Oct 2, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

The retconning of women like Pauli Murray as "trans" boils my blood. I spent a year in the US on exchange in the early '90s and first found out about Murray in my women's history class. I was so fascinated by her that I wrote an essay on her life for my major assignment. Decades later, I read the first article - from a writer I otherwise respected - declaring Murray "would have" identified as a trans man. I was still on board with much of trans activist ideology but still thought, "er...NO."

The hypocrisy staggers me also. These people, who get the vapours over the slightest hint of "misgendering" some beardy bloke who announced "I iz wimminz!" 5 minutes ago, have no compunction about "misgendering" gay, lesbian and bisexual people who are dead to suit their objectives. It also whitewashes the very real structural barriers and oppression women face. Why are there so many histfic stories about the 16th or 17th century girl dressing up in boys' clothes to sneak out or run away to sea? Because clothing coded for women was - and still is - designed to restrict freedom of movement. Women couldn't go to uni in many countries until the 19th century. My maternal grandmother was born the same year as Pauli Murray and had to leave school at 12 to work on the farm full time and help her mum take care of the men on the family. My paternal grandmother, who was born a few years later, was made to give up her dreams of studying maths at uni because her younger brother's private school education was the priority and anyway, she was going to get married someday so what's the point of a degree, right? My own mother had to resign her teaching job when she got married. Of course Pauli Murray - already a gender non-conforming girl - felt her life would have been easier as a boy. Of course she felt her desire for other women was a "male" thing because she was surrounded by heterosexuality.

Meanwhile, Frock Flicks' most recent Woman Crush Wednesday subject is...Eddie Fucking Izzard. With gushing in the FB comments of "love her!" Despite the fact that much of the oeuvre celebrated in the post designed to highlight women in the film and TV industry is from the years before Izzard decided he was a woman.

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My grandmother also had to go to work when she was 12. She grew up in a farm family (and ended up hating everything about country life) and what I'm guessing happened was that she went to work for another farm family (that was very common in the U.S.). Meanwhile, of five girls and one boy her brother got higher education, and my mother said he was as dumb as a post. My grandmother was a very bitter woman for some indiscernible reason [sarcasm]: she was extremely intelligent and spent her life working in restaurants and state hospitals, dying at the scene of her last job as hostess at a banquet at Ohio State University.

All the waste of intelligence when white men who have no other abilities crush everyone else under their heel.

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Oct 2, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Laurel Hubbard’s award is not an achievement award, but a ‘pity’ award. What an embarrassment for him - lol!

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It's an embarrassment for New Zealand (although judging by the videos of that committee meeting, the people in charge over there probably wouldn't agree), and for the women who actually achieved things in sport this year.

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Biggest balls in women's sports award?

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Or a "What can we do to really upset women" award, from troll central.

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Pity is power to them.

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Oh those Māori ladies...I can't wait for their scorching speeches on Waitangi Day. Would love to see them on The Mess in February to speak their minds, as I doubt NZ media will platform them properly for the holiday.

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Congratulations, old boy - I just got off a fifth 30-day ban.

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Re: the Guardian article - Dublin Bus has changed their 'give up your seat' signs on buses to refer to 'a pregnant person' rather than pregnant woman. Infuriating. They took advice from TENI or the National Women's Council of Ireland probably. (NWCI says that anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman.) Can't imagine Dublin Bus consulted actual pregnant women. Or Dublin Bus users.

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A black marker pen is your best weapon :-)

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Had a good time writing an email to Rachel Boyack, the smirking MP in the upper left corner of the Maori woman's -- Phillipa Landry -- testimony. She was there and she couldn't bother to hear the testimony and criticized Ms Landry for her "bad language." The bad language was directed AT Ms Landry by TRAs. Some days I get so sick of white people I want to rid the Earth of one of them: myself.

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Good on you for writing an email. Are you able, or willing, to share it? If not, no worries 😊

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Here it is:

"The stupid grin on your face during Phillipa Landry’s testimony to the committee was priceless. You didn’t even hear her say that the slur was directed against HER because you were too busy smirking. All it takes to be a NZ MP is the same thing it takes in the U.S.A.: low IQ, venality, and thinking you’re better than another human being who has it all over you."

I LOVE your self-description! I totally identify!

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Hahaha - thank you!

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I'm wondering how much money these women politicians have been slipped to pretend all this rubbish is true.

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Probably nothing, just a "if you want to remain relevant you'll do what my dick tells you". And they're like, "Sure, fuck bitches! I want money! She's a bigot! Mens wank matters!".

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Desperate wannabe celebrities and industry celebrities desperate to remain relevant have destroyed society.

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

The Guardian has published some disgusting stuff recently, especially on Wi Spa and Judith Butler. Yet in the last couple of days there have been two opinion pieces that have dared to speak out. Is there hope?



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Thank you for the links to these two articles, the first by Catherine Bennett and the other by Nick Cohen.

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I received a "survey" from the Good Law Project because I have supported one of their legal actions against the Gov for squandering taxpayers money during the pandemic on PPE and other things. I had an opportunity to enter "other campaigns which we should engage in"..... Lots of fun in that little box!

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We need to always call male entitlement and male violence exactly what it is, regardless of what the perpetrator calls himself.

Male anatomy+misogyny+aggression is one of the most dangerous forces on earth.

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Aaaah Ferring Pharmaceuticals, yet another company tied up with the WEF..............Oh and puberty blockers!

Transgenderism isn't about choice or the "Well-being" of children and adults alike, it's about creating new markets!

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The worrying thing to me is that ALL the mainstream parties are party funded by our NeoLiberal, WEF overlords. This is probably why the Tories are doing little more than wringing their hands over the transgender juggernaut. They don't want to actively endorse it because they know it will lose them votes, but they oversee the massive assault on women's, children's and gay rights as well as everyone's freedom of speech without doing anything to stop or turn the tide. The next election will be an interesting one.

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Owen Jones might finally wake up when he finds himself the "only gay in the village', with all the others having been Trans'd away. 😉

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No, then he'll say he's trans as well.

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Graham, you missed the first cover of an LGBTQ BLM activist man, dressed as a Bunny Girl for the front cover of Playboy. In the name of equality, everything that was created for women must now be shared with men, lol. Whatever ones views are on Bunny Girls I do find it rather ironic. https://www.justjaredjr.com/2021/10/01/bretman-rock-celebrates-halloween-with-new-playboy-digital-cover/

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As far as I'm concerned, men can have and do all the shitty, sexist stuff that women have had to do. Porn, prostitution, etc. Have it all, men!!

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That's the desire, to be a sex object. Before women were an accessory of their success, now they want to be the desire through government funding.

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Media is desperate to capture 0 - 25. Doesn't need to make sense, a stunted child on puberty blockers wants it to be real. Verisimilitude.

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So true. So sad.

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Same as any religion or cult. "They'll obey, I'm their hero". Get them while they're young! Beyond 30 and they might have a developed brain (bitter old lady). Wise as fuck!

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Very poignant. Never knew this was a use of DES, about on a level with lobotomy and electric shock, the latter of which was also used on gay men.

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The Guardian photo caption has disappeared now. How mysterious.

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How is this allowed?! https://mobile.twitter.com/Gljnner

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Attempt at parody so piss poor I almost feel sorry for its creator., who apparently believes he has some creative talent.

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I reported it but I'm doubtful they'll care

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