Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I was really upset seeing the way he spoke to her. It was just so sneering and oozing in condescension and misogyny, it really took my breath away. Especially as he isn't a usual suspect MRA/TRA, supposedly just a radio show host. I think in part it was so unpleasant because it was like a mirror to some of the experiences myself and other female colleagues have at work - you don't always see it so clearly when you are on the receiving end, but to see it happen to someone else, it is clear as day. Some men really hate us women don't they.

I don't know if it is in breach of broadcasting rules because Ofcom doesn't make them easy to follow but I put in a complaint anyway because I don't see how calling her hateful for believing in biological sex creates balanced broadcasting.

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He hadn’t prepared or researched the subject - I hope he catches up fast as looks lazy for someone in his job. Also any lazy CEOs, HR Departments and politicians still expounding this mad stuff. Lovely to see everyone speaking out about it being complete nonsense.

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Similar to James O'Brien. The misogyny's there, just well-hidden, ready to come out in so very many men of whom one might, heretofore not have expected it.

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And , yes, it's been a shock to me also - some men really, if not 'hate', definitely disdain us.

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We forget that at our risk !

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I'm particularly disappointed in James O'Brien. I don't know his stuff well, but I've seen him arguing effectively and passionately in the past and it's sad to see him fall victim to this nonsense too.

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This is what happens when your politics become your morals. Thinks he owns the full deck of right-think. I look back on some of his interviews with people whose political view I disagrees with (and so I cheered him on) and see the same bombast and arrogance. He's not a nice man, IMO

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Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

You've perfectly highlighted there how it was I began to question some of my leftist beliefs. I was having a lively conversation some time go now with a mate of mine, sadly no longer with us, but I remember him saying "the trouble with the Left is they think they have the monopoly on virtue" - that sentence has stayed with me ever since. I hadn't really considered until recent years just how dangerous people who think they hold the moral high ground can be.

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*we're not were all stupid

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"The trouble with the Left is they think they have the monopoly on virtue" is bang on. And they look down their noses at everyone else as though they know better than everyone, about everything, all of the time, and that were are all stupid. And use phrases like "Get an education" to people who are far more intelligent than they are. I used to be a leftie back in the day, before they turned into this bunch of sneering, arrogant, self righteous virtue signallers.

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Do some men in powerful positions “busk” to their own Voice/thoughts instead of putting in work?

Lazy - but hopefully he isn’t a completely bad person

Someone should send him some books on this subject. Hopefully he will be mortified when he realises what’s driving it.

Would be good if Graham could get people like him on Mess

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Yes maybe. I wrote to him a couple of years ago about what is happening to GNC kids in schools. I'd hope something like that might make a dent even if he doesn't care about women. But we will never know because, IMO, he is also the type of person who will never admit or apologise.

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Totally agree. He also said that she should be cancelled, is he trying to get the activists on his side?

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Virtue signalling ,possibly or even playing devil's advocate to peak more people ? Whatever his motive was ,Kellie Jay saw him off !! She won't compromise and neither should we !!👍👍👍

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Cancelled? So much for the "home of free speech"!

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This wanker over talks everyone, not just women, and he puffs his chest, and does that smiling sneer, because of course, he knows best !!!

I’ve worked with pigs like this, you never forget men like that.

I hope he’s got plenty of lube with him, the Willoughby fella is on in the morning ….. eurgh !!!!

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Except it was Debbie Hayton, who took no nonsense apparently!

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He was notably more deferential to Hayton that to KJK.

Do we think he’s learned? Or is it that he in fact knows a man from a woman & treats men better?

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He respects Hayton because Hayton is not a natal woman.

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The latter. Not one of them believes this shit deep down. Not one.

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I don’t think he’s learned anything. This could be for attention, Willoughby leapt to his side telling how the evil terfs will get him, while he acts the innocent.

He has his own agenda……..

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Don't be upset. Kelly-Jay is made of sterner stuff than he'll ever be. She keeps to the point and isn't sidetracked by all the garbage because she's heard it all before a thousand times. Her expression when he said "not necessarily understanding that somebody can be born in somebody else's body" - priceless. "somebody else's body" does the man at all hear himself? So embarrassing. Whose body for god's sake? If it's not your own - then whose was it? How on earth did the mix-up occur? How the hell is it possible to be born in somebody else's body? What could that even mean? The ideology of "born in the wrong body" is so patently bullshit it almost screams at you how batshit stupid it is, and even trans ideologues now are trying to backtrack on that one and pretend somehow they never said it or meant it in "that way". Even they can see how insane it is to say such things. Poor old James Max though is trying to be a journalist armed only with three year outdated propaganda, nobody takes seriously anymore. He gets taken to the cleaners deservedly. No need to feel offended by that interview on Kelly-Jay's behalf.

