
If JK Rowling sold her tweets, they'd also be bestsellers! 😆🤩😄


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What the hell is wrong with righteous 'moral panic'? I'm all for a honest-to-God moral panic in the face of the mega-level destruction of the 'gender' cult. Destroying bodies, psyches, spirits, institutions, childhood, vulnerable people's lives. Bring on the moral panic please. I've yet to see it.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

Imagine all of the people who would have had their brains irreparably damaged by surgeons with lobotomies if concerned laypeople hadn’t become active in various ways to get them to stop. There were already way too many, but surely there’d have been tens of thousands more if the so-called “moral panic” against it hadn’t proceeded when it did. We must have morality to combat these horrible mass abuses of the public, as the surgeons who repeatedly produce these scandals are sadists.

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Opposing lobotomy was rational, decent and scientific. Moral panic is something else, and to my knowlegde the opponents of lobotomy were not accused of moral panicking. See my above statement.

I know this is not going to make me popular here or anywhere else, but analyzing the impact of catch phrases is part of my job and I can tell you: Never, ever engage with in a public debate on the basis of the catch phrases your opponent uses. Never, ever.

There are very few people who can do that in a debate and convince whoever is watching. I know I'm not one of them, btw. How it usually ends is that you more or less affirm the conceptual foundations of your opponent. In other words: You sort of admit that he or she is right in a way. Also, in many cases you expose yourself unneccessarily and can become the target of slander.

"Oh, so he/she is saying that moral panic is a good thing. See, we've been saying he/she is a Nazi/a Christian fundamentalist all along" is a very likely outcome. And as sadly guilt by association is a thing in public discourse, that would very likely be used against anyone else who is gender critical, feminist, progressive or otherwise engaged in preserving sanity.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Perhaps my understanding of “moral panic” simply means that something like emotionality is involved. Surely, offense at others’ behavior could be called such? Anyone with true empathy would be horrified by the amputation of healthy body parts. I have no problem expressing my disgust at that practice, though it comes from a rational place first. Men are calling themselves women, FFS. Don’t blame me for their misuse of language, which is what you’re doing. There’s no winning with any type of language when one is dealing with emotionally manipulative narcissistic liars.

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I am afraid that "true empathy" quickly gets buried under the constant threats of suicide. This sort of manipulation is what it is all about: "Isn't chopped off breasts or penisses better than children killing themselves?" Emotional blackmail in its purest form, and this is why it's worked so well so far. Most people are empathetic and so they tend to be susceptible to that sort of thing. It only stops working when it's clearly over the top and people stop believing your threats. There's still a long way to go to get to that point in the public debate, I'm afraid.

I am not blaming you for transactivists manipulative use of language. I am pointing out that you argue within the frame that they have set. Those are two very different things. The aim in this debate, by the way, is not to convince these people of our points. Transactivists is not who we are really having a debate with. That is exactly why we should avoid having a debate on their terms, which includes avoiding terms and phrases they have framed already as best as possible. We will never convince them. The people we are really talking to are the people who listen to this debate. We will only win them over if and hopefully when we can demonstrate how manipulative the other side is.

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I think you’re absolutely wrong. Expressing disgust at the lopping off of healthy body parts isn’t a “debate.” Stop correcting my use of language and mind your own better, why don’t you?

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Think what you like.

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It's an easy to remember catch phrase, and suggestive, too. After all, there was this moral panic in conservative circles about gay men being a danger in public toilets - decades ago. A much bigger thing we could arguably categorize as moral panic was associating homosexuality with pedophilia. That was so powerful that it has left traces in some languages to this day. (In the language formerly known as Serbocroatian, the word for gay is "peder".)

We all remember the last one and how heinous it was. Nobody wants to go down this road again, at least no decent human being.

To accuse someone of "moral panic" of course invokes all of that. So it lends itself to slandering people, or in other words: It being highly suggestive and vague at the same time, it is a perfect club to beat anyone who dissents over the head with.

If you want to counter that, I'd advise not embrace it the way you do. You implictly admit that in some sense these people are right, and that, indeed, any concerns over transideology are a form of moral panic, however rational, reasonable and scientifically grounded they may be.

Rather, reverse the blame - and for once it would be a correct thing to do. It is transactivists who have been panic mongering for over a decade now. Saying: "If you do not repeat my Creed in public a child is going to kill itself" is moral panic if there ever was one. Saying: "If you insist that there are indeed men and women, someone will kill a transperson" is moral panic if there ever was one. Saying: "If you don't want small children in a highly sexualised atmosphere you are endorsing genocide" is moral panic if there ever was one.

