"Let us believe young people when they tell us they know their own minds...let us be clear that 16 and 17-year-olds should and will be able to get a GRC ..."

Yet "young people" in Scotland have to wait until they're 18 before the state allows a tattoo. Men have to wait until they're circa 32 to have a NHS vasectomy. Also "people don't become 'adults' until their 30s, say brain scientists": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-47622059

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Well said. I've never heard such equally dangerous and disingenuous BS from a politician in my life. These are CHILDREN!


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Brian, 41 — he of the head tilt and the attempted oh-so-‘womanly’ smile on his five o’clock shadow face — Lesbian Queer Bicurious Questioning She/Her, They/Them Trans Feminine has a seven year old child. Let that sink in. What’s to become of all these criminally befuddled children? Gather the millstones.

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Where are CPS / social services?

Oh yeah, complicit if not encouraging the madness!!

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I'm not saying I'm right because I'm certainly no psychiatrist, but it appears to me that so many of these parents are Munchausen's-by-proxy, and, probably, Munchausen's themselves, some of them.

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I think this has a lot to do with it, in many cases. Since when have Munchausen's-by-proxy parents had state-approval to "correct" their children? Since about the past 10 years!

My baby boomer parents would NEVER have considered the prospect of a child "really" being the opposite sex. Ultimately - and no one is perfect - they were progressives.

Yep, many baby boomers were/are more progressive than a certain contingent of parents in past 10-15 years... I mean, they are among some of my favourite TERFs in recent times!

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Well, it’s a useful introduction.

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"whatever my 7 year old" he says. The 7 year old is probably crying himself to sleep, because he just wanted the dad he had, the same man from his earliest memories. I appreciate Fraserreal, Ewen and Radwha for their focus on the child as well. My sons went through unimaginable trauma when their father got around to telling them what his "business trips" were actually for. As usual, the child's mother is airbrushed out and "when he's ready" this dude will tell the son to call him, "Mum."


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You are SPOT on Ute...

Hope your sons are ok now? So difficult. I cannot imagine it... xx

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Thanks! They got through college (no loans, thanks to yours truly), got jobs, married. They are brainwashed though, and register a great deal of trauma. Because of the way I speak out, they are not in touch for now. I believe this will change as the diagnosis crumbles and the damage to society surfaces. I take the long view and believe in hope, prayer and patience.

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Women, especially, mothers always get the blame when things go wrong, Ute. I hope, for their own sakes, that they, one day, come to see that you did your very best under the most appalling and trying circumstances. Once we come to see that our parents were just human like us, with all-too-human frailties, we learn to forgive what we have seen as their failures and then, we learn to love them all over again, in an adult way - unless we are stuck in childhood forever, which, unfortunately, childhood trauma can cause. Whatever, nothing excuses harming others to make yourself feel better.

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The diagnosing "sexologists" must recognize the damage they cause to the family and society. Ironically, the one who diagnosed Neddy in the initial appointment stated in several paragraphs of her sworn affidavit how completely responsible Neddy was--keeping his job. For any other divorcing man, keeping the job is considered standard. Little did Dr. Wheeler know that Neddy would falsely and fraudulently claim unemployment to get out of paying child support less than 2 years later. The slant in favor of transsexual men was so complete that I could not get an attorney to take the fraud case on, though laws in my state give me that right for 20 years, in the case of fraud. Thanks and be well, Ute

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In the long run truth will always out if your sons choose to grow up. Is it easier to brainwash boys than girls? A woman I knew had a teenage daughter who knew exactly what was happening when her father tried to buy her affection, but I don't know if males are as capable of seeing through bullshit.

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I'm so sorry, Ute. I believe it will change, too. The ship is slowly turning x

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

"My interests are... whatever my 7 year old is into at the moment."

I suspect he's mainly trying to cope with profound embarrassment.

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Gee, when I was 7 my interests were dolls and toy trucks and going to my father's company's picnic (held at an enormous amusement park). I can't imagine these being my mother's interests! But I suppose if you're 7 years old in your head when you're 30-something ...

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I'd prefer to assume that this collection of manipulators and abusers were unhinged, but with the possible exception of Sam Smith, that assumption would be way off. This is the result of deeply embedded misogynistic contempt for women. Or, in the case of women proping up the endangerment and violence against women, off the scale internalised misogyny. As there are lots of people who are or would be appalled by what is going on, they really do need to add their voices to those who are openly using them to oppose this vile tyranny.

