Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

"Our daughter, 3 yrs on from testosterone,is still in bed every day. It clearly didn’t help her. Who do we hold accountable? She’s back in our home after 3 years, being absolutely despicable. Her mental is terrible. We’re all back to trauma."

On top of all that, gender identity believers won't want to know these people and certainly won't want to hear about their daughter's mental health problems. She's now basically an apostate in the Church Of Trans, and admitting that taking a hormone meant for the opposite sex didn't (surprise!) do her any good, is basically heresy.

That was Sinead Watson's experience - "love-bombed" into transitioning, then ostracised when transitioning didn't help her. This story is going to be repeated many times.

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I struggle to understand this lack of empathy for young people. Yes, it's a religion. Yet, I've known some pretty full-on evangelical Christians who I do find comprehensible. They purport to believe in the absolute literal truth of the Bible from cover to cover, but in practice their ideas do get fudged to some extent when they conflict with reality. There's been a couple of millennia of fudging. How can anyone believe in something so new, so absolutely, to the point of refusing to have a rethink when troubled youngsters get hurt?

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And we can see that by allowing her in their home to behave "despicably" might have something to do with the entitlement inherent in taking wrong-sex hormones and thinking they're a good thing. Parents who don't set limits for their children often suffer for that big mistake.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Mole at the counter keeps people sane. Fantastic graphics and so funny.

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Thank you so much for saying that.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Absolutely true I love it when you’ve done a new graphic makes my day when all this is so grim

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Well, it's been a while now because of some attacks, so hopefully I can continue. Cheers.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

What about a book - include Fiona Bruce and Robert Winstone


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I get asked this so many times! It's a lovely thought and I do appreciate it, but copyright issues would be a problem.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Yes, enjoy your work. Visual satire's getting rarer!

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Thank you.

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Dec 17, 2021·edited Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Its funny how TRAs&allies react. When told the human specie is anisogamic they usually dont know how to respond and start calling you names or other weird gestures.

When im told there are a infinite number of sexes/genders then i ask how they differ from man/woman when it comes to dna, anatomy and gametes. Get told im phobic in return lol

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Just after they say gender is a social construct so changing it isn’t a problem, try telling them that race is too. They don’t seem to appreciate it for some reason.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Ouch !

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Ha! Obviously had to look that word up! The esteemed and honourable WikiP cites a contested theory from 2003. Unfortunately a wold goose chase. Shits pretty insipid right now. Gentle reminders of newspeak everywhere.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Wold goose? Probably "world goose" is better

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Or indeed, "wild goose chase". I blame whisky.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Beer, coffee, eggnog or whatever he wants bought for Moley.

Cannot stop grinning over those pathetic adult men wishing each other safety over the twitter like it’s the fucking blitz. What the fuck do they think is going to happen!?! I just cannot come to terms with how much people dramatise the idea of potentially being ‘victimised’. It’s so weird.

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Thanks so much for that. Appreciated very much.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

You’re very welcome, mate. Thank you for your genius! And merry Christmas.

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Same to you, friend! Cheers! M

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

The pathetic babies are truly pathetic. Stay safe? From people coming out as GC? Please show us the actual evidence where transwomen and TRAs are in danger or have been threatened by GC folk. There is plenty of evidence that it's the other way around.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

They do realise that the GC people are already out there and not locked in a closet don't they? No-ones turning into a monster over night. They are no more at risk than they would be on any other day. Drama babies.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I don’t get this sort of fallout when I disclose I’m an atheist to religious folks. And I could consider that God is a more important concept than gender stereotypes being more important than natal sex. I mean, most concepts deserve more respect than the latter, tbf.

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Same here for saying I'm an athiest - sometimes some pity that I'm not saved, but that's it. I have had an awful lot of bile and vitriol over the years for saying I didn't want kids though - on a par with the TRA stuff at times. Once more an issue about women having a say over biology and their bodies and rights. Funny that.

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I hear you! I enjoy talking with the faithful who practice forgiveness and love, it's a valuable insight for a non believer. When it comes to all the mothers in my life, it's hard to shake the attitude that my human experience (sans baby) is less valuable than theirs! Being a woman is often difficult around other women, being a women around non-women is often impossible.

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Yes, women in the all-women village in Kenya said they don't consider that one is a woman until one has children. Absurd but millennia-old thinking under patriarchy.

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“Being a woman is often difficult around other women, being a women around non-women is often impossible.”- Wonderfully put!

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And yes. The belief in ‘God’ being goodness and trying to emulate that, and acknowledging evil is a human condition. I understand it, I follow the same rules… just not in a religious concept.

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The hate doesn’t get much better even if you have kids. In fact, all your opinions, in general, are deemed insignificant.

If you are biologically female, you can’t win.

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So many men are such whiny cowards, so pathetic. And now they don't even mind appearing in public as pathetic.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter


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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Yes, it's not as if we're being urged to target TRAs with threats of physical or psychological harm, is it? It's simply a day for people to say "I don't drink the Kool Aid".

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

They seemed surprised that people that knew about them were ones giving them a hard time!? Did they think their fan base was 14 year olds on Tiktok. As cringeworthy as Billy Bragg's venture into genderwoo.

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Nonono! Not the Sleaford Mods too😭

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

It's MAD! Like finding out my faves were Scientologists!

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Just read the Women Are Human article about Sophie Labelle and feel ill. I don’t have children, but I think those that do and happily post images of their children online are naive to do so when individuals like Labelle could get hold of them. Just wrong. His hard drive should be checked.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Time and time again this blog makes the connection between gender identity ideology and paedophilia. At least Jimmy Savile made an effort to hide his perversion whereas this lot literally broadcast them on social media, and yet still the "stunning and brave/cruelly marginalised" narrative persists, to the point that it influences the law, education etc etc.