THEY are engaging in moral panicking every hour of the day. it's all they have. Transideology is based on irrationality and emotional blackmail. And we need to say this over and over again.

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“We” do say this over and over again. Problem is, men (and the women who worship them) don’t listen to women. It’s why this sadistic nightmare is unfolding. If you were familiar with any feminist scholars, you might’ve come across those who have elucidated the problem of *some* gay men being introduced to homosexual acts via the route of childhood sexual abuse, and aren’t actually in opposition to “pederastic” relations. I’ve no idea why (other than denial and scapegoating) the general population doesn’t see heterosexual white men in suits and ties as the child sex predators that, by the numbers, they likely are, certainly not gay men. I’m all for blasting that myth out of the water!

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Good parenting is all about setting boundaries; teaching children where the boundaries are and, as they get older, how to negotiate them safely. Transgender ideology is all about obscuring boundaries or removing them completely, specially when tied in with Queer Theory. Can't thank you enough for all you do, Graham.

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"Before removing a fence, first find out why the fence is there at all" - it worries that there are so many people who looked at the fence, realised what it was for, and then took the cutters and saws to it anyway. Every single one is culpable.

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Next stop: Gendered Intelligence

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And no stopping until we uproot this rot from everywhere!

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Not so much a Blacklist as a PinkWhiteBlueList.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

"In Western Australia, Transfolk WA - a government funded NGO - appears to be getting away with worse than Mermaids by handing out $50 gift vouchers to 11-18 year-olds as an inducement to join their youth focus group"

Time and again it seems that the most important thing that must urgently be taught to kids is gender fluidity (closely followed by sexual orientation obv) - not reading & writing or maths or nutrition or keeping fit or any of the many things that have traditionally been prioritised.

Leaving aside that gender ideology is only made-up pish that nobody needs to "learn," it's intensely creepy and deeply suspicious to have such a fascination with "teaching" kids this one subject. Is it any wonder that people like Breslow latch onto it?

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Looking forward to For Women Scotland’s rally tomorrow outside the Holyrood parliament building. Time to show these trans facilitators that Women Won’t Wheesht.

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re. “So, I just got misgendered … excuse me but do I look like a men??” Why yes — yes, you do look like a man. You look like a man who is desperate to be thought of as a woman. You look like a man who spends hours putting on makeup in the vain attempt to look like a woman. You look like a man who wears an atrocious wig. You look like a man who wants into women’s spaces. You look like a man who is willing to trespass and thieve and cause no end of problems for women and children. You look like a man propping up a hideously dangerous cult for the sake of your fetish. Why yes — you do look like a man. Any more questions?

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I wonder how many of your (former) friends are feeling very uncomfortable this evening Graham.

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FUFs - former uncomfortable friends. TRAs, TERFs, and FUFs! 😄

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Ah the victim card I am …,! or …!

Society has rules or not...pedophilla is wrong or not!

Defending ones family by any means ...is wrong or no!

What do they want.

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Why do obvious dudes ask "Do I look like a man?" Yes, dude, you do, and additionally you bear a strong resemblance to Pinocchio.

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And funnily enough, it's the trans identified girls that want to be real live boys!

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I always preferred the term child molesters to "pedophiles." Other -phile ending words are positive; Francophile, bibliophile, for example. Anyone who tells a child you could be something other than what you are is also a child molester, stealing childhood itself.

The entire "sexology" field based research on the premise that feeling "dysphoric" is so rare, it won't matter if we make every mistake in the book. So they did, and then some. Unfortunately, the truth will be hard for detransitioners and regretters to face. Others, who thought they were "doing well," after fake "affirmation" surgery, will realize they've participated in a gigantic, damaging scam. They will have to get over themselves, and stop claiming they feel so "erased." They tried to erase the sexed parts of their bodies. It doesn't work. Their "truth" is not real. I go back and forth between the "house of cards" it is and how it might start to unravel with speed, and my realistic estimate of the decade it will take for doctors to admit their malpractice.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

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'2 things that will never pass'... superb gag (Roisin's authorship noted)

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Did you see Micheal Salter's comments on mermaids?

Bet he was dancing like napoleon dynamite after finally getting to talk shit about queer theory.

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Dear God ,these ideologues are not even bothering to hide their nefarious activities any more ,so what the H°°L is wrong with our Governments public bodies and institutions that they're not putting a stop to this.? They can't ALL be misogynistic ,child hating predators surely ? These cowards will hopefully have to answer for these crimes very soon. I agree with Matt Walsh that this is the worst thing that's ever happened to the human race. It's beyond evil and claiming more victims every day. Shocking that they're still getting away with these horrors😱😭💔👎

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