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Radhwa: I believe you have it. I. too, believe they are conmen. It is the ungovernable rage when you, reasonably, suggest that there is a sexual element to it all. Their anger goes off the scale. They know it is sexual. They need, therefore, to control the narrative and females. When you go further and suggest that they might want third spaces where they will be safe (from other men!) they scream and shout. They want ours - and only ours. Oh, yes, it is deep-rooted misogyny that is lurking in there. I think, for the first time in my life, and I'm no spring chicken, I have understood the depth and width of many (too many) males' antipathy towards females of all ages, ethnicities, races, abilities. It is completely universal and visceral, in every culture, in every country, throughout the ages, and it is terrifying all the more so because we, as females, cannot comprehend what we have done or not sone to these deeply disturbed men. Why do they treat us like this? That is the million dollar question.

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Yes and to think that we women risked our health and sometimes our lives giving birth to them !! Maybe they resent the fact that they owe their lives to us ,each and every single one of them !

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It's precisely that, misogynistic men, and men who believe they're liberal and committed to equality, etc, control the narrative for women, just the way they always have. How can a human born into male privilege, who knows what it feels like to be treated as male, then claim with any legitimacy that he feels like a woman, and on that basis is one? That's bad enough, but then there is the expectation that we, as in women, don't just accept this, but also take responsibility for bolstering his confidence, assuring him that he 'is' a women, and maybe going into the women's lavatory with him.

Scenarios like this don't occur in every culture and tradition, but there's other kind of 'they're just women' attitudes. The kind that create very brutal laws, just like they want to in Scotland. I'm Muslim and I've lived in a predominantly Muslim country. Not all bad by any means, but take away all the superficial bullshit about how special women are, and have to be valued and revered, blah, blah, blah. And you'll find that any women who are relying on men to ensure they are treated fairly and justly, won't be. So that's virtually all women in the society. There, here and globally.

As for why they treat us this way, I think there are lots of elements to consider. A lot of early life stuff, their expectation, what's expected of them. Fear of women, fear of other men, multiple kinds of conflict, conceiving sexual exploitation as a defence, porn. On it goes, and they do it because they can.

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I think that it is time that none of us sys things like: "we all want to protect 'trans' people... blah, blah, blah" for the very straightforward reason that 'trans' people have all the same rights as the rest of us. What they are demanding is way beyond the human rights that the rest of us have, so let's call it what it is - an extension, widening and broadening of 'trans' rights. A Scottish lady, a solicitor, Eva Comrie (I hope she won't mind my mentioning her; she is one of the Scottish female she-roes) is disabled in the true sense of the word, as she is missing a limb, a leg, in fact. This woman has to justify her disability every so often, as per the rules, and she does not mind that as she understands, in common with most of us, that there have to be certain rules in place or society would break down. She is not self-pitying and she does not ask for special treatment.

However, 'trans' want it all: self-declaration. In other words, I am 'trans', therefore I can do, say, think, act as I please, when and where I please, with whosoever I please, and there can be no restrictions on my need to co-opt others, willingly or, usually, unwillingly, into my universe. Their rights are always secondary to mine because... 'trans', special, stunning, brave. We should stop making excuses for this bunch of power-hungry conmen by pandering to their imaginary disabilities and their all-too-real control freakery.

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I believe Owen Jones is a hoax and we wouldn't see Laurie Penny if we just looked the other way.

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I hope the piss Princess is not living with his mother, or that he doesn’t have a key to her house. Because I seriously think he could murder her.

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The delusional do get rather "peeved" when the saner don't play along - the "It's ma'am" incident being "paradigmatic of the more psychotic responses to being disabused of said delusions.

But an encouraging sign on Twitter, of many, is the increasing popularity of #TransWomenAreConMen.

What a difference $44 billion can make ... 😉🙂 But methinks that's money well-spent.

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They are undoubtedly dangerous. Their delusions and any questioning of them, make them so, when teamed with their sexual perversions.

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Indeed. Think Kara Dansky had a couple of recent posts of a transwoman who was tried, and convicted of murdering a couple of women and their son for that "questioning". More than a few other cases of the same thing as well.

