Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

"I will never understand what makes journalists so willing to debase themselves in service of this cult."

I saw an interview with Steve Coogan the other day where he said it's important to make his drama about Jimmy Savile "to ensure we don't make the same mistakes again." But we are literally making the same mistakes again; the only difference is that this time the criminal intent is out in the open. Everybody knows what sort of man is really, really keen to teach kids about sex and why, but journalists (like Zoe Williams, Jon Ronson et al) wouldn't dream of admitting it.

Baroness Nicholson's horror story about a rape covered-up in an NHS hospital is literally what happened with Savile but with a few exceptions, most media won't touch it.

I know someone who works in the BBC and she's beating her head against the wall in frustration at trying to get them to cover this stuff. She's as baffled as the rest of us as to why they're so scared.

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I think a lot of people don't know about the statue on the BBC building in Portland Place, London, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/16/abuse-victims-find-eric-gill-statue-intolerable-if-only-bbc-had-too

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Some time ago, a petition was set up to destroy this or at least get it removed. The BBC ignored it.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Stonewall at first guess.

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No, the BBC is no longer in the Stonewall champions scheme. Any request to explore the subject has to go "right to the top" of the BBC and she has it on good authority that these people are scared of journalistic inquiry into gender ideology. These are people who have made docs on terrorism , extremism, serious organised crime etc, but they're scared of the church of gender .

Her attempts to report on gender stories always end with a firm reminder that "the BBC is a trans-affirmative organisation," as if everyone is supposed to automatically start believing in unicorns by corporate edict.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I love ' church of gender ' - exactly so.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Yeah, I've been referring to it as The Church of T for a while now... and they really do tick all the boxes, don't they? Dogma, accusations of heresy, excommunication of apostates (detrans), crusades against the heathens (TERFs)... the Trinity (transwoman, transman, and the Holy Enby)... an inquisition... even what I've termed trans-transubstantiation (instead of wine turning into blood and the host into flesh, we have... people turning into the other sex/no sex at all).

Hey, as long as they're going to insist on "transing" historical figures, how 'bout Torquemada? Cuz if he wasn't a "trans-activist" "transwoman", he sure acted like it!

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I've often said that being asked to believe one can change sex is just like transubstantiation. You're right, the other parallels work perfectly.I don't know Torquemada, now going to Google!

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

For a (much-needed) dose of levity, you might wanna look for a clip of Mel Brooks playing him in "History of the World, Part 1" [1981]... during a perky li'l musical number about the Spanish Inquisition!

"Hey Torquemada, whaddaya say?"/"I just got back from the Auto-da-fe!"

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Gender ideology is still embedded in their D&I depts and they also have another transactivist group advising them, invited, called INvolve. See article from Anonymous in The Critic (April 2022) entitled: More of The Same News From The BBC.

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Absolutely - there's more than one "advisory" group, and some staff are fully signed up to gender twaddle, but plenty aren't. She said many staff privately agree with her, whether it's because they're feminists or have kids they worry about. but more usually they're just people who don't believe in really dumb things.

But when it comes to editorial meetings, they all sit and stare at their shoes - and these are people who usually have very strong opinions on everything and are used to being very vocal and argumentative. She's said she's never seen anything like it in 40-odd years of working there.

Maybe there's no more complex answer than that it's the same that happened with Savile - everybody's scared because everybody else is scared, and nobody wants to be the canary in the coalmine.

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After the economic collapse in 2008, Andre Vltchek said that until people were willing to die to not be preyed upon, nothing would change. He has since been murdered, and I think I agree with him. When people sit and stare at their shoes rather than speaking up -- and I know one can't trust one's coworkers to have any moxie -- things will only get worse.

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It's money, dudes and dudettes. Bill Gates and his crowd are handing out the millions like candy, and they expect obedience from their minions.

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Riiiight 😉😉😉

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I belonged to a women only gym . It is run by a lady who got pissed off with some of the men in the gym that her husband runs - she said they acted like total dick heads and it inspired her to set up her own place. Very supportive welcoming environment for women of any age and there are no mirrors.

Loving the Nicola Sturgeon picture 😂

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Me too. It was nice. I've also belonged to mixed gyms that had women's sections. That was good too. Some of the problems in mixed sex areas can be designed out a bit of thought about where they put 'legs apart' exercise equipment.

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I belonged to a women's gym. The local Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women wouldn't have had anywhere to exercise at all without it. Another local pool has women- and men-only swimming sessions, but allows men to self-id themselves into the women and girls' changing room and they believe Stonewall Law.

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God is so depressing. I live in an area with a high south Asian population, a group that tends to be overweight with the health problems that entails - hypertension and diabetes to name but two. Exercise would really help them but the women can't and won't be around men in pools, changing rooms etc. (I will add that I have no idea of the policy of the local swimming pools here). It's no exaggeration to say that such women may die earlier. But let's not forget to focus on the feelings of men in dresses.

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Planet Fitness is advertising on TV in the U.S.; they were the first gym I heard about that allowed men into women's changing rooms. I would guess they lost some customers.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

I’m reminded of a comment in a thread where a TIM started attending a woman’s yoga class, wearing fishnets and I can’t remember but something like a miniskirt, deliberately putting everything on display in yoga positions.

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Yoga positions?! Ewww.....!

I guess the last thing anyone wants to see is a bloke's 'reverse camel'...

