
The Pink News Awards are basically The Razzies.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter, KFP

Well...this lifelong Labour voter won't be voting Labour anytime soon....

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Same here. I decided that about a year ago when Starmer said, 'We shouldn't be saying that', to Andrew Marr's question, 'Is it transphobic to say that only a woman can have a cervix'.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by KFP

Same. I don't even think a gun to my head could make me vote Labour this time around.

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Are you 'Kay E' my YouTube pal? 😄

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter, KFP

I am indeed, YouTube & Glinner pal, too! Addicted to Barry Wall of the beep-de-beeps, as well! 😊😂 You'll find me kicking off about gender woo on various platforms!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Disgraceful from Starmer. Clueless. This may earn him brownie points from a certain tiny group of pink-haired Twitter youngsters, but actually the majority of the electorate don't give a toss about Twitter - and half of voters are women. It's such simple maths and he's intelligent so there's something else going on. It's the wholesale bullying of the trans lobby. Starmer is scared. The party's allowed itself to be infiltrated and it's a case if wear that pride flag or be booted out. The Tory Party have long been mocked as the Nasty Party. Labour seems to be going down the road of the Paedophile Apologist Party. They seem never to learn. Sigh.

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You know - He LOOKS scared to me.

He has the permanent expression of someone who thinks he has left the gas on at home.

He is supposed to be 'forensic'. Well, clearly he is not on this issue - it is pathetic, shallow pandering to a ludicrous and shameful ideological minority, and it will eventually be the death of the Left as we used to know it, if it isn't already in the morgue...

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Gaslighting us with an expression of I've left the gas on.

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Is that irony, or double-irony?!

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Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

A little too ironic.

And, yeah, I really do think.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Well said, Moley!

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*cute surprised hamster meme*


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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter, KFP

Hell yeah! p.s. what's the relevance of 'moley'? Moles are so cute.

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Relevance? It is my long-standing internet name, that is all!

'Moley' is what followers on Twitter call me!

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Do you prefer moles, to say rats, toads, or badgers?

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

god Moley you are so right ! petrified covers his basic look... lettuce or petrified... what a choice...

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by KFP

I mean, it's still shit, don't get me wrong but I think that the Tory party has got more and more politically left over the years (as society has, I mean I 'identify' as a centrist - HA! - but obviously I'm alt right these days because I'm not keen on drag queens hanging out with kids and I'm not crazy about sterilising kids). I also have this thing about biology, I'll take the word of Charles Darwin over TRAs. On the Origin of Spe'cis' just doesn't chime. I'm not saying it's a leftist party but I really don't see it as the Tory party of old. It at least PRETENDS to be a bit more down-to-earth, culturally. Perhaps it's just because Labour are SUPPOSED to be for the working class that its middle class disease shines bright. Big pink [news] spots!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I think Labour has just become more and more 'niche'. The Tories have been canny enough to spot that and benefit from it. We're at the point where it's not about traditional left/right politics...it's about one party cashing in one fact that, however damaging or dodgy they are, the other party has ended up pandering to a little noisy group of bickering middle-class dimwits. Agree totally that it's all about ideology and not politics. And most people don't like gender ideology or the pink-hair brigade. Someone somewhere needs to set up a new political party!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by KFP

Absolutely. I really do wish the Tories could just behave themselves, enough to get voted back in at the next election. Their shambolic nonsense is a threat to women and children, if this paves the way for Labour...

The conversion therapy linguistic wordplay is REALLY p*ssing me off. Who knew that wanting to outlaw all conversion therapy - including trans, I mean - would result in child abuse of the highest order? It sounds so ethical, so 'for the people'. I'm horrified at how manipulative this is. Labour MUST know what is going on, that this is the biggest scandal, perhaps in all of human history!? Do you think they really would include trans in the ban if elected!?

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter


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Beth Ditto has been a disappointment.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

same here

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Photo in the Telegraph of Penny Mordaunt and some supporters playing up her “key attributes “- guess who they include? Maria Miller and Caroline Noakes- all mad as hatters in my view. Heaven help us all

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Penny Mordant one bro is a TRA and the other is grooming children - with relatives like that you DO wonder what else she's hiding.

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The winners of Pink News Awards are losers.