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Yes that "somebody else's body" comment was priceless. I have recorded it for posterity.

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Yes she’s formidable which is great

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He struck me immediately as extremely stupid. And stupid people don't put ANY work into preparation and when their stupidity is shown plainly over and over they get nasty. It's one thing to be a not-very-intelligent person and it's another thing entirely to be petty and mean as well.

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I feel so sorry for that poor girl who transed herself and now regrets it. Knowing there are many others like her out there only makes it worse.

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Me too. It is so heartbreaking that she thought a) that she had to fix herself and b) that she thought transing would be the fix. The issue is (and always has been), how women are treated and you can't choose your way out of it sadly.

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To a degree you can. You can choose to be a strong, fierce woman who takes no shit from anyone. And lo and behold, you usually get respect. (And if not respect, fear.)

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Hi Susan. In my experience even having an opinion certainly doesn't make you popular. I can remember a few times where I have stood up for myself (against men), and the group have tried to bring me back into line by shaming me. Taking no shit can be lonely ground. Mostly for women, it's take no shit and be unpopular or smile and be popular. I know for certain that I would have been promoted more if I took more shit and agreed more. I've been told a couple of times that I am "challenging" to manage which translates as "I lack management skills so it must be you" - usually because I challenge things that I don't beleive will work or I have my own view which I put forward (backed up with evidence and an MBA). With some folks though, yes you can get respect. I just wish that was the norm for strong, independent and opinionated women.

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This is why it is good to have a skill which makes you indispensable. My father kept his job through thick and thin during McCarthyism because he was so highly skilled. My bosses in NYC knew I was their best worker.

That said, I've never wanted to be "popular." I was an observant child and I saw how popular girls were often very fragile and weak, the least little thing could send them over the edge. It probably helped that I spent my first 12 years in a working-class suburb where most of the kids were lower-class and the few middle-class kids were the "popular" ones, at least in their own minds. No one else cared.

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If you're on Twitter, I can recommend following Billboard Chris (thanks to Glinner for the introduction). He gets these accounts from Reddit detrans apparently, and is travelling north America with his own sort of outreach programme, wearing a sandwich board stating "Children cannot consent to puberty blockers".

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Yeah ,I've seen him being interviewed by Benjamin Boyce . Brave guy !!👍👍👍

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Already following him!

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It's heartbreaking.

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And more so that the people cheering on transitioners are the first to turn on them if they desist.

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I truly cannot understand them, perhaps these people are wired differently than I am.

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Cults don't tend to respond well to people who start thinking for themselves.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Moley's Guardian parody article on JKRowling was absolutely stylistically perfect!. Thank you Moley! Meanwhile we all await further information from the G...?

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Thanks! It was just created in about 90 minutes after a hint/suggestion by a follower. I had already thought of doing one but that was a spur to do so. It was fascinating watching people get genuinely angry with the Guardian's stance below the Tweet - and then I saw those several hastily-deleted Tweets as they realised it was a parody. I did say 'sorry' and that my aim is to amuse, not simply to fool.

It was rather liberating, in fact, not to have to bother checking the spelling and grammar - at all!

The version on my Twitter timeline is different actually. There is an advert - Guardian-style - for a book just in the right place. It was for 'Troubled Blood' by Robert Galbraith. The rave review by Guardian Book of the Year was an ironic satire on the G's imagined ignorance that 'JR Rowling' - as the piece once called her - could possibly have a male pseudonym.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I was actually completely taken in by it

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At about 12 - There were not enough spelling or grammatical errors for it to be genuine, surely!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter


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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I don't know, seemed pretty on point for me, if I had seen it other than here I'd have totally bought it :)

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Yeah I didn't bat an eyelid when it said they recounted the votes 112 times!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

I really hope someone finds out the truth about that poll. Because if it really was deactivated because of JKR getting too many votes, we should be shouting it from the rooftops!

