Yeah, does anyone else but me notice that the nonces in frocks are doing their damnedest to sound like Monty Python playing women?

And does anyone else find that hilarious?

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Please allow me to be first to point out you're a very naughty boy.

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Are you saying that William isn't The Messiah??

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I will say even someone of William's calibre can't gestate a foetus in a box.

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No, but I can mix a very good gin and tonic.

Surely that counts?

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Not saying with that you could turn my wife, but last Christmas family learnt she can't safely be left alone with a barrel of beer.

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Sounds like you got yourself a keeper.

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It was just such a strange pitch - it kept me glued

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True, although it was the guy from this video that immediately sprung to my mind for me...


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People are terrified of looking like Mary Whitehouse, to the extent that they won't even ask a bunch of luvvies why they're so keen to talk about masturbation with kids? If a teacher tried to get kids talking about sex he'd be in trouble - rightly so - but a bunch of pronoun wankers dress their creepy obsessions up in meaningless twaddle like "genderqueer" and suddenly it's a "family" stage show?

The whole point of meaningless post-modernist language is to make people feel they're dumb or "behind the curve" for not understanding it. They not dumb; it's just made-up shite - the real stupidity is in falling for that trick and giving credibility to what is basically just dodgy blokes who are way too interested in other people's kids.

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Yes, it's dumb made up shite, dressed in dumb made up shite language. Why oh why, do people fall for it again and again?

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Gullible and easily impressed ? I’m sounding like my mother …

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Removed (Banned)Apr 20, 2022
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There has actually been a recent movement to further oppress women, much more interestingly enough.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 20, 2022
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Oh petal, for a moment I thought you were trying out a bit of satire...

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This nonsense is from http://thefamilyshow.com "an alternative,offline, honest & human theatre show that is offering intersectional,feminist, non-binary, anti-racist & sex-positive take on blah blah blah". Awful stuff. Check out their glossary which includes all the usual bonkers drivel like BDSM, Genderqueer, Nibling, Queer, Queerphobia, and on and on. This organization is begging further scrutiny. Who's funding it? Are its tentacles in the schools? That kind of thing.

Boundaries, in some cases, are sacrosanct. Children are NOT sexual beings, as so described on their website.

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Arts Council / Lottery Funded.

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But they’d like them to be sexual beings, which is why the push is strong.

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nearly there …

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The Family Sex Show (need a wash after typing that) has been cancelled.

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Yes, thanks to some brilliant campaigning and awareness-raising 👏👏👏. Let's hope it stays cancelled!

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Honestly, I cannot believe what I was reading. The lot of them should be arrested and thrown in jail for a very very long time ! Talk about in plain sight. Absolutely disgusting paedophiles!

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Not, at the end of April, they’re performing in Bath.

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“What is a woman” video has just been put behind a “sensitive” content warning on woman- hating twitter!

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Oh ffs! Heard it all now!

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I think America is peaking. Dr. Ross Tucker, sports physiologist was on a panel recently, in Boston, moderated by Malcolm Gladwell, discussing the sports controversy. Link: https://youtu.be/k8Hm6pejAP4

He was the well-versed voice of reason that he always is, and there seemed to a concession of "well, this really only matters in elite sports" from the other side, to which I think the answer would be, nuh-uh. Everybody wants fairness, old women and girls, too. Where do you think elite female athletes get started?

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Laurie Penny joins India Willoughby in jumping the gender extremist shark.

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She’s sounding like a busted flush.

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How would the pondlife that is Willoughby recognise anyone with an IQ over 50?

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I think people with an IQ over 50 know what sex they are.

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From a completely unscientific sample of local election candidates here, everyone over 50 knows their sex.

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It’s the ones with the high IQs that concern me more. They appear to endorse this garbage.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Yeah ,I agree .He's a horror ! Insulting to pondlife ,though

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All pondlife has a place in the ecological network. Himdia Wallaby, though...

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He can recognise comparative genius when he sees it.

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The devolving to genitals being the only way we can tell the difference between women and men is one of the most unintelligent tropes from TRAs amongst the plethora of unintelligent tropes they have. So, Matthew Fulton-McAlister is saying that he can’t discern between a woman and a man without being able to check their genitals?

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If this was actually true, it would be a first for any animal species. ALL of them (ours included) can recognize their own sexes instantly. Evolution sees to that-- any species which can't is gonna go extinct pretty damn quick!

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"By 3 months of age, infants can perceptually distinguish faces based upon differences in gender." Of course this means sex, not gender, but it shows sex is generally obvious.


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Hey, less racism 😁 'Folk' is in common usage in Scotland, there are no connotations, it's just a casual alternative to 'people'. Embrace diversity in language 😁

But if you'd said folx, then that would be a very different story 😬

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I try not to use it but often forget as it's such a habit.

