Troons (trans goons) doing what they do best. It won’t work this time, she’s made of sterner stuff than you lot could even imagine. I love JK Rowling 💕

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No offence to the Ayrshire coast town but Troons works for me .

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Wow, kiwifarms much?

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Nobody likes troons. Not even troons like troons.

But (what I really mean is) troons is a good word for describing these activists who harass people for their thought crimes.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Those loons who are doxxing JKR are being employed at Edinburgh Theatres head of customer service if you want to email linda.hogg@capitaltheatres.com. The email they’re monitoring today is bookings@capitaltheatres.com

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Is that gender ideology's idea of "activism?" Three attention-seekers harassing a feminist on behalf of a movement funded by US billionaires? I'd like to hear the guy on the right (with the make-up gun) try to explain which human rights he's been denied (while Ellie May O'Hagan nods sagely and feels his pain).

Even Nancy Kelly is back-pedalling on the JK Rowling witch-hunt and she's not the sharpest tool in the box; these three dullards obviously didn't get the memo.

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Well, we will soon see how far that gets them. The trans movement is a disgrace from any angle: its misogyny, its homophobia, its destruction of children and adolescents, its insinuation into law and public policy, into academia, into policing, into the humanities, etc. I am one of the pessimists about overcoming it. It fits like a glove into the warp and woof of human reality. How else could it become so popular so quickly receiving billionaire support and official political acceptance even by so-called conservatives continuing the men's rights movement so effectively. Sheila Jeffreys states in one of her books (or was she paraphrasing Janice G. Raymond?) that trans ideology seems to be a way to deliberately place transvestites as well as female identified gay males within the category women, thus leaving once again the real men in charge (my language, not theirs).

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Agree with the premise that Stonewall and Trans Ideology is fundamentally a man's rights movement.

They have no interest in Transmen whatsoever.

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Yes, Stonewall has essentially become a men's rights movement, a men's club. It prioritises men who thought they were better than women when they regarded themselves as men, now they're not just better than women, they're better at being women. They get to make all the rules, and anyone breaking them, or even thinking of breaking them, is a hateful transphobic bigot who wants to deny them their human rights.

This marginalised and discriminated against group is very different from most marginalised and discriminated against groups. They have a lot of power, influence and the ability to generate large amounts of money. Attributes that marginalised and discriminated against groups tend not to have. They rely on gaining support and cooperation from people, and campaign to have their rights recognised and protected.

TRA's don't have to worry about doing that, they've got all kinds of public bodies and organisations asking to be told what more they can do to please them and show how committed to inclusivity they are. If women get fucked over in the process, well, that's a pity, sexism is dreadful, etc, pro choice and all that stuff. But misogyny, whatever that is, is nothing compared with transphobia.

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'Stonewall is a men's rights movement' can we have that as a gif please? How does this movement get women like Nancy Kelley to work for it?

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Because many women, especially lesbians, are filled with self-hate. The way I have been phrasing it for years is "Some people take self-hate too far."

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Yes ,whoever heard of a " marginalised and vulnerable ,scared etc group " being in charge of the world !! Complete fabrication and lunacy !!

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The trans movement is a metaphor for, and symbol of, rape, just as rape is a metaphor for, and symbol of, elimination of women's right to self determination. If you keep asking the "why" question, you get back to the simplest explanation. It privileges men and disempowers women.

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There's no such thing as 'Edinburgh Police'. The whole of Scotland has the same Police force now, thanks to centralisation.

I'm fairly confident that Stonewall had their grubby little mits all over the drafting of the Hate Crime legislation, given it includes a meaningless category. The SNP promised to include misogyny at a later date, although I don't know when they'll actually do it. It won't change the woefully low rape conviction rate.

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They won't the committee tasked with considering that was carefully packed with women who will not do that. Helena Kennedy and Emma Ritch (who is now dead but I'm sure worked womanfully until her death to keep any kind of rights from Scottish women - I mean how very dare they! )

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Helena Kennedy has already said they will be looking a Hate against all women, including transwomen.