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"unless you're creepily wedded to organising based on genitals"

See this so often now, mention sex and someone immediately projects to accuse you of being obsessed with genitals. Just remind them the entire body is differentiated by sex, muscle mass, fat composition, everything right down to the skeleton.

All those differences of fundamental importance in sport. and their mind went straight to genitals. How creepy is that!

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Yes, this is such an obviously schooled method in attacking transphobes. Using the Goebbels technique of repeating a lie until it begins to look like truth, they try to force an equivalence between holding a belief in the reality of biological sex and 'being obsessed with genitals'. It's so pathetically obvious really and it does indeed raise suspicions of exactly who in fact is obsessed with genitals.

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December was also the month when every anime avatar pretended to have a special advanced understanding of biology that made them smarter than everyone else.

Emma Hilton's eyes must be worn out from all the rolling.

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From reading Emma's tweets, her patience is dangerously thin - the "baboon's arse" comment was almost like Jane-Claire Jones!

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I hadn't seen it.

I have now. It's a very good tweet.

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I've lost my patience now. I wish I could have my twitter open but it has to be locked down for safety....of course, I'm tweeting into the void, but I can be no holds barred doing so. Only my followers see my tweets. Makes me feel better though.

Latest one I have is this:

The line in the sand is here:

NO to "transwoman" and "transman" - this is offensive to the opposite sex CLASS. Its theft of words for that Sex.

NO to "transgender female" and "transgender male" - this is offensive to the opposite SEX.

NO to wrong sex 3rd person pronouns.

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You can’t win with the genitals… fact !

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

"Transgender rights rely on inclusive language"

Interesting. I've (finally) just read Cultish by Amanda Montell, which argues that cults rely on special language...

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Wow, my brain hurts after reading all the insanity you have chronicled here. Are people really THAT dumb? Or is the only thing that matters to them the praise of self-styled sophisticates? When I was young there was a saying, "Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out," and I seriously wonder whether some of these folks' brains have indeed fallen out. I don't know how else to explain this seemingly mass insanity among our self-styled influencers and the young generation.

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In think a lot of journalists are worried about being cancelled. They dont seem to give a shit about how it damaging society, women and children. They are just wanting to keep their jobs which is a pretty selfish attitude. I actually think a lot if them know its wrong but for selfish reasons they dont speak out. I admire the journalist Nana from GB news, shes been Amazing speaking out against this BS and shes not been cancelled, so not everyone does get cancelled after all they need to wake up to this.

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She’s well prepared. He was guilty of the 6 Ps

p*ss poor preparation gives p*ss poor performance.

Then he blamed KJK - audacity of it


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Their opinion is always one sided, as if women and girls are omitted from their lives.

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Mass formation psychosis.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Watching KJ handing James M is arse on a plate was utterly awesome.

Can't handle the facts? Poor baby.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

And yes, Misogynistic Wally of The Year Award goes to........drum roll......JAMES MAX!

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Talcum X had to be retired with a lifetime achievement award.

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Sorry I missed out on this one. Are we allowed to say who Talcum X is, or could you just give a heavy hint?

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Owen Jones.

By almost any interpretation of libel laws, calling the man who lobbied to have Suzanne Moore removed from the Guardian a misogynist is entirely fair comment. No problem naming him, I just find Talcum X funny as hell.

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Als known as Sanctimonious Morph, on Mumsnet

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Do you know Morph, Rex? Children's TV character. If not, here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvPaWTrJ3UE

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Am I correct in having read that he was called Talcum at the Guardian offices? (Wee and white.) Then someone decided to add the X.

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Sorry, I don't know the origin. I picked it up from Julie Bindel who uses it all the time, and likewise will be using it because it's funny rather than to protect herself. As per her Pink News win, she will be very aware of the legal view on whether he would be recognised in her remarks.

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He is the most annoying and factually indifferent,

male writer on the Guardian - and he also previously fetished Jeremy Corbyn.


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How is the wet knickered lad ? He’s been quiet of late.

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Taking time out? Puberty's been rough

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He's never quiet, I think he's just dropped further down the producer's call list.

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He must have licked off the duct tape… damn!

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Kudos to great sleuthing by GG and 4W for joining the dots re. that criminally porn soaked rape fetishist who “wrote” for the Daily Dot. That he is advising journalists on Orwellian rightwrite shows how morally corrupt trans ideology is, and how insidious the corruption. It is rotting away the scaffolding of civil society.

