
Lia Thomas - I did several memes and pictorial comments on this subject, but this one was the best - perhaps most apt.

'Credo quia absurdum' is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd".

And I thought it was a rather good comment for the ostensible and sickening religiosity displayed by the other team members in the top photo.

The second caption I created was "Lex parsimoniae" - the principle of parsimony - which suggests that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same suggestion or prediction, one should select the solution that makes the fewest assumptions - simply put (and slightly erroneously) that the the simplest explanation is usually the best one. I am sure all here know that this is know as the principle of 'Occam's Razor'.

Again, apt and to the point...

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Ecstasy of the Handmaidens

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Ecstasy is exactly what is on the face of the girl at Liar Thomas's left shoulder (as you look at the photo). Extraordinary.

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When J.K. Rowling sat on a delayed train over twenty years ago, she stared out into space -- and into her head flooded wondrously creative, world-changing magic and joy. When Lianna stares out into space in a subway train advertisement, what is the incoming flight of fancy? A chilling and illogical cancellation fantasy.

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That video of the non-binary teacher. 😱 I was actually groomed myself in secondary school and I can really feel it in that scenario. Any teacher who does not fully appreciate and respect the power they have over all their pupils should be dismissed. ‘Do you feel safe?’ Oh my word. 😱 Leave the child alone and get on with TEACHING them the bloody curriculum! Your students are NOT your friends. 🤬

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

"Siri, show me a photo that will be used to explain 'forced teaming abuse' in a Title IX lawsuit"

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Lavery is now calling Joyce a fascist who should not be platformed!

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Yes, he's definitely trying to get out of it

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Pathetic. I’ve bought tickets for me and Mr Miaowmix and can’t fucking wait. He better NOT bail, I’ve paid good money to watch him be roundly trounced 😃

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And today wished for the death of the Queen. Account now suspended! Oddly enough...

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I caaaaaaaan't believe he has bailed (I mean obviously can believe it but WTF SO ANNOYING) I WAS SO READY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

How utterly tragic and predictable!!!!!!!!!!! Fascist platform lol from the genderwoo Stasi JOG ON MATE

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So much here to process that often I do not know where to start... every time I click on adn read some of these things, my mind has to contort itself. Like the FB group for lesbians that doesn;t wnat bi females but welcomes men with lady dicks? How do these people accept that? My mind just goes "TILT". I have seen so much of this kind of thing in Facebook groups in membership questions lately. Even trying to join a group on wildlife or houseplants means you have to agree to be "inclusive" and "no hate speech". I'm here to talk about plants and animals FFS! I join the ones that don't labour the point and just speak about staying on topic and treating each other respectfully. One sniff of woke-speak and I'm off. I'm drowning in the stuff already thanks to work. Most people at work seem like that poor kid in the hostage video with her teacher. The kids call you she/her because they can tell you are a biological woman you numpty. Stop correcting them - it's confusing for them and it's grooming. When I was a kid, no-one had to perpetually ask me if I felt safe - they just made sure I was. Asking someone whether they feel safe is more about validating the person that is asking than reassuring the respondee. If that incel followed me into a bathroom and asked me if I felt safe, I might say "yes" and then get the hell out of dodge while all the time I'd be screaming in my head "RUN".

Sorry about the steam of consciousness... Lavery is a dangerous AGP male and I so hope he is forced to debate with an intelligent woman like Helen. It's hilarious that trans people from the UK are asking him not to do it... if he was confident of winning the debate, if they had a leg to stand on, none of them would have to fear deabte of course. We all know this. We all know that's why they scream "NO DEBATE"

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Groomer teacher was quite terrifying 😳

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The photo of Thompson being adoringly gazed at by the women surrounding him makes me want to puke. They look enraptured, and the narcissistic prick is loving it, women on their knees where he likes them to be. Anyone who doesn't believe this is a cult just needs to look into the eyes of those women and the smug look on HIS face.

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Not photoshopped?

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It's a real image. It is an 'AP' image (Associated Press, I think) and it was featured in the NYT online edition. (At least)

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Luving Reduxx!

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Quite astounding how easy it is to tell the sex of that person up top.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

It seems that dyeing one's hair section by section into a rainbow doesn't leave much time left over for dental hygiene, or for reading signs on bathroom doors stating 'ladies' or 'gents'.

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If we all ignore Lavery, do you think he'll go away? You don't give narcissists any of your time.

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"'Trans Woman' Laughs About Harassing Woman, Following Them Into Bathroom."

So where are we on this? Stella Creasy MP would say that talking about this is just one of those "tricks that the patriarchy plays on women," and by "women" she includes this man who follows women into the bathroom and harasses them.

Laurie Penny would say that a 9 year-old girl who sees this man's penis in the bathroom should be told "It's rude to stare," and the New York Times would say we must teach children that a woman expressing concern about men harassing women in the bathroom, is a very bad person.

What a time to be alive!

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Poor old "grace" - daft twat slavers away but totally shites it when he has to confront a proper, academic, intellectually viable ADULT HUMAN FEMALE 😂😂😂 Get it right up him 💪💪💪

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Graham, I was under the impression that last person was a ftm? Correct me if I'm wrong, either way it's still abusive to do this to women, it's gaslighting in its purest form, "am I a woman, am I man? You'll always be wrong whichever you choose bigot"

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Once upon a time the Guardian was an actual NEWSpaper but the New York Times is still what it has always been: the newspaper of the U.S. ruling class. This is not to say there are not interesting stories in it, but one needs a great deal of skepticism and access to non-corporate news sites to read anything written in the NYT about foreign policy. They intentionally fall into every trap: making up stories (see the invasion of Iraq), using unidentified single-source informants (usually government "leaks"), and doing the bidding of U.S. oligarchs, including peddling gender ideology.

Years ago I thought it would be fun to do a comedic book of old NYT editorials, but couldn't picture myself scrolling through endless microfilm. For example, they had an editorial extolling the virtues of giving cows bovine growth hormone, this from people who know zero about agriculture, zero about cows, zero about ecology. I was sure I could find many hilarious and embarrassing editorials from the days of yore!

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A person whom I admire and follow - Jerry Coyne from U of Chicago (biologist) - has recently cancelled his long-standing subs with the NYT. He has watched in utter dismay its rapid descent into 'w*k*ism'. He is not impressed!

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