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I admire the bravery of the psychology masters student, she's exposing an attitude to counselling that has nothing whatsoever to do with counselling. The approach and attitude she's describing is unethical, narcissistic, divisive, inconsistent, incoherent and idiotic. These people are not fit to work in education in any capacity. Which is fine, because they aren't aiming to educate but to indoctrinate and leave their students, or subjects, incapable of independent thought.

Unfortunately, the purge required to get rid of this psuedo ideological detritus is enormous and wide ranging, but it has to start somewhere. With people like this woman and the others she inspires to say what they feel out loud.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

She is amazing...so clear, so rational regarding the validity of her concerns...and what she says is so damning.

I work within the field of sociology and what I have been unable to get over is how academic theories have suddenly made their way out of academia into professional training and guidelines, quite often being hopelessly misunderstood, misinterpreted or deliberately manipulated along the way. Something that is traditionally seen as an academic notion to be critically discussed, one of many lenses with which we might view the world, suddenly becomes an innate 'truth' that's blindly adopted as The Word. The damage being done is immense.

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The one good thing about the idea of civilizational collapse is that the Antiochs of the world will die in the dust.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by KFP

Well, well, well. The woman who refused to comply with the 'gender' 'woke' guidelines in order to pass the ideological test for colon surgery is -- this is good -- a lawyer. We'll be hearing a lot about this. Best wishes for her health. Such courage.

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That CEO (she's in her late 40s so surely should know better) just started a few weeks ago.

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So glad she's got the light of publicity shining painfully in her eyes. And to think she was probably celebrating when she got the job. Karma.

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I'm concerned that she's a Trustee for a Hospice.

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Can you imagine? Being so vulnerable at the end of your life and having to deal with this shit. Cannot imagine. Never even thought how this could affect the dying.

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Saw that " drag queen " clip on the Matt Walsh show.!! Totally vomit inducing 🤮. Surely we're approaching critical mass ? So much horror being exposed Daily SHOULD be on every news channel and every newspaper ,yet GB news is really the only TV channel that does it ,along with a small number of newspapers. The rest MUST know what's happening surely ? They certainly know enough to report on rapes being committed by "women" and use phrases like " HER penis " ,accompanied by a pic of a bloke in a wig !! I'm lending my vote to the Tories next time as well. Totally terrifying to think that Keir Starmer could get in and instantly reform the GRA. We want to abolish it completely. Thanks for the post ,Graham 👍👏❤️

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Tories all the way. I care about women, children and LGB people too much. Sadly, so many woke idiots (who would agree with us wholeheartedly if they took 5 minutes to research and think it through) will vote Labour as a F-You to the Tories. They know not what they do.

P.s. no issues with anyone voting Labour because they have looked into all of it and genuinely feel it's for the best. Just not people who have always voted Labour and who can't wait to stick it to the Tories. Not with Labour's current aims. IF gender totally falls between now and then and they change their tune, I'll happily vote for them.

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Me ,too. but I'm Scottish so it's the SNP people keep voting for in spite of the fact that they're happy to throw women's rights and child safeguarding away in favour of predator and paedophile " "rights". So alarming that ,just when we need a strong right wing government to combat these extreme left wing / communist policies,the Tories pull themselves apart. It's as if they ,too ,have been hijacked from within.🤮👎💔

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I love the 'logic'...I'm a cervix-haver, you are a prostate-haver. But sexual difference between us doesn't exist and mention of that is transphobic.

You may state you 'feel as though' you have a cervix or would like to possess one but you 'have' a prostate as a prostate-haver. It is in your body because you are a man.

Sometimes I get so exhausted. It's like dealing with flat-earthers. I have more rational conversations with 4 year olds.

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Or with 4, year olds.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by KFP

The Famous Artist Birdy Rose has a t-shirt that says "The Earth is not flat". Brilliant.

Agree with you. It's tedious. Irritating. Unbelievable actually.

They haven't just groomed children, they've groomed so many adults to believe their sh*t!

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Hey, I agree with Pop’n’Olly — "It’s not just important that we use each other’s correct pronouns, but also that we teach children about them" — CORRECT being the operative word.

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The Antioch University Counselling whistleblower is excellent. Thanks for posting. Horrifying details about the depth of indoctrination and betrayal of counselling principles, no doubt similarly prevalent at other centres of 'social justice'.