Kennedy is a Labour peer therefore as captured as Starmer et al.

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Helena Kennedy is one of the huge disappointments in all this. I used to admire her but she has irrevocably tarnished her career now.

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I know JK Rowling has chosen to stay in Scotland but since she has the means to do so, she could move to a more sympathetic country and tell the Scottish parliament that she doesn't see why she should pay taxes to feed a bunch of cowardly trans-brown-nosing bureaucrats

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But where would such a country be? Plus her tax will go into the UK treasury. The only likelyhood is her buying an island and declaring independence!

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Terfiest of Terfs Island?

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Well, Sean Connery certainly did it

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Absolutely disgraceful. Whenever I see photos of TRAs like this I can't help but wonder how they think they could ever pass as women dressed like they are? If it's so importnat to be accepted as a woman try dressing and passing as one.

As for the police. Police forces have long been treating women like second-class citizens where their rights are concerned. I was watching a Netflix show about the Yorkshire Ripper recently. The way the police referred to his victims as some of them being "innocent", while others they wrote off as prostitutes (not all of them were), and also blamed them for walking on the streets at night made my blood boil (Julie Bindel is interviewed on the programme as one of the women who marched against this curfew). We still see this attitude in society as a whole - women inviting attack through their actions of walking on the streets at night and dressing provocatively, and from the TRAs through stating opinions, stating that biology and sex matters and standing up for their rights. I saw it watching the film "Suffragette", in the "Ripper" series and in the actions of the TRAs and the police. It's misogyny.

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They seriously think they look like women? OMG - I thought the one on the right of the photo was a clown.

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Stage makeup because it's a publicity stunt.

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He may always go round looking like that.

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They're hijacking a cause and putting themselves forward for publicity. Trans rights will be so much better served when the majority distance themselves from these crowns.

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Oh look some melting geisha zombies . Why cant they just be kind ? Oh aye , its because they're melting geisha zombie arseholes , that's why .

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I thought the circus had come to town.

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Complete with creepy clowns.

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The narcissism on display there. Only three of them. The decadence of trailing their ugly arses up to someone’s door way. Cos that person has a differ of opinion.

I really don’t care what they get up to as long as it’s within the law and the bounds of public decency.

Hanging around someone front door so to speak is creepy and nasty. JKR is no threat to them. They know that. Their tears are performative.

Let’s face it as people adopting such a needy persona. With all their demands. They will always be marginal to wider society. No one really cares. All the Owen Jones types don’t really give a shit about them. And that I think is a good thing. I don’t want to give a shit about Owen Jones, he doesn’t about me and I don’t care about polyamorous otherkins and men in bad nylon wigs. I don’t wish them any harm. And they have all the rights that I have.

All they have to do is fuck off. Practice and preach their religion as they please. And not force it on other people.

If only that were the case though.

That’s how many see it. It is though a nasty intolerant authoritarian movement. That seeks to redefine reality. And then has the temerity to insist on others going along with it. It’s a threat to civilised norms. Gaslighting and emotively black mailing as it goes. Being used as a front by nasty and evil people. Who care not one jot to the inevitable collateral damage it causes.

All those people that, when hopefully all this is over, that have denied reality and defamed people that have countered their descent into evil. And that is what denying reality at a such a fundamental level is with the added conceit of demanding compliance. Not allowing debate. Going along with child abuse. Telling lesbians that some lesbians have penises. Those people can go to hell. They have no sincerity. They can experience cancel culture as they’ve wished on everyone else.

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As a law abiding citizen all my life ,I used to trust and respect the police and after all we still need them in a " civilised " society but I thoroughly despair of what they've become !Hope I never need their help for anything !

