“Indigenous to where? Tumblr?” My belly laugh for today! This reality-talented and reality-gifted person found Esben Esther Pirelli Bendestad’s (phew!) pity-steeped tweet re. “the transgender day of remembrance” difficult to stomach.

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Biological reality is a colonialist conspiracy remember.

Indigenous Americans and Indigenous Australians were BIG on transgenderism 😮

Thank you very much Columbus and Cook!!! Transphobes!!! 😠😠😠

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Just wanted to say that I thought your interview on TalkRadio was fantastic! I've sent it to people who are on the fence about this stuff.

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JHB always hitting the nail on the head, as she does, and Graham, calmly handing her the hammer 🔨

I smiled the entire time 👏👏👏

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Yes ,totally brilliant !👍👍👏👏

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the lack of hearing, listening and seeing, that the emotionally bewildered seem to manage, over the prison trans BS, makes we worry how anyone, with the smallest scrap of intelligence can cope with daily life !

We check for traffic, crossing a road, we avoid flames, broken glass, yet the thought of a fully functioning male, who may have, or has raped a woman, being placed with the prey he has endangered is something we dare not suggest ?

Who is the fool ?

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Holy fríjoles, there's been some crazy shit on here but that bimbo politics tweet is NUTS.

Imagine being so narcissistic that you think rape victims would use it as an excuse to attack trans people. Which of course means that they'd RATHER LET THEIR ATTACKER GO FREE if it meant they could blame a trans woman.

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Like the recent story of that trans bloke who spoke at a Toronto memorial service for 14 murdered women. He managed to interpret the widespread objection to his speech as "proof" that he has so much more work to do on 'educating transphobes.'

It really is a clinical level of narcissism.

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But the judge should be strung up. What a piece of shit.

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I couldn't ever support the death penalty but I wouldn't mind seeing him share a prison cell with a hungry brown bear that identifies as a human.

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If every mum reacted like the "sweet baby angel" one in the cringe video, "non-binary" would go out of fashion in five minutes. Where's the unspeakable cruelty? The dreadful marginalisation? How can you be stunning and brave when even your mum's saying "That's lovely dear..."

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I’ve been thinking about the relationship these disturbed men had with their mothers. Now I had a wonderful mother who would have sorted me out lickity split if I had shown a fraction of their “confusion”. So what was or is going on in their families. How can you dress yourself up in womens clothes and pretend you are the sane as your mother. Are they all Norman Bates acolytes?

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I think it now seems fair to say that Norman Bate's mum is a mother to many.

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Notice argument used at Campaigner Christie Elan-Cane case.

'False declaration'

At a hearing in July, Kate Gallafent QC, representing Christie Elan-Cane, told the court non-gendered people and non-binary people have to make a false declaration to get a passport, which "strikes at the foundation of the standards of honesty and integrity to be expected of such official processes".

But Lord Reed said while non-gendered identity may be central to Christie Elan-Cane's private life, the designation of an identity in a passport is not "a particularly important facet of the appellant's existence or identity".



"false declaration" "strikes at the foundation of the standards of honesty and integrity to be expected of such official processes"

like women having to call men women!

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Personally, I'd have loved it if they'd allowed this half-man half-biscuit to have an x on his passport. Not sure where the person intends to travel but I have a fantasy of aggressively baffled customs officers in Poland or Hungary, going to town on Mr X. Some idiots just like to make life difficult for themselves. It would be cheaper for Elan-Can to take up golf or skiing.

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Half-man, half-biscuit!

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"biscuit"....as in cracker.

Recently Twitter, that renowned platform for social justice, decided cracker is hate speech too and will delete posts using it.

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I know what biscuit means, says woman searching for digestive biscuits without palm oil in them.

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Hi Susan. Not all palm oil is bad - it has to be sustainable palm oil that's all (so grown responsibly and not from cleared forest) :)

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I had to go digging for the story of that picture. It's a good one, she won the game and loves the photo, enjoy:


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Thanks for this! She’s awesome! “I want to show it to my kids one day,” she says. “I want them to know that the way you win a game is to claim your silence. The victory is much sweeter when you say nothing and let your actions do the talking.”

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Dec 16, 2021·edited Dec 16, 2021

Might be worth pointing out that MRA stands for Madison-Ridgeland Academy. Or maybe not.

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I did chuckle a little at that, quite an awkward coincidence!