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Two things - this argument (Norwich councillor) about ‘checking genitals’ makes me seethe with the injustice of painting people (mostly middle aged mums - let’s be honest) as a bunch of perverts when they know that’s bullshit and second thing, ‘y’all’ and the even better ‘all y’all’ must indeed only be said by legitimate Americans

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Oh god yes. PLEASE can y’all do one.

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The first video made me cry , well done that company and if I wore a watch I’d go buy one , I don’t so I’ll just buy Graham some coffees

The rest of it made me boak

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Graham, please please bring up this document on the next Mess! https://www.floridahealth.gov/_documents/newsroom/press-releases/2022/04/20220420-gender-dysphoria-guidance.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Florida is not captured! Hooray!

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Thanks for sharing. Yippee

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That is excellent news! Thanks for posting.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Hi Graham, Re. your theme today, 'But remember also, that grooming is not always as obvious as the genderbread person. Far more detailed, more subtle propaganda is going on', I've been meaning to share a breathtakingly sinister 'trans propaganda' find with you for a while, but thought you might already be aware of it. It's been seen by TENS OF MILLIONS of people in the UK in the last few weeks. I wanted to share it with everyone here on The Glinner Update but cannot post pictures/stills with this message. Can I send the still picture and link to you on FB Messenger via your page there? It's a shocker!

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Will Graham ever answer his Substack questions!? I know he's a busy man, but this is gold I tell you!

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Can you reply to the substack email notifications? You can attach files

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I don't know what that means?! How would I do that, now?

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If you have a subscription to this, The Glinner Update, I think you provide your email address and when there's a new post, or comment, or reply to you from another subscriber, you get an email notifying you. You can turn these notifications on and off, but if you have an email in your inbox, click reply to that as you do any email and it will get to Graham or someone in the Glinner team inbox. If I'm wrong, or it doesn't work, do say :-)

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If Graham isn't replying - that's my answer.

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So you emailed and no reply as yet? It's an answer yes, but it's only five days on and he might be flooded with messages. Let's hope these messages here are a bit of a nudge and someone might check through his emails for him...:-). Maybe put 'urgent' or some further gripping detail in the email subject header?

*for understandable reasons mail might be filtered or sent to junk fairly easily.

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RE: RT information control. The astonishing, across-the-board Ukraine media war propaganda blitz has revealed that the West already has total informational control

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That is exactly why some of us recommended using RT for more news. During the Scottish independence referendum RT was the only channel showing the full story of the massive marches for independence. The UK media was biased and only represented one side.

I'm not naive, I realise there was politics behind it, Russia only did that as it wanted to piss off Westminster, but at least we got the news coverage.

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ANY media one reads should be looked at skeptically. Read RT with a grain of salt, but read the NY Times with the same grain of salt. I do trust independent investigative journalists until they go off the deep end and start sounding like the government.

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Totally. No media can be fully trusted. Journalism has sunk so low in the main stream media that most are just propaganda sheets. Look at multiple sources and decide for yourself what the actual truth is.

I trusted RT on the Independence rallies as they showed film and interviewed people I know. But I realise broadcasting rallies was part of their anti Westminster propaganda. It was just a nice counterbalance to the BBC's anti Holyrood propaganda.

Agree re Independent investigative journalists. Private Eye is a good source too, but even they fell for the TRA lie that #KeepPrisonsSingleSex only trended because of bots. At least they apologised when women put them right!

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Yes to everything you say and I am getting sick of Linehan's constant McCarthyism. He may like to compare Twitter to East Germany in 1989, but two years later 51% of the East German population preferred life before "reunification." And why shouldn't RT have some anti-Westminster propaganda? Russia never invaded the U.K., but the U.S. and the U.K. invaded Russia if you weren't aware of it. The West has attacked Russia continuously in all sorts of ways, not the least of which was what was done to East Germany which was absolutely sickening.

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I consider Twitter to be more like Orwell's 1984, with Big Brother watching you constantly. Doublethink, where people who know exactly what a woman is but pretend they don't, and the proletariat willingly participating in their own oppression by being the ones to shout down dissent. The wokerati is the same old patriarchy, just this time they wear heels.

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Here's Twitter:


Big Tech is deep in some very serious malfeasance. And, yes, it's thoroughly misogynistic, racist, and imperialistic.

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Thank you, Neil Anderson. I just read about Bill Gates's control of the media, big donations to The Guardian, The Independent, BBC, The Daily Telegraph, and of course, lots of U.S. media. Gates financed the Guardian's entire "Global Development" section. Also gave money to the Center for Investigative Reporting to presumably discourage investigative reporting. Gates is also the money behind "fact-checking" websites.

Isn't it amusing how Westerners always point out someone else's flaws while ignoring their own? Isn't that what Jesus meant by removing the log from one's own eye before pointing out the splinter in someone else's?

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