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I've been reading pieces critical of Canada by a Canadian on Covert Action Magazine. Canadians love to think of themselves as the kindest, most liberal people in the world (unlike their evil neighbor to the south), whereas the truth is extremely ugly. They are destroying their own environment, they have an abhorrent history regarding indigenous peoples which continues to this day, they have an unpleasant militarism not unlike the United States. But everything would be wonderful if they could just control everyone's speech and thoughts!

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Yes, they get away with a lot by virtue of not being the US. I was aware of the rampant racism towards their indigenous people but it's always worth repeating it.

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The numbers of missing indigenous women, particularly in the Pacific Northwest (including the U.S. Pacific Northwest), is said to be horrendous. On PBS we've been getting a lot of programming about indigenous issues; I'm trying to remember the percentage of indigenous women on reservations who have been raped -- quite high -- but I do remember the percentage of rapists who are not indigenous and it's 86 percent. I think the tribes have now finally got the right to bring these rapists into their tribal courts, a right they did not have previously.

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Robert Pikton springs to mind. His repulsive case is when I first became aware of the horrid social conditions of first nation people.

When those entitled trans activists claim marginalisation, totally blind to the treatment of indigenous people, the homeless or refugees from war zones I want to scream.

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I want them to experience actual marginalizaton, I think it would be good for them.

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Why is 'Woman Face' accepted by everyone? In my view, Drag Queens are no better than racists, I've come to the conclusion, happy to patronise women, to portray as vile, ugly, sexual perverts...laughing at us, making us out to be hideous. It is MAJOR MISOGYNY...and of course, IF Misogyny were a crime, their 'careers' would be over in moments. I think it's time someone invented PigPooRockets with IndeliblePaint mixed in too, to fire over the large gates, when The Moron Detectors go off automatically...Would most certainly make them think twice before returning. Failing this, dig a Very Large Moat, fill it with Flying Piranha....et voila....

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I would have thought that the ladies of Edinburgh would have reported said men to the police for their outrageous make up by now. Nothing discrete or elegant about these three, dragged through a hedge, males. From Mrs Enraged and Spluttering, Morningside

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Hi all

So I promised one of you that I’d present a few studies that showed that trans people aren’t dangerous, I can’t remember who it was, but anyway, here’s the studies


This is a study of chest reconstruction for trans men that says age isn’t an issue, it’s about solving trans men's dysphoria


This is a good article that addresses the myths of trans people. I realise this isn’t a study but it’s well worth reading.


This is a study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law that shows that there’s no link between trans-inclusive policies and bathroom safety


This study shows that trans kids are more likely to be suicidal than cis children. I’d like to think you have some empathy.

I’ve got several more case studies from reputable institutions,

I’ve got a many more studies to throw out there but I hope you’ll read these and engage with them. These come from respectable bodies, don’t ignore them.

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Next question Tezzy. I had a cursory look at the last of your links and I have to say drawing any definitive conclusions from an anonymous online survey such as this has to be risky at the very least. The authors try to apply various control measures to filter out answers which may be duplicates or for other reasons may be unreliable although I must admit I was puzzled by why two people with a similar demographic plus weight and height would be filtered out unless it was because both responses had the same IP address which the article sorry of hints at but doesn't make clear. The authors at one point felt they weren't getting enough responses from trans identified males and therefore applied a filter during the last four weeks of data collection to ensure the percentage from this group was bumped up. That in itself would seem to jeopardize the randomness of the survey. In their conclusion they emphasize the need to accurately assess gender identities both those "assigned at birth" and "current identities" which seems to me to be precisely what their survey doesn't do because it obviously cannot accurately assess such things from anonymous self reporting.

But the most glaring problem is the simplistic approach to an area of human behavioural phenomena so notoriously complex as suicidality. The study begins with the expectation that trans youth will be more prone to suicidal thinking and behaviour than "cis" youth and lo and behold discovers that it is indeed so. The question as to whether or not other circumstances and conditions possibly driving suicidality may also be the same circumstances and conditions driving the needs for a different identity doesn't even occur to the authors presumably because they're already totally captured by the ideology which precludes and marks as heresy any thought that gender identity could be fabricated socially rather than naturally inborn. Finally of course such surveys are bound to exclude the ultimate demographic which is of course those who have already committed suicide.