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Thank you Moley, I expect the fishnets acted like small cheese wires. Dear Lord 😱

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One can hope.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter


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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

That conjures up a thought I wish I wasn’t having.

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My apologies, but I don't see why I should have to suffer alone....

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Solidarity Mole, solidarity.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

Nicola in front of the giant eggplant is otherworldly level trolling.

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Did you see the photo of Lavery pulling up the collar of his jumper over his chins? And looking "coyly" at the camera? That filled me with dread.

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That was a deep shudder moment.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are 
presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new 
evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is 
extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it 
is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, 
ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.”

― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

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Cognitive dissonance is an epidemic coming close to covid levels in the developed world . It's also one of the Tras's main weapons . particularly for recruiting Vichy allies like Little Owen etc . That and being a wanker obvs .

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Name change needed there, to Owanker Jones.

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When I turn on the news now, Ronnie, everything they say is a lie.

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Many thanks, Nancy, for the quote from Fanon. I've meant to read his work, but haven't done so. What I am finding is that people set up false gods, people who would deny they are religious. If you suggest the slightest skepticism, they literally walk or run away; I am currently seeing this repeatedly in relation to Anthony Fauci whom it appears many Democrats worship. And I hate to tell anyone this (including myself0, but Trump was right about more than replacing gender identity with sex.

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Hi Susan! Not sure I can bring myself ever to agree with T about anything, haha, but i'm pleased you liked the Fanon quotation. Take care.

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Well, he tried to talk about hydroxycloroquin and ivermectin, both of which can be used to successfully treat covid, and he was told to shut up. Gender ideology is really pointing up that one needs to be VERY careful what one believes. I was totally traumatized when covid began due to husband's ill-health and I bought all the crap, which I deeply regret. And this morning there was an Alabama Republican representative on TV talking about how he doesn't think 11- and 12-year-olds have the ability to make life-altering decisions regarding puberty blockers, etc. BE SKEPTICAL ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!!

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Be skeptical about everything is good advice Susan.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

If she had searched "women-only gyms" she would find there are loads of them!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Funny that!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Brilliant mole!

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Guardian writer claims ‘wife-beating’ not as bad as J.K. Rowling's traditional gender views

"A piece from The Guardian on Friday said allegations of the Fantastic Beasts franchise’s main stars getting violent "feels like small beer" compared to author J.K. Rowling’s insistence on biological sex being a reality."

The passage was subsequently revised after online backlash.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Have you seen this one Graham, from oh dear - Open democracy? They seem to think that it's a sin for the LGB alliance to describe trans women as “males identifying as females”. And that there was something sinister in them and others meeting with the Minister to discuss conversion therapy : "behind-the-scenes lobbying". https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/minister-met-lobbyists-ahead-of-conversion-therapy-u-turn/

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Just added a comment to this - I used to subscribe to OD!

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I do! I'm going to challenge them on it.

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Amazed my comment hasn't been moderated out - they did at least publish (complete with many typos). I took a view that I would no longer fund any org promoting gender ideology and would instead support sites like this that promote truth. That meant leaving the Labour party, OD and Good Law Project for starters. I'm not saying that fighting from within isn't an equally valid choice though. Women Uniting are doing a great job from inside the various political tents.

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Voluntary mastectomy scars, botched scars at that, signal your "specialness"? You're "special' alright. Your martyrdom for the cult cannot be expressed fully and fervently enough with measly tidy scars.? What's next? What else are you willing to do to express your saintliness? Hairshirts as penance for being "assigned" female at birth? Aha, an as yet untapped product for the "transgender" shops.

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It's OUTRAGEOUS expecting a writer to remember what she wrote nine years ago! I suspect that if you questioned her, she might have to look at her ID to remember her name.

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LOL, it was my original pic and it's gone mad, which is brilliant. Of course @MoleatTheDoor had a fab twist on it too ... https://twitter.com/moleatthedoor/status/1512516062809669639

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I have a feeling it was Zoe Williams who flat-out denied that there are any women who don't know what a cervix is. Well, she and her friends all know so that means everyone else does too, right?

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The world is full of women who know nothing about their own anatomy and physiology, very sad.

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And this ideology is really helping, NOT!

Being a bigot and transphobe is helping to keep many women confused, and ignorant, but it’s not about helping the wrong kind of women, is it ?

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Words I never thought I’d read , transgender killer demands dummy ,nappies and baby food as he now identifies as a baby

Jesus fuck wish I’d succeeded in my suicide attempt , I hate this fucking world

No words of sympathy necessary , I won’t try again , but fuck me , can the grown ups come back

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Sorry can’t link it , don’t know how but it’s in daily mail , something else I never thought I’d read but it’s better than Scottish papers

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There's a line in it something along the lines of they're not sure if he really does identify as a baby or is just attention seeking. I'm not a professional but I reckon I could hazard a guess!


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They’re all attention seeking and destroying our childrens future

Thank you for the link 😊

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Thank you

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<3 (that's the pre-emoji heart)

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Katy doesn't understand what GC means - how is that possible? A GC man would see a girl with short hair and know she is a girl with short hair. What a nonsense

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Hey, it's not as though short hairstyles have been fashionable for women since the 1920s or anything... or famously worn by glamor-pusses (PSST Mia Farrow, Jean Seberg, Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy). And who in the 1990s could possibly tell that Sinead O'Connor-- with her huge eyes, tiny nose, and delicate features-- was a woman once she shaved her head???

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Obviously all men now !

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Clutching at straws springs to mind.

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