Regrettably yesterday I was perpetually banned from twitter so I'm unable to join in for the GC Coming Out Event.

Though it was because I was already out and loud that got me banned in the first place.

My penultimate "hate speech" offense was saying " there is no such thing as "trans" people. There is a mental illness called gender dysphoria that these ppl suffer from"

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You got your gold 'bad badge' :-)

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If only I'd said all trans ppl were sick and crazy f@cks that I wished were dead with a porcupine stuck up their bom hole then everything would have been fine.

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Serious point, there will be TRAs watching on twitter today and digging through timelines for anything they can report. There are tools such as tweetdelete that can delete old tweets, which might be a good idea before saying anything on there.

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As someone whose critters are intimately familiar with porcupines -- my curious horse even got what we called "porkied" -- they all said OUCH! when they read your comment.

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Oh, I might quote you on that

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Me coming out is a mere formality.

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GC Coming Out Day is here in New Zealand! Here is my 'coming out' piece on Medium (it's a tiny insignificant account, so not likely to make a big splash, but it's out there :-) ). Having said that, most people who know me will already have seen my colours nailed to the mast - lol!


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Great article. Well done. 💪

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You know what I like about aging? One's sight and hearing might not be as sharp, but one can SEE better than ever and HEAR better than ever. (A lot of people have no idea what I mean by this, sad.)

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Oh, yes - I totally get what you’re saying. I have said the same thing myself, too. It’s a shame that more older women don’t use their special sight and hearing for this fray.

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Well, you have to be emotionally and mentally prepared for what you are going to see and hear!

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Haha - nothing can prepare you for that until you see it with your own eyes, and hear it with your own ears. It's like nothing else ever experienced in most Western women's worlds in this lifetime. But, I agree that we have to have a strong vagina for it :-)

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This made me laugh, it's the Grandma/Red Riding Hood answer that my Grandfather used to give on asking him why his ears were so big (they were fascinatingly so). All the better to hear you with my dear! Off to get my ear trumpet.

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I know, isn't that weird about men's ears and noses getting larger with age?

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I can't come out as GC and be loud about it. I would most probably lose my job. I couldn't care less about people that would get offended if I did or "unfriend" me, but I have to pay the bills. I'm still working "undercover", peaking those I talk to though. I've peaked a few and I'll continue supporting in any way I can.

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Be safe.

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Thanks Susan. You too!

Everyone be safe and do what you can do. Keep peaking people, signing petitions and writing to MPs. Solidarity!

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Kiera and Sinead are so incredibly brave! They are trailblazers opening the doors for so many who may not be ready to come forward yet, but they will soon, because they had the courage to speak out. And they will be part of the reason many will not have to go through what they did. True heroines. ❤️

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I'm gonna do an instagram thing. Kinda nervous, i have to admit. I have many gay and lesbian friends that i haven't really spoken with about this.

As far as the guy in a dress screaming horrible racist things at a black woman, of course it's awful but you don't have to be a trans person to be an idiot. Did I miss something?

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But I think the idiot quotient among trans and trans supporters seem to be higher than among ordinary humans, and that's going some!

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I'm not sure what else to do - I rather think my GC credentials are obvious for all to see! I'll think of something, though 😁😁

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I'm going to do a poster to put on my car's windows while I'm shopping, especially shopping at Trans Co-op. I love the phrase gender heretic.

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#SexNotGender and #IStandWithReality.

I just tweeted your post with the above #hashtags

(Bible study meeting on zoom all morning) so not online till late.)

I am neither a feminist or gender critical) … but no human can out do biology!

Just say as someone who believes in biology.

No ideologue, or phobia can stop you growing old and dying … and

the sex you are born with, you will age with and die with.

No billionaire/trillionaires can change this fact of life.

Surgery and drugs are superficial!

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I liked what a scientist said after SARS Covid-19 started: If you pit yourself against Mother Nature, Mother Nature will win every time.

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No but whoever wrote the article has this neat paragraph 'Mr Linehan believes biological sex is more important than the controversial idea that an individual can choose a ‘self-identified’ gender, which has seen biological men demand the right to use women’s lavatories and changing rooms.'

Good to see that our view is the default one and self ID is controversial.

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Though good to see that voting in the comments is HUGELY in support of Graham. Man and woman on the street aren't buying it.

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Never been anywhere near having a Twitter account, nor do I feel the urge to get one and I don't understand the hash tag thing apparently related to Twitter, so instead I'll put my tuppence worth here https://oniondays.substack.com/p/gc-coming-out- on substack, in celebration of 'GC coming out' day, and link to it from Facebook, so I won't just be preaching to the converted.

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Very little surprises me at the moment, but I would bet money that it will be suggested that the sex and gender be changed, so the definition for rape, will cover women, as well as men.

This won’t be classified, as a loophole to get through, as far as we are concerned.

This will be a noose, to try and strangle the obvious… transwomen can rape !!!!!

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If any group openly proposed that, it would be a weapon of mass peaking.

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I'll get something on my FB and might join Tweeter just for a quick inflammatory one that will get me barred.

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Meeting with a couple of local GC womens tomorrow, we’ve met through this and we’re encouraging other women to join us. Got a few leaflets ready to share too along the way. 🥰 😜 We need this date to confirm we are here and we won’t wheesht.

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Jealous you managed to find some like minded women. I would feel much less frustrated if I found others like me in the wild! (Mental to even talk like that. “Wish I could meet people who believe sex is more important than gender”🤣)

Good on ya!

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You on twitter? Maybe 🤔 I could help…?

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I was, I’ve had to leave. It was getting a bit too much.

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Get ya. XX

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Joined twitter, had a pop at Lynda Carter and followed GC critical people with comments. There will come a time when I get banned as I won't be able to repress my innate French rudeness but until then, I'll immerse myself in that toxic pond. Did a couple of posts on FB (one with a newer JK Rowling quote) and found two of my friends who'd not responded before who now like it. A small result.

Being an old pensioner has many upsides and I don't need to fear reprisals where I live in Bulgaria. Those of you who cannot stick your neck out have all my sympathy.

Happy GC coming out day everyone.

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Netherlands is trans territory, since it's so-called tolerance allows anyone to be what they want to be! Just costs more because you need a lot of medical supporters and different costumes

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Bezos using his unimaginable wealth to fly pedobear about in space for fun feels like the winner in a "how would you peak Owen Jones" contest.

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Pretty sure OJ is unpeakable. superhuman strength of ignorance and arrogance that one.

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How much disgusting trash can you fit in a rocket at once?

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