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The connection between furries and online grooming is hard to ignore. In particular, the influence anthropomorphic communities have over children on the spectrum. Daddy Bangles was given unlimited access by responsible adults without even donning a fur suit! No one charged, as far as I know.

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This would possibly be construed as child porn in the U.S. And I still cannot believe that people put photos of their children online. Pedophiles like to look at even fully clothed children. Parents were outraged at a sex offender taking photos of their children at a playground here in Maine and got that stopped.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I'm amused, it's that's the right word, by Paul Ilett's concern for his safety and the safety of others in relation to GC Day. The incongruity is certainly in keeping with the delusion, hyperbole and hypocrisy of TRA's and their 'allies', or fellow misogynists.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Afraid of stickers and ribbons! God help us if the West gets attacked by a hostile power !!😢😢😢😢😢😢

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What's-his-name who wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich emigrated to the U.S., couldn't stand it, and returned to Russia. He said the West was soft decades ago.

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Ha, didn't know this! Solzhenitsyn and his Gulag Archipelago. Should be part of the education curriculum.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

Voted for JKR on the Guardian website, although I doubt very much they would dare to accept the result if she did win.

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That would be fascinating to see. If she won clearly, would the try and G squirm their way out of it?!

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

All these beardy bros keep sending out their vacuous virtue signals for those sweet dopamine hits from other wokies is so disingenuous. Then, they sit around bidding one another to "stay safe" while fantasizing on Twitter about the possibility of them being somehow victimized by GC coming out day.

Oh, and I just saw where a German Bible Museum transed Jesus as in turned him into a TIM. They also turned the Virgin Mary into a TIM and said we "need to take a deeper look at the varied gender identities in the Bible."

While Trans Ideology is certainly a religion, I dont feel most Christians will approve. I had a hearty laugh, however. Even Graham in his genius comedic writing could not come up with such absurdities. 😂

Moley, will be sending you some support very soon. Thanks for keeping on 💜

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Good points there! Interesting about the German Museum stuff....

And thanks so much! I do appreciate the support!


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Even more evidence that the tras have completely lost it !! Completely bizarre. Makes you wonder who runs museums these days !!

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Considering that Germany makes Amsterdam look wholesome, I would guess that predatory perverts run the bible museum.

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Moley, you magnificent bastard!

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Thanks... You magnificent imitation stalker, you!

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Feeling strangely twitchy now about my beard... 😳😂 #notallbeardedmen #buttoomany

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Don’t be, gentle Goodbeard!

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Aw, thanks Graham! I did note the irony of someone posting a photograph of Hagrid in that Twitter thread, given Robbie Coltrane was one of the few, or possibly only Potter actor to speak out in JKR's defence.

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At least you're not getting all indignant and comparing yourself to Jews in death camps!

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Honest to God, those men-babies sound ridiculous. They're scared of some people putting a hashtag on their tweets? I have a suggestion for them if it's that terrifying; don't log onto Twitter that day.

Some heavy filters in use on that rainbow unicorn bedecked cartoonist there.

Good interview on the JHB show the other day. Well done!

Beer sent to the lovely Moley.

Nomination sent to the Guardian.

Thanks for everything Graham.

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Thanks very much, appreciated.

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I’d suggest if they get scared that easily, they stay off twitter all together. I’d ask how these people manage to leave the house when the average person on the street know’s that sex is more important than gender stereotypes. But I’m sure they’d answer “with great difficulty! Everyday I fear for my life! My LIFE IS IN CONSTANT DANGER!”.

I mean, I’m a woman and I don’t make this fuss. Twitter is fucking horrible for women. I just simply no longer log on.

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I would go further and suggest if they get scared that easily they should simply hide in their wardrobes in perpetuity. Perhaps after dark they could gingerly open the door and then sneak out for snacks - Jelly babies, rusks and egg soldiers would be appropriate...

That is, assuming they are not scared of the dark as well...

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I wouldn’t assume anything at this point.

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We can dream! The world would be a better place if they'd lock themselves in their wardrobes!

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Happy to buy our Twitter ‘Banksy’ an advocaat or 2 for Christmas 🎄

I read yesterday, on our esteemed window to the bewildered, that a trans lesbian had acquired a penis … acquired?

Planted a seed and it grew ? Oh wait …

it might now be possible.

Last week Adam and Eve, Eve of course was trans …

Then an entire thread on how the poor unsuspecting little poppets, wouldn’t have read any Harry Potter, because JKR wrote transphobia throughout every book.

Will these ever have gainful employment?

Nothing to see here. Move along, everything’s fine …..

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Thanks Jan.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Very welcome Moley

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Don't jump all over me, but I've never read or seen anything by JKR! To this point, I haven't contributed to her success. I'm going to see about correcting that soon, one way or another.

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I binge read the Harry Potter books when the last one came out years ago. I was around 20ish so a bit later than u really should imo. They're basically YA novels done really well so if you're out of your teens you may not get as much out of them.

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I read them for work and enjoyed them, and plenty of adults in the U.S. love them.

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As adult, you would not have. Someone lent me the first 3 Harry Potters. They are written for children, although to be honest, I was still able to enjoy her tremendous imagination. Still, she became a heroine to me with her anti Trump tweets and she's done nothing to disappoint me here.

She does write as Robert Galbraith for adults so these are the books to look for.

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I've recently read them.

Good Lord, what an imagination that woman has!

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Yea read Potter. Our entire family read them, even my 80 year old mum. Great fun

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Totally loved them and the Robert Galbraith books !!👍👍👍

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Please do. She's a brilliant writer !!👍👍👍

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