My question then to you Tezzy would be: whatever the degree of reliability can be assumed with such surveys, what practical implications do you think having empathy (which you appeal to) for any kid (trans or otherwise) who is threatened by suicidal thoughts could and must mean for those of us who do care about the lives of the young people in our society?

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Should read 'sort of hints at' not sorry of hints at!

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Tezzy are sex and gender two different words for the same thing or are they two different things?

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People of all ages, of both sexes, commit suicide, sadly, for very, very many different reasons, which no-one else knows about, other than the person themselves. NEVER use suicide to try to guilt-trip others into going along with this ideology, please. Many youngsters being dragged onto The New, Cultish Trans Conveyor Belt has ASD, thus, may also suffer with depression, as the 2 often go together, brain-pattern wise. Many young people also feel hopelessly lost in the modern world, not having the freedom to be happy and carefree, as my generation had (I'm 66), where we could afford a future, afford a decently priced home, could afford to have children, with Mum being at home to care for them, whilst Dad able to support the family on his wage alone.

Those now trying their best to indoctrinate children into Transworld, into all these ludicrous 'genders' which have been invented, are playing a huge part, in my view, in causing many children and young teenagers deep depression, confusion and dark thoughts.

This awful ideology is the cause of so many youngsters damaging their healthy bodies, to be 'in with the cult', or to feel that stopping their puberty (WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD EVER WANT TO DO THIS TO A CHILD/YOUNG TEENAGER?!)..and damaging themselves for LIFE, whilst The $£Fat £$Cats behind $£Transworld grow ever $£fatter as they rake in more and more money from more and more desperately damaged youngsters, who they NEED to convince this is the RIGHT thing to do, so these Mengele Monsters can stay uber-rich forever.

Don't you DARE try to infer that children/young people are committing suicide due to society being so horrible to them, (society is NOT being horrible at all), when Transworld is, in my opinion, the cause of so much confusion and sexual perversion, filling their minds with the most awful sexual matters, getting teachers and politicians aboard...It disgusts me and it makes me feel physically sick!

I'm a woman. I do NOT want ANY man, no matter what his excuse, anywhere NEAR me in public toilets, public showers, public changing rooms, EVER! NO decent man would EVER impose himself upon women and girls in this way either, wanting only to protect us, to protect our privacy, our safety, our dignity. It is truly DISGUSTING the way these men demand to be let into OUR intimate public spaces, and it's perverted, deviant and paedophilic,

You do NOT have the right to MY rights, and nor do women who pretend they are men have the right to take away the rights of men either, by thinking they can just enter 'male only' public, intimate spaces. Men need their privacy too, and they do NOT need, nor want, to have women watching them pee...or change, in public.

Transworld has NO BOUNDARIES at all, no sense of right or wrong, no empathy for others, especially for women, no desire to treat us with respect whatsoever.

Transworld has shown itself to be the most narcissistic, selfish, self-obsessed, lying, twisting, cancelling, tyrannical bunch of feckers I've ever had the misfortune to stumble across, who think they have the absolute right to do whatever they want...and the absolute desire to dominate women entirely, to perve us, ogle us, use our spaces, masturbate in them (good god!), display themselves to us in them, (!!!!!) and generally behave like spoiled brats who never take the word "NO!" seriously!

I am sick to death of the lot of you, apart from the very few decent trans folks who'd never seek to impose upon the spaces of the sex to which they do NOT belong.

