
The Abigail Shrier piece is long and involved - and not a pleasant read at all. But I think we all should - as the UK has a propensity in certain issues to 'follow America'. We are nowhere near as bad as California and Canada in worshipping and adhering to gender ideology - yet. Scotland will be first to go, sadly.

But California is gone now. It is no more.

What really comes through is the helplessness of the father. This is so dispiriting in a general sense.

The last line - is so desperate, so chilling and depressing.

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Custody trials are fraught enough without the addition of “gender” wars. I have two sisters who were broken by their abusive husbands in family courts over custody issues. They (and their children) emerged traumatized, and convinced that custody issues should be tried in Criminal Courts. Cannot imagine this new weapon in the arsenal of vindictive parents.

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Its utterly depressing but surely it wasn't just the mother who went through major trauma when her sister was murdered. That child must have been pretty traumatised too, surely this should have been considered as a factor in the dysphoria and distress.

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They’ve got the Courts, the NGO’s, the Police, the Schools, the Universities, the Medical Journals, MSM, Social Media, and on and on and on. What does this really mean? Essentially — they’ve got the Children.

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Over their mothers' and fathers' dead bodies (with exceptions for a few handmaidens and butlers)!

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Wales this is getting so embarrassing. Please stop all this bonkers behaviour

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

I thoroughly recommend the Rosario Sanchez live Tweets...I can even follow from work in my breaks.

As for those bloody crossing! Bad for horses, bad for assistance dogs, bad for people with neurological problems inc. brain injury, Parkinsonism, dementia, depth perception problems (me 🙄) , colour-blindness (me 🙄)... On the QTPOC crossing at our hospital I had to walk in the road...I complained about it, but to no avail.

Black & white is the universally accepted colour for crossings for a reason, instead 1000s of people are now at risk, which means they have to cross elsewhere.

Horses are bigots.


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Agree re rainbow crossings... The point is those new ones in Cardiff are not actually crossings! They are "artwork" on the roadway. Confusion and possibly accidents will result. Council couldn't care less, it seems.

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

No, clearly they couldn't. Few people expect to see painted flags traversing the road in exactly the same way a crossing does. So it would hardly be unreasonable if they were used for this purpose. It's a stupid idea in every respect. Councils need to think about the wisdom of advertising their inclusivity driven idiocy by putting bad art on the roads.

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Bad for anyone who has been encouraged and directed to believe and trust the Highway Code or general rules, laws and physics (*hint* that's every single one of us). Also very bad to encourage children that a road like that is somehow painted to look like it's a fun play space. Kids play by rail tracks too and attempt to outrun trains. Doesn't end well. Are we painting rail infrastructure in the trans flag now? Here kiddies come and play! Play on the edge! Play on the edge of the platform for your own inclusivity! F*ck safety we need to virtue signal! Let's paint clown faces on all building sites and substations to encourage the kiddies too! Let's entirely f*ck up yet more public messaging.

These are not playgrounds. And aren't they supposedly encouraging us all to walk and cycle more? Will some prat blame the contractor or is no one responsible for anything any longer?

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In regards to the child prostitutes, only sickos see anything rewarding in this for children. They are completely incapable of seeing the total pretence required (for the most part) to be a prostitute of any age.

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The video about Ehrensaft is excellent! and I look forward to the coming ones. Fifteen minutes long, intense, good visuals, and the evil committed by what I assume are social workers. The New Yorker ran a piece in that time frame about some totally straight man who was convinced by the cops -- after endless interrogation in which they shattered his personality -- that he was a practitioner of satanism and abuse.

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btw, that meme haha -- the overworked LGB hauling along the ludicrous T is great.

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Mr. Rachel Levine’s face pasted onto the rickshaw passenger’s face made me spit out my morning coffee. Well worth the cleanup job! 🤣

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No wonder vigilantes exist...

"To most people it is astonishing that questioning a man touching your non-verbal disabled female child’s genitals could be a criminal offence, yet in Scotland it is about to become a hate crime."

Again I am saying people are cowards...on five live radio today. Talking about the dropped male and female categories at the Brits.

Presenter asks the "showbiz" correspondent what do the performers think? … well he had no replies because it is such a hot topic!

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I'm pleased to see the Observer/Guardian take a break from its usual simpering obedience to gender ideology, but still the reviewer addresses Laurie Penny as "they." Non-belief is a legally-protected characteristic - as Maya Forstater and others went to court to clarify.

