get out and are being made to jump through hoops in order to.

There is much kindness and selflessness so I must remember that. And how determined and brave Allison is being again and through it all.

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Well that’s making a whole lot more sense now. I was assuming one of them was a woman taking testosterone, but I couldn’t figure out which one it was.

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Yes ,totally shocking !! "WE are pregnant " when NEITHER of them are. Women need to stop agreeing to this " rent a womb " "horror ,and to donating their eggs or embryos. Nobody even thinks about the welfare of the resulting child ,either !!

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About the welfare of the resulting child, I've wondered if any studies have been done on older children and adults born of surrogate arrangements like this one.

Whether they know who their mother is? If they know WHO, do they know her? If not, do they know much about her?

Whether they'd felt a wish for their mother, as a child or an adult?

Or know about their family on their mother's side? Heritable diseases, for example?

Whether they know which dad is their biological father, and therefore their genetic roots in his family?

Basic truths about inherited identity factors, on both sides, in multiple ways?

I agree that people don't seem to think through or really care about the rights and welfare of chidren in these kinds of arrangements.

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May 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

“We’re pregnant”. Absolutely ghastly. This started with mixed sex couples though, why does the man say this, why take this away from his partner? Degrading.

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My prick of an ex wasn’t pregnant , it was just bloody me ,vomiting every morning ,cramping every night ,arseholes

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Allison Bailey’s life story is rivetting, and perfectly places her for this very public battle against the dangers and nonsense of “gender” theory. Not only has she met Judith Butler, she (because of health issues) was prescribed the very drugs used for puberty blocking, and knows full well their debilitating side effects. You can’t make this stuff up. Her Witness Statement is so worth reading. Meticulous, massive, intelligent, incisive, thorough — wow, she’s the one to hire if you’re ever in need of a criminal lawyer! What an adult human female! Right woman, right time, right place -- she was born to take this on, and to make history.

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I have to admit I’ve not really followed this closely

* note to self , get a feckin grip and wake up , you’ve a granddaughter to protect ffs

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"I would love to hear what observable qualities non-binary people have that mark them out to a third party."


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"Labour canvasser just knocked on my door. I asked him if he knows what a woman is. He said it’s not a local matter."

Oh my god I can't stop laughing at that. Maybe it's because it came straight off the back of that batshit-crazy video. I know gender ideology is so often a vile and throughly-depressing subject but at the same time there's a gold mine here for a comedian. Chris Morris could make a masterpiece out of this insanity (not that anyone would commission it).

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I would have just laughed in his face. Gestured to myself and said 'pretty local to where I'm standing'. They are just so utterly THICK

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I would have laughed too. There was a jobs board in a shop somewhere I used to live. Hidden away on a staircase so only those really in the know, or who bothered to look would have ever seen it. 'Local jobs for local people'. It always made me laugh and work out what the cut-off point was to make me a local. Is that within a mile radius of where I was born, or maybe ten at a push. I have links to several places and view them as home. Is it having lived there all your life? Or a year? Or five decades, is that enough? Your family must go back five generations.

The local is the national and the national is the local and I'd LOVE to have a conversation with that Labour canvasser! Maybe us women should go camp outside Parliament in London to see if they'll let us talk about 'women's matters'. Is it a devolved matter I wonder. I'll write and ask my MP, he must know.

No wonder Labour have never had a woman PM.

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Chris Morris could do that, and depict the same absurdities and lies people were seemingly prepared to accept as truths, but what could he add to this? It's more absurd than anything he's come up with.

The part of this that makes me so angry and sad, is seeing people being frightened to tell the truth, like the women protesting over abortion rights. They are there representing themselves and other women on an issue that refers entirely to women, but some were reluctant to the point of refusal, to state what a woman is. Affecting bemusement at the question and its relevance.

The people responsible for this outrage should be forced to account for themselves, and endure the consequence of being unable to.

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The Nolan Report interview with Ben Cohen could have been written for Brass Eye .

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Of course 6 year olds don't back out. They are being allowed, or led, to believe they are the opposite sex at an age when most of them are going through a developmental stage of not understanding the difference between looking like a girl and BEING a girl. Then, after pretending to be a girl for years, gender dysphoria is CREATED when the magical thinking of pretending to be a girl hits the reality of the body going through male puberty. And the 'solution' is to fit the body to the lie; not the mind to the reality. It's actually evil, IMO

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I'm working hard to make sure my children (about to turn six) are not pigeonholed on any way. It's my job to maximise their chances in life, not close down options.

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Good for you Jeremy. If I had little ones now, I would take them out of school RSE/PHSE if there was the slightest whiff or gender ideology. And I worked in a school for many years. And if one of their friends were 'trans' I would be asking exactly how this is being explained to their classmates.

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But of course, no adult can explain this to a child without direct, or implied recourse to gender stereotypes, the effects of which you and I are trying to protect our children from...The female Head at my school was sexist. That should have been a sign

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I'm trying to balance what to do as they get a bit older. My disability makes it difficult to have them at home all the time, and I'm sufficiently self-aware that I know I'm not a good teacher of young children. My children are also sociable in a way I never was - they enjoy mixing with others. My son in particular - he'll wander up to any child and give his name and ask if he can play with them! As a result, they like school. As I say, there is some balancing to be done.

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Oh you misunderstand - I do not advocate taking them out of school entirely, but I would be bolshy about looking at exactly they are being taught in particular lessons, and withdrawing from those lessons if there were no other choice

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Oh, no - that isn't the way I took it! It's been something that's troubled me since before they started school. Both my wife and I really want to home-school (working in universities has shown us how dire state education is), and the current inability to trust schools and teachers just reinforces that. We're due to move house again soon, and we're actively looking for places that have a strong home-schooling community that we can get involved with.

