I can't post anything coherent right now. I'm dealing with my facial expression which is trying to reflect disbelief, incredulousness, revulsion and pity as well as anger all at once. It's exhausting.

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I'll echo that. You've written it far better than I could

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New book published in Spain called "Nadie nace en un cuerpo equivocado” (Nobody is born in the wrong body). Gotta love that title!


The book is subtitled "Éxito y miseria de la identidad de género" (which could be translated as "Success and moral bankruptcy of gender identity" - NB, NOT "misery")

It’s by José Errasti and Marino Pérez Álvarez.

Errasti is a lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Oviedo, in northern Spain.

Pérez Álvarez is Professor of Clinical Psychology in that same school.

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This looks great. The synopsis is quite complimentary.

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Adele now being called a transphobe because she likes being a woman. Let's hope it's a wake-up call to her fans. I was not really a fan but I am now. (Great Janice Turner opinion piece on Adele in The Times)

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I still can't stand her singing, but I totally repsect her for saying what she did.

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Annnnnddd...all respect has evaporated leaving the stench of disappointment behind. I do hope she finds her spine soon.

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I'm not sure you should respect her for saying a totally normal everyday thing. I can't imagine that she thought it would be in any way controversial when she said it. What matters now is, does she stand by her statement or backpedal and apologize.

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Hi Laura. Because she knew she would get flack for saying it. She is friends with JK Rowling so very aware of the potential for being perceived to say something "terfy" and that is exactly what has happened. I just hope this leads to a few more peakings. I've already had a couple of friends remark on how can she be criticised for saying what she did. It's a good potential opening for leading them to understadning why I think.

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OK! I am impressed! Thanks for the info--we need more brave women. I still don't understand how it got so bad so fast to the extent that a woman can't call herself a woman anymore.

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“BDSM positive”. I think not. There’s nothing positive about it. “Kink” is another one of those oh-so-minimizing words — an inconsequential flaw, merely unconventional behaviour, pay no heed, nothing to be concerned about here. No real harm done. Look away, prude. “Shaming” is also brilliant word spinning — like the practitioner of perversion is being unjustly accused. How dare you “shame”? Let’s call it out. Perversions. Perverts. Language is all important. It can trap you or free you.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

One of the most compelling and brilliant feminist voices in this fight, Exulansic, who, (unlike the very well paid Joe Rogan whose content I understand is still on Spotify and YouTube) lost her Patreon and therefore much of her income, and is gradually rebuilding her YT channel after the tech bros yanked it following brigading and mass reporting, now has a Substack: https://exulansic.substack.com/p/coming-soon?showWelcome=true

Please share and support her if you can.

EDIT: argh, YT just yanked her backup channel. Her content is on Odysee so please follow her there.

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She's wonderful; smart, rational, mordantly funny. She deserves our support!

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Crikey, the illustrations in that book are fugly (apart from the obvious problems with it). You can tell whoever wrote it doesn't much know what kids like. Not the first book any child would reach for. But then they don't need to - it will be thrust into their little hands by the adult propagandists

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Not digging this new layout.

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Ah well, capitalism and racism are closely tied to one another. Racism is instrumental in undermining working class solidarity everywhere. This is also true of a lot of places and a lot of situations wokies don't associate with racism. As indeed, most of them do not have any grasp of how important a tool racism has always been in capitalism. Rather, they spew phrases such as "all white peope benefit from racism" which flatout denies it. It is wokies who promote a worldview that exploitation isn't really exploitation once all company boards are "diverse" enough.

But: Racism and capitalism are not synonymous. Things would be much simpler if they were. Unfortunatly, racism does not need capitalism to exist. It's just that it tends to do the most damage under capitalist conditions.

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But I believe capitalism needs racism to exist. Americans truly believe that the resources in other countries are OURS, as in Elon Musk's "We can coup whoever we want," referring to the American coup in Bolivia, which Bolivians overturned (and I'm waiting to see what happens to those who participated because they are going to be charged with treason).

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Oh those women going on about mumsnet …same vibe as people calling others gammons or deplorables!

So full of themselves and haven't a clue what's really happening.

"I promise I won’t be doing this forever but until I can get back to comedy, baby needs shoes! Please consider taking out a subscription"

I think a lot of us will be happy if you do... do it forever(figurately)!

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I suspect she's a regular plopper on the feminism sex and gender topic there. There are a few who get their arses handed to them most days. If they hate it so much what masochism sends them there?

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Penny had her normal, healthy breasts cut off and now she will have implants which can cause serious health issues, are nonfunctional, and will have to be replaced eventually.

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I have a question that I’m hoping you’ll be able to help with. I’ve been pondering why references to breastfeeding are being replaced by chest feeding, men have breasts too after all (and indeed used to clasp lovers to them if I remember rightly) so to ‘include’ trans IDing men you wouldn’t have to change the term (ignoring the actual feeding bit for a moment). It has occurred to me that the reason is then 1. perhaps to not offend or ‘exclude’ trans IDing women who have had mastectomies who cannot breastfeed due to well, you know. But is it actually more to do with ballooning rates of bottle feeding associated with surrogacy? And, there is the old breastfeeding adds nothing to GDP, so commercial interests are benefited by increased bottle feeding which would fit in as chest feeding, wouldn’t it? Also, lack of maternity leave or limited access impacts directly on breastfeeding, so in the interest of capital to obscure the impediments and de-emphasise the actual act and it’s benefit. And this time organisations meant to support mothers and babies in this very thing are working against it. Am I completely off base here?

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Devaluing breastfeeding, in various ways, has always been a thing.

But even if that wasn't an aim of now prohibiting the word that describes it, it is and will be an effect.

The capture of these orgs boggles the mind. How can they erase the very thing needing support?

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