You don't have to pretend that using a plural pronoun for a single person isn't really fucking stupid - because it is - and compelled speech is a feature of undemocratic countries.

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I've got a few "gender messages" for Diane 😡🖕

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"Compelled speech is nothing new, but there is an important difference between “God save the king” and “men can get pregnant”, since the latter is a factual claim that can only be made true through a radical redefinition of what those terms meant until just five minutes ago, in historical terms. And yet if you Google “can men get pregnant” the almighty power of the tech giant that is currently the second most valuable company in the world will answer you definitively: yes, yes they can.

"Human beings can live with a lot of cognitive dissonance. We all know how to self-censor, and have almost all adjusted to this century’s new speech codes, but some compelled speech is too outlandish to win out — at least, not without a fight."

Excellent stuff--thanks for bringing all of these things to our attention!

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Wow, this newsletter was choc-a-bloc. I am getting so angry. These old men being found guily of sexually abusing young children! Vulnerable and disabled children? Can you men just leave women the fuck alone? What sort of world would that be like? I can't even imagine. This movement is allowing so many of these abusers to come forward. Maybe good in the long run? One can only hope. And of course i don't mean all men. There are many men in my life and in public life who are as horrified of what is happeneing as women are.

I would also like to take this time to thank Graham for all he does for us. These newsletters require so much time and effort, not to mention the emotion toll it must take on a daily basis to produce them. I know you have suffered greatly Graham, and i am so sorry for that. I hope that you can take some comfort in the knowledge that you have been a driving force for so many of us and you have been a catalyst for change. History will honour all you have done, of that i am certain. Keep on keeping on and don't let the bastards rent room in your brain.

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I'm not sure if everyone's seen this but TRAs/MRAs successfully went got Exulansic's main YT channel and Patreon nuked.

If you can, please support her via PayPal - https://www.gettr.com/post/pta4gc054f

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

More testimony to the capacity some

people have to degrade and abuse women and children, and of the stupidity of those who feel it doesn't refer to them, for swallowing it. Diane's Ehrensaft's presentation is nonsensical bollocks. These people must surely be aware that claiming a child altering the configuration of their onesie is a 'non verbal gender statement' is beyond risible. They are imposing their adult perception of gender roles/stereotypes, internal gender identity, and how that may conflict with biogical sex, on a baby. It's unfeasible that those touting this crap have an audience outside fellow accolytes.

These people aren't skilled manipulators, they aren't presenting credible ideas. They are bullies and we have be one so anxious, fearful and compliant that they go unchallenged. These arseholes shouldn't have the ears or the attention of anyone but each other. And they should have no influence whatsoever.

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Developmental psychology was one of my modules. Really interesting. Babies explore and manipulate their surroundings in order to learn about them. Watch everything that's going on to figure it all out. Build up a model in their cute wee heads :)

They're at the stage where they're figuring out that other people aren't them ffs not sex categories.

I can't even...

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Not sure why such a focus on a shock jock, he is still collecting his millions from Spoti. Several of the episodes taken down were by his request because he is embarrassed by his use of the word nigger. He signed with a capitalist multimedia company do you not think it instinctively protects its foreign markets, even if they are run by jihadists? The initial hooha was just some old radical musicians not wanting to share a platform with a guy who promotes antiscience activity that might help kill vulnerable people like them. Nothing the musicians said relates to gender ideology, the Right are incencesd because they lean antivaxxer. Personally I prefer rational science when discussing Sex or Vaccines. Just as the general public reject transactivism they reject antivaxxer, common sense I'd say.

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Agreed. Same with the random mention of that anti-vax convoy (like transactivism, it's another astroturf movement, it has far-right associations, and I find it hard to feel terribly sympathetic to well-heeled participants allegedly taking food from homeless shelters). The statement from goFundMe did not say what the tweeter claimed it said, and anyway, I'm more concerned about women like Exulansic losing their platforms and Patreon accounts, which I had expected would be highlighted here.

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Re the Gender Critical tweeters not being "bots". I hope someone sends the report to Private Eye, who have a paragraph in their current edition uncritically reporting Logically AI's "findings" that the #KeepPrisonsSingleSex hashtag had been driven by bots. PE concludes "Perhaps legislators need to pay more attention to how they are being manipulated on social media - and by whom". Ironic!

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