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Even when you don’t officially home school if you are a good parent you are teaching and influencing your children every day. Reading to them and talking with them about everything and anything is in itself an educational experience.

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I had this very talk with someone the other day. Helping open out their options, not close them down. Then how we learn not to regret things and paths we didn't realise we could have had if only we'd known or had the chance. All the best Jeremy; they're lucky to have you.

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Thank you!

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"Sex Stereotypes and the Development of Gender Identity Disorder in Children" (Katie Alcock, Developmental Psychologist and Guide leader hounded out of Girl Guides for raising safeguarding concerns: https://fairplayforwomen.com/stereotypes/

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I've been thinking how they could back out. How would that drifting vague thought solidify? Set that thought and it would niggle and then the child would make an announcement? To friends? Online? At home? Would a parent say, too late, I'm invested now, we've told everyone and the name on your school enrolment, school supplies and name labels has been changed. Your admin trail is set now. The medical care and hormones were expensive and your clothes are all wrong, we can't afford a new wardrobe. And many around them might be, you said you were, you can't back out now. You'd have to go round reminding everyone of your old name.

It's like weddings - so many go through with them as money has been spent, promises made, and arrangements are hard to back out of. Expectations have been raised and set. Other people will be disappointed. So people go along with it, despite regretting it. Then split up or live unhappily.

I knew a little pre-teen girl of a secular Christian background who decided she was an observant Muslim, insisted on a headscarf, then a few years later it was all quietly dropped. It was a real source of confusion and fear for those around her as she became dogmatic and offended and didn't have the maturity to realise how sensitive a topic it was. She lost friends as they were unbelievers and was at risk from everyone not understanding - she was playing at it and the attention it brought her.

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Apparently, the whole article says more. IF the child underwent social transition, then they usually went on to drugs. IF the child did not undergo social transition, 80% did not go on.

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And people like 'Steph' of Steph's Place - an adult male who transitioned late, see this as 'proof' transgenderism is innate. Rather than proof that grooming children, works.

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The active recruitment is something that is starting to trouble me more and more.

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It’s horrifying, it’s fascinating, I hope it is the end of stonewall. She is so very brave and she has endured so much.

I confess my knowledge of chambers is mainly based on watching ‘This Life’ more years ago than I care to remember and I didn’t realise I guess how important the clerks were and the impact that even they can have on someone’s career.

Regardless of the outcome just the information presented must be enough to make the charity commission sit up and pay attention. And companies who are paying in to the protection racket. Surely the reputational risk of association with SW is getting too much to tolerate.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

She has endured so much, her attackers lack all moral authority to claim they represent LGB people, they don't, hence the organisation Alison started. But rather than disagree with her position, they have gone after her with a ferocity that is unfeasible. I hope it's the end of Stonewall too, these corrupt and corrupting bullies, fit to neither speak for nor represent anyone.

I so look forward to the gender gravy train running out of track, and seeing all the bastards on board have to get off and face their hatred and bigotry, and face the damage they've done, or witnessed being done to so many people from within or behind the gender industry.

A great bloated cash cow created by misogynists and assorted immoral exploiters, to provide employment or career enhancement for members of Stonewall or cynical celebrities who have been in a decline for years. And, of course, a pass for all men who don't like women and want to see them so ideologically tied up, frightened of accusations of transphobia and an enforced desperation to be 'kind', they no longer feel safe to fucking define themselves.

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How about this approach to politicians canvassing on the door step: instead of asking staight away if they can define what a woman is, ask instead if they believe that trans women are women. When they eagerly reply yes to that THEN you can say "Ah - so you know how to define what a woman is then? Please oblige me . . . "

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Excellent strategy!

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I just watched the abortion protest video. I can understand why they started to demand the ability to abort up to a day before the baby was due.

Too many stoopid people involved. Thank god for the two at the end. But I noticed they were both older. I think it’s easier for those of us who were young in the nineties and previous decades to resist gender ideology.

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When I read the witness statement I realised one of Allison's Chambers who is featured heavily (and not in a Good Way) is someone I once knew. Pretty unsurprising given that person's demeanour back then. I hope they are on the witless list

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Those dumb incredibly stupid women … "I don't know what a woman is" and any one who has a uterus is a woman so they can talk about abortion.

But a trans man is man!

You simpletons!

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Like we’re all living in a Two Ronnies sketch

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Nothing happened? “This tribunal happened”, Wow.

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“Mr Drummond” amusing moment - no matter the outfit a man is a man, end of

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With old Colin what is he going on about he will never get pregnant!

Katy Montgomerie 🦖🦕


Doing an article about GC and abortion. Can you remember any GC people who are anti abortion? Got the receipts? Remember any times that GC groups worked with anti-abortion groups? Thanks! X

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This is thoroughly nasty isn't it? Trying to use people's statements back at them in some poor attempt to prove nothing? Scraping the bl**dy barrel. So again all women must be in favour of or against abortion according to which nail colour he's wearing? Women's rights over their own bodies being patrolled by a man who believes he's a woman.

Whether we are or are not expressing our views, what has that got to do with anything in his logic? You believe in X so you must be a bigot?

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Trying to divid people into 'goodies' and 'baddies'. with whatever suits Colin as on the 'good side'.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Working my way through Allison's report. Fascinating how her experience is relevant to her case on several levels.

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It's like hints in a CV - it's when you get talking to people about their motivations in an interview you find out why some people are suited to some roles over others. You can't fake that experience. She was forged through fire for the role she has and it's a revolting disgraceful thing that some thought they could casually get her removed for falling foul of their madey up nonsense new glittery religion.

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