It didn't take them long to co-opt another dead celebrity in the name of their cause. Funny how they didn't do this while Meat Loaf was alive and could speak for himself. I reckon' he would have had some choice words for them personally.

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I've been meaning to subscribe for a while but that meatloaf comment compelled me to do it today. I'm disgusted by it, how tf was he "queer" Oh and I stg if someone doesn't give India wannabe a bloody biology lesson, my head will explode.

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"Trans rights activists are men’s rights activists." I'm still really proud that I worked this out for myself. I was really excited when I made the connection. If you're not in the normal range neurologically, social stuff can sometimes be hard to work out. Well for me it is.

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"It's beginning"

As Helen Joyce wrote in her excellent book "Trans," lawsuits ended the craze for "repressed memories" in the 90's. Many therapists were convincing patients that they'd been abused by their parents and "repressed" the memory, until parents starting calling their lawyers and petty soon the "diagnosis" went out of fashion.

Gender identity ideology is a much more pervasive, global issue than repressed memory but protecting kids will go a long way to diluting it. We'll also see more progress when women start suing for being exposed to men in toilets, changing room, prisons etc.

But it's a positive development for now. As Helen also said: Don't get bogged down in discussing gender identity ideology - you can't discuss illogicality - talk past it and engage with the law.

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Tom Dolphin: “Everyone has a soul, even if heretics refuse to think about it that way”. Why can’t people see this for the faith-based ideology it is?

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Great to be able to read Arif Ahmed's eloquent defence in full.

Also, at the risk of repeating myself, the report on Higher Education Freedom of Speech https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-02/0167/210923.pdf is awaiting its third reading in the House of Commons so let's hope it does come through and sooner rather than later. I always feel that if the universities are all made to safeguard freedom of speech for their staff, this will spill over to other captured companies.

This bill was sponsored by Gavin Williamson. Another Tory I'm warming to.

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Why do men who claim they are lesbians always look more extremely male than many other men? They have overhanging brows or tiny eyes or giant chins and could never pass as female without a face transplant. Interesting, that, especially compared to the beautiful detransitioner who was on a recent post.

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Professor of Wanking🤣🤣🤣.

Love to see what he submitted to get to be a Prof. This world is mad! What happened to the debate with Helen J?

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India Willoughby - the delusion holds no bounds

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I LOVE your twitter updates, Graham, it got me through a few months where I gave up twitter… thank you for what you do.

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I wouldn’t cheer on Erin Darcy as she describes herself as ‘cis’ and repeats the mantra TWAW, so not sure what is going on there… https://twitter.com/edarcydesign/status/1484891100712255488?s=21

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Plenty of politicians, lobbyists, journalists and reporters in Ireland have been covering the issue of male violence to women recently and they are clearly referring to adult human females. Don't think they'd be prepared to confirm that though. Being a woman is just a matter of identifying as one in the Republic of Ireland - ask the National Women's Council.

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