So, might I politely suggest you take all your links and excuses and pathetic ideas that women MUST DO whatever your cult dictates, because it's all wonderful and safe and lovely...and shove it where the sun don't shine, because ANY bloke who wanders into ANY 'women and girls only' spaces where I am will find himself not only on the sharp end of my language, but also, being reported to the police for perversion, for deviancy...and I'd make absolutely certain the press knew about it, that his picture was everywhere...and that he was finally shamed into waking up to see that Women Won't Wheesht EVER!

WE are your Mothers, your Grannies, your Aunties, your Daughters and every day now, more and more of us have had ENOUGH of this vile misogyny and sick behaviour...


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Here, read this! Take it back to Transworld HQ and tell them The Game Is Over now....What Transworld has subjected children to, via schools and 'sex education', beggars belief! It is openly homophobic...and, again, in my personal view, very perverted, filling the innocent minds of children with Adult Agendas, and Very Dodgy Adults at that!


From Lottie, on Twitter: @LottieHistory

"Banning trans-teaching in schools (including primary) is NOTHING like Section 28, don't believe it. It's rooted in homophobia - kids are told same-sex attraction is transphobic. It is truly brainwashing children by telling them sexist stereotypes define us"

And this, in the same thread where she posts the Daily Mail link, above:

From @LottieHistory

"Stonewall also have a schools section about asexual children under their trans umbrella. Pupils being asked to talk about if they like sex and have had it. Let that sink in."

Get Transworld OUT of everywhere, especially ALL places and spaces where CHILDREN and young people are!

NEVER thought I'd live to see such gross behaviour being pushed into the minds of decent people, by those who know NOTHING about being decent at all.

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This sounds exactly like the UK anti-gay panic of the 1980/90s

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straight crossdressers are not analagous to gay people in any way

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That’s quite a telling comment. You don’t know what sexuality trans people are, you just assume they’re straight to fit your narrative of straight men disguising as women.

The analogy is fair. The idea of trans people as dangerous, as trying to recruit your kids, who should be treated for their ‘condition,’ it’s identical to the gay moral panic.

And the misinformation is staggering. I can post study after study that shows how untrue the things you peddle on this forum are, but even if I did it everyday for ten years you wouldn’t listen.

Here’s an article about some of your Proud Boy allies harassing school board meetings over a trans inclusive book in libraries, I hope it makes you think


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No, it does not.

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Superb post...

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So you’re saying if we stop teaching kids about transgender issues there will be no more trans people?

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So I’ll keep posting these studies whenever Graham does a post, I hope you all respond.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

literally no one is saying that 'trans people are dangerous. What we do know for certain is that trans ladies commit violent and sexual crimes at the same rate as men. We exclude men from women's intimate spaces because a significant minority of men cannot be trusted. No one in their right mind has ever objected. Trans identified men are just as dangerous to women as men. So why the fuck would you agitate to allow them into women's spaces? What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Some trans folks *are* dangerous, though, Mick. Please see my links to Tezzy where such TRAs are highlighted. I agree with all else you say. As a woman, this horrid movement has already impacted my life, as right across Torbay we have lost, are losing, so very many of our 'single sex' public toilets. There are no single sex ones at all in Torquay town centre now, nor up at Babbacombe, a hugely busy tourist area.. I feel threatened, disrespected and...quite frankly, abused by this misogynistic, hateful, hate-filled cult.

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Yes absolutely, trans identified men are, at the very least, as dangerous as men.

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Indeed, because they are one and the same.

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Of course children who are being medically abused by adults with your vile ideological agenda are more likely to be suicidal than those who are not. What you can't do is show us a study to demonstrate how blocking a vulnerable child's natural development via puberty is in any way beneficial that child. Because if it existed, the Tavistock would have produced it in the Keira Bell trial. They couldn't. And, even worse, they covered up their own study. Pretty damning really.

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Its not because they are trans its because they are men we don't want them in our spaces.