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Gasp. In NZ Ru Paul’s drag queens (who I wouldnt usually object to in terms of niche or comedic adult entertainers) were bragging(?) that they can now read books to children without question and almost snickering on mainstream media news at 6pm. This, apparently, is progress for them. One can’t help feel a sense of dread especially when levels of abuse and grooming of children is being exposed by Royal and other Commissions of Enquiry both here in NZ and in the UK and right now revealing who was complicit and how these enablers should b charged criminally fir their silence while 10’s and thousands of children were and are sexually and other ways abused, neglected and failed by adults and authorities in power who should have and could have protected them.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Drag and kids? It does my head in. Courage, Uniqueness, Nerve, Talent? That's ok for kids, is it? That's the kind of humour and message we want them to have? It's just Nerve on its own, nerve as in unbelievable audacity!!

Do you have trans drag queens on RPDR NZ? I don't watch our show over here in the UK but I watched a clip where all the trans queens were laughing about - and glorifying - taking hormones. We don't want these vain, entitled, ideologically driven adult men around children.

All the people on board with it and are completely sold on the idea. It's "just like panto", "kids watch scantily-clad pop stars", "it's just a bit of fun". I'm a prude and a bigot. What can we say? I'm out of ideas. If people can't see it, they can't see it.

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If they weren’t using our public safe spaces for community it’s become our problem for sure. Libraries, 6pm news all the male sexualised acting out dominating everything as men are want to do. Men as a class ALWAYS go to far prioritising their wants rather than the rest of the communities needs AND wants. This is all just more mens rights activism with make up on.

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It's got me wanting old school patriarchy back! Some men (not all) thinking they're fantastic and wanting validation and power? That's one thing.

But men who invade (or encourage other men to invade) women's spaces, wanting access to children and spreading an ideology that hurts people?

That's something else entirely.

We must all push back hard against those men.

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Just a vast and disgraceful example of abuse, neglect and endangering of children and abuse and misuse of power showing any mirage or veil of civilisation has slipped revealing what priorities those in power really have. Sick as fuck.

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Just think what wonders children could be learning with the extra time if this drag woo disappeared from their environments! Because it's not just that time, during that show. It's the child-brain working on it, the talk afterward. Children will act it out, relive it and play pretend on these carnal and inappropriate concepts. The boy in the wig and buckle shoes says it all with his glazed eyes.

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Washing my eyes out after that Plano, TX vid. More "this never happens."

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Maybe Starmer should take a break from his Sunning & Brave advisors and look to Spain where the left-wing coalition Government is getting serious pushback on gender self-ID from it's own members, who object to the "erasure of women."

Looking forward to Owen Jones trying to portray the left-wing Podemos alliance as right-wing bigots. Although it's more likely he'll just suddenly stop talking about Spanish politics and blocking anyone who mentions it.

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It''s amazing to think that Owen Jones supports this nonsense ,even though he's gay ! Also ,last year he was tweeting that he wanted to be a DAD and was talking about needing a surrogate ,so he DOES know what a woman is after all ! Such breathtaking hypocrisy leaves me speechless !!👎💔🤮😭

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He’s a slimy pipsqeak.

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But now I think the 2 main political parties both look so unelectable and people are so sick of this government and what they have done to the economy and our public services that we might end up with Labour soon anyway. The country's party politics need overhauling completely. But how that will happen, I don't know. In the meantime, making progress on the "gender problem" could get harder still. (I do think gender ideology will be pushed back away eventually but the harm done in the meantime is what worries me.)

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

I fear that if Labour get in, there will be a resurgence in gender woo, which will prolong it. Keir will have an LGBTQ+ tie on and talk about what the Tories didn't do, self ID, trans in the conversion therapy ban etc. I do agree that we so need political change, and people seem to want change, I just wonder at what cost to women and children :(

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Yes I agree there will be a concerted effort to regain ground. I worry about materials being brought bringing into schools and workplaces now but I would feel on strong grounds to challenge it. If a Labour government brings in the changes Starmer has spoken of, we could be further back than square 1. I dread my child's school being forced to teach the woo and even worse developments.

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Antioch "University" has always been a home for FLAKES, so it's hardly surprising that it's wokey, wokey, wokey. I know, I briefly lived in Yellow Springs, Ohio, where it's located, and a woker place cannot be found.

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By the way, the National Autistic Society? STILL signposting to Mermaids!

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