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Great story

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The Guardian are polling for Person of the Year! I voted JKR 😀


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Please, can you all STOP saying 'blue haired' in reference to non-binaries, snowflakes, uber woke etc. It's as offensive as calling women 'Karen'. There is a world of GC feminists & our allies w blue hair /coloured hair. Plenty of old goths, punks, alternative music / art lovers whether they be straight, bi or gay that live proudly very colourfully. Using the same prejudiced tactics as misogynist bullies is unoriginal and beneath you all and frankly, I am sincerely sick of it. Thanks!

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Well, us geezers had to tolerate blue-haired for many decades, so get a grip. I've been watching Night Court, an American sitcom from the 1980s; it takes place in NYC where I lived at the same time. My god, haven't young people come up with some new fashion? The punk audience at night court were wearing the same clothes, hairstyles, etc, 40 years ago as young people now! Having lived in the East Village in the 1980s at least some punks had quirky senses of humor, such as wearing a bra on the OUTSIDE of her clothes, not having fancy piercings, just safety pins, etc.

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Certain hair colours always signal the same things....my nana had the blue rinse in the 1970s and she was a paragon of middle class conventionality....just like the contemporary wokesters who affect the psychedelic tresses nowadays.

Any old punks who are actually fortunate enough to have sufficient follicles on their pates are probably too arthritic to be able to massage the colorants in.

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We had to use food dye, I’ll have you know!

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I remember when kids were dying their hair with kool-aid (circa 2000).

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So no body remembers the propaganda posters from the Nazi's for Jewish people with enlarged giant noses, dark hair etc or the Americans for Japanese with tiny slit eyes? Using a physical identifier for any movement you admonish that is generalised is very dodgy territory, and frankly you should all know better! Sincerely, sinking to really shitty levels and it's shameful.

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Blue-haired was used to refer to older women for a long time and guess what? we survived. There is an enormous gap between blue-haired and ethnic caricatures, and frankly I don't like people comparing something such as blue-haired to racist hatred and extermination. You need to learn some history and realize that jokes made about silly hairdos have absolutely nothing to do with death camps and atomic bombs.

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I know my history thanks! Equating things to 'jokes' when they are very clearly not is just a sad excuse. But I can agree to disagree and still fight for the cause. :)

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I'd like to add another thing after seeing a GC feminist on Twitter say that is why she stopped dying her hair. I cannot believe it that she let (and it's not her fault) either TRAs or people on this side determine who she is 'allowed' to look.

Think about it people.

What is one of the main details of the patriarchy? It determining how EVERYONE should look. That's a huge part of why this shit show is happening!

Women not wanting to be super feminine, or wanting to, men not wanting to be super masculine or wanting to. Everyone being forced into these narrow super strict effing 'gender (dress) roles' and then the people gladly outside of that say eff that to all of them!

I will never allow anyone to determine how I look, what colours my hair is or what I wear (after a decade or two of it as a young impressionable female trying to please the male gaze) and it's breaks my heart that this shit is STILL doing so from BOTH SIDES for different reasons.

If you can't say see what I'm saying here, what are you even doing?

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I have had a great big chunk of pink in my hair for 12 years and was almost tempted to get rid of it because of all these trans and non-binary clones. (Despite it not being a new thing, bright hair was uncommon in my student years (2009-2012) - there were only a handful of us!) But I stopped myself. Why should I go back to normal because of these dickheads?! I try not to take the blue-hair jokes personally because this lot do have a uniform. See also jack-up trousers and large, round or clear framed glasses.

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I’m a renowned ‘terf’. But I will not bow to the imaginary’terf binary’! I’m a mother, I’m a woman but I’ve got no pearls to clutch and all of my hair is bright pink! ✌️✌️✌️

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Glad to hear you've stuck to your pink hair guns! I truly don't believe they have a uniform, sure there are the cliche's seen, but come on, there are thousands of TRAs and some are conservative AF / 'normal' looking etc, all the clueless hoards that saw TWAW - I will never stand for brushing masses with a 'you're all the same/look the same' brush. Too many years of being bullied for being different myself, and it's so not the damn point of all this.

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I have a folder of screenshots from the "nonbinary" hashing on Instagram and they are all dressed the same! Sometimes I feel they've co-opted a lot of the subcultures like goth, alt, emo. I know goths who've been pushed out of friend groups for being GC.

