

'Mermaids Director of Legal & Policy' asking when young people should have bodily autonomy.



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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

That tattoo, is what I think it is ? a little boy ?

In plain sight, yet the mental gymnastics these deniers go through, takes delusion to the highest levels.

I should be shocked, disturbed, how about aghast ?

Sickened sums it up nicely, and no excuse would ever be acceptable.

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I’m convinced there’s some further imagery hidden within the ‘angel wings’ of that tattoo but I cannot make it out.

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Cara, I agree there is some strange imagery, I’ve ‘blown’ it up, it could be a face or, perhaps, apart from its content, it’s actually a really bad tattoo!

It’s quite crude, it’s placement is a little strange too, but then, perhaps that’s because if it’s dubious content!

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Clickbait Comic: Trans charity Mermaids forced to suspend ‘life-saving’ helpline due to ‘intolerable abuse’


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O. My. God. The projection of Roz Kaveney. It’s so painful. So obvious.

“Moderate” GCs (note -- he even has to put italics around the truth in order to fit his boggled apprehension of reality) have constantly and consistently chosen to misrepresent the law, the science, and social statistics around trans people. Apart from the inhumanity, this is a real debasement of the standards of pubic discourse.”

On some deep level he's aware of his own ethical failures but just cannot accept them. Always telling on himself by projecting his very own sins onto others. Weak. Weak. Weak.

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I really hope that Nicolson etc are crossed examinend in court re this week's revelations and the disgusting lies about trans suicide stats that they've deleted .

FYI Malcom Clark is on Brendan O'Neil Show doing good stuff .

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That poor little child , parents should be charged , I couldn’t read after that ,sorry , looked the same age as my wee gd (6)

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No one is surprised, right? After all they're following in the footsteps of Volkmar Sigusch, Alfred Kinsey and John Money.

I've reached the point where the positive take on my ex-husband's "transition," his coercion, his claims to be a mother, his immature sexual fantasies, surfaced during a regression, made known to me in his journaling--I can finally call it what it was. It was a corrupt intrusion into womanhood, where he and his "sexologist" did not and do not belong.

Alternative healing paths, mind/body work, cognitive behavior therapy--this is the actual way to go.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Graham. Hattrick should be ashamed of themselves in dropping you when there is this disgusting activity going on x

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It forever amazes me that transgender medicine has advanced to the point where they can make a dumpster fire like Colin walk and talk.

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That Das Janssen tweet: he describes EXACTLY what trans activists do in the debate, not what GCs do. What is it about Republicans (in the US) and trans activists and their debate tactics that always has them wrongly accusing the other side of what they actually do themselves. I have to think this is a purposeful tactic, some sort of Machiavellian thing. It just happens so consistently. Anyone else notice this?

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It is called DARVO: "Defend, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender". Narcissist tactics.

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I thought the "D" stands for "Deny".

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You are correct.

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"Queer Theory is the most successful pro-paedophile campaign ever, and it's impossible to unentwine it from the modern "trans rights" movement."

Spot on. If you can convince people that there's such a thing as "trans kids," and that you have to talk to them about the T in LGBT, then you also "have" to talk to them about the LGB, which is sexual orientation/attraction. Hence the graphic-sexual, Queer Theory-influenced education guidelines. It's more sophisticated than asking kids if they want to see some puppies but the endgame is exactly the same.

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I have been at war for sometime now. One thing that is clear is nearly all the hate tweets I get are from obviously trans women..very obviously..There is a huge drive in calling all biological women 'ugly' too....

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This is something I can’t get my head round! If the transwoman is truly trans, then they do tend to look feminine and could pass for a woman, and just get on with their lives, but the men who are just pervs and abusers are really some of the most atrocious looking women I have ever seen and are the ugliest of men. Not very well put but I hope you get my meaning!

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I met a Trans woman, she did pass until closer inspection. Immaculate, graceful, polite, poised. A deligtful human being. I would share my space with this person. This IS feminine. To me anyway. The dirty perverts however...are harming Trans women like this. Also if a Trans woman can admit male biology, but integrate as best they can I am actually down with that. I think however there are very very few of them.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Author

A growing collection of receipts - those who supported Mermaids! (Not my work)


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KFP, you should put an explanation of the archive that is at the end of that link. A lot of people are reluctant to just click on a link that has no explanation of what it is.

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Hi there, I managed to sign up despite having 50p to my name until tomorrow! Thanks government for taking all my money in bills. Anyway..UKHOMOSEXUAL on twitter has a good tweet which mentions you, a lawyer wrote it to him. I have a screenshot but cannot load that here..Hope you can find it on his thread. Josapienza@hotmail.com if you want screenshot or I can help you in anyway. Cheers my good man!

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Weirdly, the worst thing for me was that Stonewall fundraising gala. Sooo many famous faces. Why do it??? Even if I wasn't prepared to make a stand, I'd definitely have been ill that night.

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They do it because it's good exposure for them. It's a career move.

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So ...demisexual is basically old school romance. Which doesn't tally with the gender mob's porn addiction 🤔

Here me out. I think he's trying it on. No really!

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Who knows? I am totally lost in the "alphabet soup" of varieties of attraction. I know one thing though: this verdict will not please the senior ranks in the Navy. It IS disruptive, whatever actually happened.

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