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Has anyone watched The Wonder on Netflix? Or read the book?

Interested in any readings of it as a metaphor of the "trans child" and their affirming parent. The director made "A Fantastic Woman" so clearly has the issues of people who identify as trans on his mind, but I can't find any writing on the film that makes the leap I have and not sure if the author/screenwriter had it in mind or if the director really has continued on that theme, albeit more between the lines in this instance.

It has a child around the age of puberty, traumatised by abuse. A mother who doesn't help the child to come to terms with the abuse but exploiting her vulnerability, she lies to her, promises a miraculous solution that's build on religious beliefs rather than facts. The community that surround the mother and child fail them completely. The Physician, the priest, the media, the extended family. Most stand aside, condoning a child being starved to death, many take steps to assure it will happen.

It talks about the the characters who " believe in their story with complete devotion" and laments that

"It is a whole sorrowful world that's too hungry to see the wonder in every ordinary child".

Is it just me?

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No not just you. In the book I’m not sure that the mum realises about the prior abuse, tho does help the child to con the public and collaborates with those who want the girl to be a wonder. All the people who should say whoa have been sucked into the lie. The tv film is less subtle but says much the same.

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good old Jo Lie Shit

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Graham, it's great you have your Twitter back, but please don't neglect your Substack. Your posts are negligible since you got the account back.

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This will not last. What comes after will be worse. I am furious with what we call the LEFT for falling into such a dark hole. WOMAN is ancient. WOMAN is the true definition of VITALITY. The cheapest trick our politicians played was identity politics. I can almost forgive the comfortable idiots with their immeasurable ideals with next to no idea of how other people live. I will never forgive the castrated politicians of Scotland or the mediocre halfwits that vote for them. As my Shero might say, "Get it up ye"

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The SNP know the demographic they need to swallow indyref, exactly the demographic that will swallow this gender ID shit

they've been trying to lower the voting age for years.

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James: if you believe the SNP or the Greens have any intention of bringing in indy, you are very mistaken. The party was infiltrated and taken over by Stonewall. Every public, and many private, companies and organisations in Scotland are Stonewall-captured. This has nothing to do with independence; in fact, it has stalled it indefinitely. I want independence for my country, for all the countries of the UK because it is the only way we can go forward. It is normal and most countries in the world have it. We would still have much in common and I foresee a loose alliance along Scandinavian lines, or the kind of alliance and kinship we still feel for the Irish. Just as they are, we are very intermarried and most of us in Scotland have both English and Scottish family on both sides of the border. Please do not get caught up in the 'independistas are just stupid' narrative. It simply is not true. Just as we grow up as individuals and become our own selves (most of us), so countries grow up and need their own independence. It doesn't mean that I, or my fellow independistas are anti-English. We are not. Most of us are very down-to-earth and realistic about our expectations. Others are totally captured by the SNP and the Greens and cannot see the wood for the trees, I'm afraid, and many of them would happily sacrifice women, girls and children to the god of 'trans' in exchange for independence. It won't happen, and, already, many women are withdrawing their vote from the SNP and Greens.

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From the laughably named Independent:

"John Cleese and Graham Linehan are comedy legends – what’s tragically unfunny is how they’ve become the exact thing they taught you to rebel against"

This will be due to crimes committed against Woke. How many still fall for this dismal appeal that associates dissidence with the latest flimsy trend set by the carnivorous media?

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One of the crass things about that headline is the bit about what "they taught you to rebel against". I suppose Father Ted might be considered a radical attack on the Catholic Church but it always seemed sweetly affectionate to me. Cleese is most famous for Fawlty Towers which is one of the most traditional forms of comedy - the British farce.

But then our media pundits aren't really encouraging any true criticism. They are pandering to prejudices they helped to create themselves.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

It's actually from "The Independent.i.e." - the Irish edition.

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Another fab roundup, Glinner and KFP! Thank you!

I see Aida H Dee has a new book out! https://twitter.com/AidaHDeeDrag/status/1607028371644350467

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So glad you're keeping this going. Hard to find stories on Twitter, drop stories once they have been posted. Glad you posted Lib Dem, I'm in Twitter prison, I told him to hang his head in shame and was reported for encouraging suicide. I used to say my dog was doing that after she ate an entire cooked chicken.

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