This was the tweet that got me permanently booted of Twitter -- appropriate for this Glinner's Update.

"Eunuch as gender identity, castration cults, nullification surgeries, sissy hypno porn, child drag, drag in toddler’s Story Hours, lactating men inflicting themselves on babies. All under the paraphilic “trans” umbrella. A cascade of grotesqueries. The media is hiding all of this.”

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Except I'm fairly sure it was Colin Montgomerie who got me booted off. The day after I posted this in response to Aja's video, I was permanently suspended:

"Colin' Montgomerie misogyny" is right. Aja says his 'dead' name. That's where truth is. Strip him of the appropriated ultra 'feminine' name that provides him so much stolen and unearned 'feminine' cover. Names are magical and contain tremendous power. Just ask Rumpelstiltskin."

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Can you tell I'm still really ticked off? By the incel perverted brats pulling the levers behind the Twitter curtain? I have a lot more free time now that I'm suspended, but don't like being silenced.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

I don't twitter - join the vast majority of human nontwitterers on the planet [who know wot a woman is and that there are worse things in life than being called by the name you were assigned at birth!]

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Brilliant! A name *is* assigned at birth. Being a random name the parent has chosen for whatever reason or whim.

Sex never is assigned at birth (not even for DSDs now as the blood test can confirm which DSD the individual has and thus confirm their actual sex).

I got "booted" off Twitter I think temporarily. But as it is demanding a phone number I won't reinstate the account.

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The truth is true. I think I’ve been silenced by The Times - anyone else think they’ve been stopped from commenting?

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I wouldn't be surprised. even though the Times has been good on this their comments pages on this subject are very tightly policed

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I can’t get comments at all now. Interestingly I was able to comment on one piece about candidate PM4PM, comments mysteriously appeared- quite a few people replied before the system or a human stopped me replying back. When I log in non of the articles have a comments section again

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Well said that woman I Can’t Believe it’s Not Betty 👍

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What Biden's dire ratings really need is a man in a skirt telling voters he wants to make it easier to have their kids irreversibly mutilated. Ballot box gold.

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Strange how 'Demi Minor' (a bargain basement Demi Moore) does not think he's man but still knows what his dick is for.

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As a matter of interest, I've noted that every time I hear about "transgender people" they are invariably males who have decided they are female. Does it ever work in the opposite direction? How many Men's Groups have been invaded by "trans-men"?

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Given the huge increase of F-M trans folk in the last few years I'd say that most of them are younger (teens to early twenties) and are not as aggressive about invading male spaces. I know the one I know continues to use women's spaces despite being a "gay femme presenting non-binary trans person going by they/them". So a heterosexual woman who looks like a woman with dyed hair who continues to use the women's loos and changing spaces then. They say they feel safer without a shred of irony while supporting more men in women's spaces.

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Good point. I'm yet to see one story about women infiltrating/invading men's groups.

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There are a few. There are some news reports and accounts of gay men who have spoken up about how 'trans' identified women have gone to men's bath houses and similar places. And insisted they find them attractive, are welcomed and will have sex with them on the basis that they 'are men'.

There's a lot on 'the cotton ceiling' and how many can convince women to accept them as sexual partners against their will and instincts, but not so much on the reverse.

I suspect - but happy to be wrong - that sex-based behaviours and socialised behaviours may be behind how interlopers are treated. That men who 'believe' they are women are highly aggressive about demanding their rights to be in women's spaces. And other 'trans ally' women are happy to fight for those men to do so.

It would be good to know more about this and hear more first-hand accounts. People are shamed and embarrassed out of talking about all this.

You might want to look up Aaron Terrell and Aaron Kimberly and how they talk about this topic.

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Never sure who to reply to in a thread - there are a few - but fewer - this is likely because men are more forceful about their 'identities' and the associated behaviours they bring with them to their 'new identities'.

The age old problem - is it happening and we just don't know about it or don't have the data.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

"...stereochemistry to refer to otherwise identical chemcials i.e. isomers, which have mirror image structures ..."

I must say that The Science Inc. has mustered a whole vocabulary of splendidly impressive terms to generate a bogus authority.

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Gosh ,just when you think all the evils of this ideology are exposed, even more rises to the surface !🤮 This swamp is much deeper than we could ever have imagined !!😨🤬

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What bothers me after reading the castration piece is what is coming next? Us nominally normal people cannot even imagine, but I would guess more horrors are just around the corner.

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'Oh, look. Another castration fetishist!'.

Gawd, this made me laugh.

And non binary Damien too!

It's such a gift to others to make us laugh in the darkest times. Just look what we're laughing at! How do they do it? Thanks for the humour Graham and Moley.

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Just recalling how misogny has always been with us..... (of course, you we knew that)....., but just remembering long before the existence of the mantra "Transwomen are women", and at a time when men in women's clothes were usually referred to as 'cross-dressers', or 'transvestites' (without it being declared a 'hate-crime') - , females who had close friends who were gay-men were often dismissed as 'fag-heads'!

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Or fag hags :-(

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And that's women being called that by gay men. Where do we begin...

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Totally changing the subject here, but I've just listened to the latest "One Foot In The Podcast", absolutely wonderful. I have only one complaint, it wasn't long enough! :) Many thanks you you both!

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Writer and creator of Father Ted; Blackbooks; IT Crowd; Motherland; The Walshes and a feck load more, I was absolutely delighted to speak to sitcom writing legend, Graham Linehan.


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Ta v much @Sianrose - listening now 😁

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The sad fact is that most of our "celebrities" are only too eager to jump on any bandwagon to flog their latest wares. Consideration of societal responsibility is just so "cramping" and "reactionary".

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Has anyone checked what Colon Montgonorrhea's statements on the 'Queer Activist' are? Another brave win for rights? Our fault because we're bigots who refuse trans healthcare again? And comparing it to abortions...again?

What treats are we in for I wonder.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

That had to be an American school district. I remember being in their public jails (“schools”) and that was basically what would happen when I questioned the instructor. “Are you gonna stop runnin’ your mouth and learn something?” They certainly won’t, and project that onto the questioner. So much “civilized” activity is actually just narcissistic manipulation. Civilization is simply organized barbarity. I’m not at all convinced that it’s an “advanced” way to live, except in its advanced ignorance of the wisdom of Nature. Pornography is man’s revenge against Nature. “It’s nothing personal” and that’s why it’s inflicted upon the public. I’ve become convinced that the Late Bronze Age Collapse was caused by much more of a disturbance than simply interruption of the tin trade. Terrifying fear of Nature is why Civilized Man is obsessed with control of the Earth and all Earthlings. Women (as a group) are connected to material reality in ways men (as a group) aren’t, and I’m convinced the enslavement of women in ancient times was motivated by disturbing natural events. There’s actual reasons why the ancients projected blame onto women for the disturbances. Pornography is his revenge. We “civilized” people have a lot of maturing to do before the organized barbarity comes to an end. Or maybe the psychopathic men with their fingers on the switch will annihilate us all. Glad for The Glinner Update in the meantime!

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

How's this for a phony stitch up?:


"What is one of the most joyful things about being part of the LGBTQ+ community?"

The interviewer may as well be interviewing himself.

And just in case you don't get it:

"This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity"

I daresay his interview has been "edited" and "condensed" i.e. molded, but not "for clarity".

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