I’ll have to read this several more times !

As for the recent Scot gov census , I’m identifying as non existent

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Owen Jones reaction to being outed is nothing if not stereotypical. Every bully in the history of abuse denies everything.

Owen has also inadvertently confirmed his professional profile of third rate journalist and BS peddling hack. If Owen had even a basic knowledge of pro' UK news media I'm sure he'd have picked a different course. By repeatedly lying about PE in public he's crossed many of the most talented and unbiased journalists in the country. A schoolboy mistake and I betcha he's going to get rinsed!

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Can you imagine trying to wrap your head around the phrase "transgender Amazonians" just over twenty years ago? It would make no sense (just as it almost doesn't now). And, are we all "Amazonians" now, just because?

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"Ever thought of really testing your body and mind? Of using skills you have, or developing new ones? Of rising to a challenge that not every StunninglyBrave™ can? Try the TA for size.

The TA: 0800 SCIENCEUFO. We’re ready and waiting to groom you."


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I liked the part where Twitter stated the bits they don't like people to do/say in response to a complaint where someone did/said one of the things twitter apparently isn't keen on, unless of course its against a woman they don't agree with.

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Re Matt Walsh's books - Clare Balding had a book for children published in 2018 called The Girl Who Thought She Was a Dog.

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Yeah ,I watch Matt Walsh regularly and he's great . Really likeable guy who speaks so eloquently and articulately. Although he's politically right wing ,he criticises them as well for their cowardice and apathy towards the woke left wing policies of the Democrats !! Intending to order his books ❤️👍

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Apr 29, 2022·edited Apr 29, 2022

"Karma police, arrest this woman, she is following people I don't agree with. And also this man who is liking tweets which are not to my taste."

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You should have had some sort of warning for that initial poster! Men who need bras make me want to gag; who wants to look at that?

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Or perhaps what they really need is... the Bro/Manssiere (Brossiere?):


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If Seinfeld was in production today can't help wondering if instead of The Soup Nazi, they would've made The Gender Nazi.

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Can anyone explain bots to me?

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I'll try ...

A Twitter bot is an account that's automated, bot being short for robot. They're basically a software programme designed to perform actions e.g. send tweets at a scheduled time or follow accounts. Some are transparent & harmless. But for messers they have much potential to cause harm.

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do you know who programmes them?

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Anyone with the necessary IT skills (not me!). I presume for those unable to diy it's available as a paid for service.

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Well, in the U.S. (and I'm sure in the U.K. as well) we have people paid by the government to do this if anything is published online that goes against the government narrative. You can always tell they're bots because they make the exact same comment in multiple places and often the comments are irrelevant to the post's statements.

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Basically fake accounts that can boost accounts /tweets giving a false impression to others of the account and or tweets popularity

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I was at school with Lavery and whenever I see the name pop up part of me feels sorry for the boy I knew

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Hey GL, you got an email I can get in touch with you directly that’s not in a message board?

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Konnie informed.

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I'm dying laughing at lesbian risibility week. There are people would would absolutely defend all of those men if they claimed to be women.

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From the linked article on the Scottish census,

'Accusations of political bias:

'Some respondents to the survey, branded Scotland’s Census, have complained that questions have a political bias. For example, respondents are able to record themselves as Scottish, Polish or Irish, but not English.

'There has also been controversy over guidance informing people they can choose whether they are male or female based on their gender identity, rather than biological sex.'


'...the unprecedented decision to overhaul the survey once it had already begun could also see the quality of data compromised, academics said.

'Carrying out the survey at the same time of year as previous decades had previously been put forward by National Records of Scotland, which runs the census, as important to ensure consistency and comparability of data.

'“Extending the window for responding raises worrying questions about data quality,” Lindsay Paterson, professor of education policy at the University of Edinburgh, said. “In normal social surveys, there are strict quality controls on the time given to respond.

'“This is because people vary in how they respond, especially for opinion questions such as the several identity questions in the census. For example, how people answer the question about gender identity might vary according to whether some controversy about gender identity is in the news. The same is true of national identity and ethnic identity.”

'He added: “As a social statistician, I would not use census data on identity that had such an arbitrarily varying window of replying.”'


'Experts warned that the low response rate would mean the census results, essential for allocating public funding and setting government policies, would be rendered “useless”.'

Egregiously politicised, incompetent SNP shitshow from which Scots will suffer. Again.

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