This might be tangential but their alternative clothing may be the reason they are bullied and they're taking it as "my gender is being mocked". I say that because I've seen many trans memes that seem to equate gender with a style.

I've been blocked for politely pointing out that anyone with unconventional style becomes a target! Including me. When I first went pink, I received abuse in the street!

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Oh I hear ya, sincerely! They're not original in anything they do. Hahaha! But when people say 'blue-haired' they're talking about every single TRA ever not just non-binaries. So much so that it's becoming synonymous with being on 'that side', as if the blue dye has sunk into their brains and made them these deranged anti-reality types. And I'm here to call bullshit on that. :)

I totally agree with you re those precious little enbies thinking they're being mocked for their pseudo non gender instead of their way of presenting themselves to the world. It's just another layer of their petulant narcissism. Like they invented looking 'alternative' and how unfair it is to have abuse hurled at you. : : eye roll central ::

I also hear you with knowing goths who've been pushed out of friends groups for being GC.. I can't say more lest I reveal too much.

Thoroughly enjoying your engagement with my rants here, I wish we could go for a drink! :D

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I just feel like stamping my foot on the ground and yelling to all these enbie twats US ALTERNATIVE TYPES WERE HERE FIRST and we didn't need to say we were non gender to do it, ya sad pieces of tragic poop! Ironically I was also grumpy with Emo's stealing style details from goths and punks, merging them with ridiculous hair and mainly, freaking atrocious music. HAHAH!

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And still no one is replying to my query regarding new fashions. The punk crew in the courtroom on the 1980s sitcom had pink hair, blue hair, spiked hair, etc. My other question is what does this constant dying do to one's hair? Now that everyone is iodine-deficient most people have very little hair to begin with. Look back at old movies and television shows and see how much hair people had! (There was iodine in bread.)

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*say TWAW! not saw.. waah! haha

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If that is the state of social work, the shocking negligence of the social workers who facilitated the abuse of little Arthur and Star starts to make a lot more sense.

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Lynda Carter

Born: 24 July 1951 (age 70 years)

Ah trying to be relevant.

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It'll never happen...

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That social work article - so much wrong! "The 'Gender Critical' refers to people who work to enforce gender binaries and believe that gender is biological". NO! No! No! Once again the idiots on the band wagon are conflating sex and gender. How can they not see that gender idiology is defining people by two binaries and then saying if you're not sterotypically a girl you could be a boy or fluid, or non-binary, and if you're not all stereotypically masculine then you could be a girl, or fluid or non-binary and ignoring biological realism!! Sex is immutable. That is what gender critical people beleive in. The majority of us couldn't give a monkey's for defining anyone other than as male and female because it matters.

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Having read the replies to Gay Human Male on Twitter in answer to his query How many gender ideologues does it take to change a lightbulb? I was in choking laughter mode. And what is the difference between the critical and the uncritical? We laugh and laugh while they defend rapists and threaten women.

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I fully enjoyed all the answers too. 😄

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I wish I could laugh about the indigenous absurdity, but since Europeans have stolen and appropriated everything from actual indigenous people, now they can claim to BE indigenous. My sense is that the idiot did not know what indigenous meant, but thought it sounded good.

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Jewish men dressing up as their moms clearly delineates their own twisted pathology. Something along the lines of "I'm totally obsessed with my mom even though I despise her for emasculating me and I want to kill her and wear her body as a costume." - And somehow this is proselytizing for the Church of The Non-Binaries?

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Anti-Semitic much?

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Well I'm Jewish and I am referring to a common cultural meme. Think: Portnoy's Complaint. I was offended by this man's mockery of Jewish moms. And AGPs ARE sick fucks who do hate all women and want to obliterate us and put on our skin, this one just happened to be Jewish

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Jewish in Iowa? We probably know each other ..

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How's the gender-critical scene in Iowa?

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I am in a waiting room, so can't watch the video.

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That's a fake NY Jewish accent if I ever heard one.

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Did Karen actually allege Genspect was funded by the Pritzkers? Or did she make a sarcastic comment?

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She thinks Buck Angel provides funding and objects to trans identified males and females being on the leadership board. And coming after her personally. And inferring she is a puppet of Rogaine Oger. All of which are reasonable beliefs. I really wish Graham would drop it. It really does feel like she's being ostracized and ridiculed for not being in the cool kids club, much like Posie Parker. Tired of it.

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