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I'll keep posting links too, Tezzy. Here you go, a long, long list of men who pretend they're women, ALL criminals........rapists/abusers, you name it, they're in here:


Charlie Evans on 'inventing trans children and young people'


Women Are Human site, (really important site too)


'Trans Suicides Facts/Figures' from 'Fair Play For Women'


TRA Violent Threats (mind-blowingly awful)


TRAs Smoke Bomb around 300 women in a hall, near Grenfell because they DARED to meet to discuss their rights. These monsters also wore flashing, false penises too.


I have DOZENS more, if you want me to post them.

Your cult has not a leg to stand on. It's a tyrannical, bullying cult, that gives not a jot for anyone outside its' beliefs and openly HATES women and girls. That you want to be associated with it, let alone dare to try and defend it, says all.

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You are so patient, Ellen Bee. I truly believe that Tezzy is sociopathic. You must be without empathy or human feeling to see that terrible photograph and not feel pain. Studies have been done of online trolls and it's been stated that they share sociopathic characteristics. Someone who does not even realize they should feel sick when seeing a mutilated body has serious mental issues.

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Many with NPD in Transworld, and those with NPD have sociopathic natures, it's true, caring only about themselves, their opinions/demands/desires....thus, they are able to say/do terrible things without any form of conscience or care. It is all very extraordinary, what is going on at present...and how many are being fooled into believing those who behind this cult. But, such is the way of The Narcissist, can charm the birds off the trees, whilst able to turn on tears in a moment, knowing exactly how to make others feel guilty/sympathetic. It is only later that people wake up, almost as if numbed by The Narcissistic Insect into a state of being almost unable to disagree with what they are being told. You and I look at those photos and wince with pain, with anger, with despair...they see nothing wrong at all, just triumphant that another young woman has had her breasts savagely removed, for absolutely no reason at all, other than having been brainwashed by this cult.

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Have you read any of Eggenland's writing about narcissism? You both are very articulate truth-tellers.

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No, Susan, I haven't. I'll look out for that. Thank you xx

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I'll commend you for being up for debate. It's refreshing that there are at last some signs that the ignorance of the no debate faction is giving way to the needs of democracy and freedom of thought. In my third response I don't have a question for you Tezzy, other than the rhetorical question as to how gender ideology is so blind to its own inner contradictions. Instead a comment on the Vox article:

Myth #2: Sexual orientation is linked to gender identity

I don't imagine you'll find anyone in this blog who would disagree that this is a myth although many would probably call it straight out falsehood. It's a source of never ending bemusement for me that gender ideologues regularly trot this stuff out and breathtakingly in the very next paragraph make the link between gender and sex orientation anyway. Just as the very article in Vox this was taken from does. If you are of the male sex then by no logic under the sun can you be a lesbian. It's just total mindfuck to postulate such crap. If you are male sexed and you are sexually attracted to persons of the female sex you are heterosexual. Whatever gender identity you ascribe to is irrelevant, in the context. But the Vox writer completely nonplussed goes on to directly contradict the premise of his her own title: "But a transgender person can identify as a woman, even though she was assigned male at birth, and be gay (attracted to other women), " The mind boggles! How do they not see the blatant self contradiction? Saying someone who is male can be lesbian because of their identity and in spite of their sex because of being attracted to women, is PRECISELY linking sexual orientation with gender identity rather than sex. So who is peddling myths?

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I'll respond to you for the last time. Anyone who could look at that photo Graham posted of the mutilated female torso and not throw up is one sick f**k. You have some very serious mental problems and I hope you get some quality help with them.

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I’m not sure why you feel sick (apart from the fact no post-surgery looks great). This guy wanted the surgery and seems happy with the results, what exactly do you find sick about that

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She is not a guy. She is a woman. Her body has been mutilated, for a belief. The 'surgeon' who did this should be sued.

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You have no sense of the grotesque and horrible, and that's an attribute of a sociopath. Done, Tez.

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I frequently drive past JKR's Edinburgh home. Wish I'd seen these pricks - from now on I'll keep something handy to chuck at the manky bastards (soap comes to mind 😉)

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