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The taking of 'female', once 'woman' was ceded was entirely predictable. The word woman belongs nowhere near anyone male, and many of us will never use the term 'transwoman'.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

They HATE it when you don’t type it as one word, it’s disrespectful apparently to say trans woman… that space is now so important, when I type it ‘smirk’

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Yes. But I won't use trans woman either...

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I almost exclusively use "TIM" these days. I'm not playing their game.

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Me neither. They are men and always will be ,no matter how they " identify " themselves. We are Women ,adult human females ,and will continue to use these words to describe ourselves ,regardless of how many laws are passed to erase OUR language !!

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Dear David Heslop - yes, I am "creepily wedded to organising based on genitals", and don't give a flying fig about your attempts at shaming me for it. I am totally unashamed of it, and not making excuses for it. If you can't deal with that, then get on back to your fantasy world in theory-land and shut the gate behind you.

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James Max & Laurence Fox

James Max


The problem here is that complex issues are being conflated whilst projecting your views onto what you think I said. Not helpful.


You are entitled to any view you like. However it might be wise to reconsider your views when confronted with pre-school levels of biological fact.

Obliterating women from sport, single sex changing areas etc, is just misogyny dressed up as virtue.



Sarah Phillimore



As opposed to what we all distinctly heard you say? And can listen again if we aren’t sure?

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Hmm. I’ve been told girls in China were aborted for economic reasons, as if this made it ok. He started his sentence with a Lol. What do you say to that. It’s just depressing.

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Yeah and the tras still claim biological sex is a socially constructed fiction !! Saw a YouTube video last night which claimed that the GC movement doesn't believe that biology is real !! DARVO !!👎👎👎

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I can understand a child buying into that idea, but an adult would have to be lying. Or very deluded.

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Anyone who buys these insane ideas who are adults (and I think even older teens) are lying. They do not "believe" that sex does not exist. They are simply trying to change society to what they *want* it to be as they want to be viewed as a marginal community to get special treatment in law and society.

That's why they target children - to "teach" them the lies. Use the threat of "suicide" so parents come on board, and use "victimisation" through piggybacking on other's civil rights movements to get the politicians and legislature on board.

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Yes. Bringing the ideology into schools was a horrifying and brilliant idea, because you are creating your ideal future society through them. It’s quite evil.

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Chris Elston recently spoke to Benjamin Boyce, and it got me wondering exactly how many of their children has Canada sterilised?

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There are no words…

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

In this media appearance with James Max, Kelly-Jay delivers a master class in how to deal with smug, unprepared, passive-aggressive interviewers.

First, decide upon a few key points that you want to say in the interview (which in this interview was, pretty much, "Trans women are men," and "I just don't want men, no matter how they self-identify, in girls' and women's spaces.")

Second, develop clear, concise, compelling, and brief wording to describe those points.

Third, listen respectfully to your interviewers questions and points.

And, fourth, when he continually interrupts you or attempts to demonize your views, assertively..and immediately...call him out on his bad behavior.

Well done, Kellie-Jay...well done! 👏👏👏

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Kellie-Jay Keen holds the line that human's can't change sex and she doesn't use preferred pronouns. Maybe she's right. Little lies lead to requests for bigger lies.

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Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

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I'm not familiar with James Max so I don't know if he's genuinely this dumb or if he's just pretending to be because he's scared of losing his job.

Whichever it is, it helps to illustrate a massive advantage that the gender identity cult has, which is that a lot of people still think it's "something to do with" LGB rights - not surprising as it was deliberately attached to LGB rights in order to evade scrutiny and give it the appearance of a civil rights movement.

This is what happens when the BBC (biggest global new website/most-trusted UK news outlet) refuses to let its journalists cover the story and instead tells kids about the "genderbread person." A movement that seeks to eradicate the concept of homosexuality not only gets a free run, it's "celebrated" for doing so.

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‘Buffoon’ spring to mind, but wanker works !

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I think it's safe to say James Max didn't take the stance he took from fear of losing his job at Talk Radio, which is very, very much not a BBC station. His Talk Radio colleague Julia Hartley-Brewer didn't so much conduct an interview with Graham Linehan recently, as, in the nicest possible way, do a solidarity-rant with him. And much sense they both spoke too.

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Ah - then that would suggest he's woefully unprepared on a subject he knows little about. He also doesn't know when to stop digging.

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