The poor autistic girl made me want to weep. How the hell has it come to this, that society thinks it's perfectly OK to mutilate the healthy bodies of children? How on Earth does the LEFT think this is OK?

I'm new to this site, sorry I'm late. Have to confess I wasn't really paying attention to this debate prior to the abuse of JK Rowling becoming public knowledge. Happened to have a random exchange with a friend who admitted to her GC beliefs and pointed me in the direction of Dr Jane Clare Jones' blog.

Since belatedly beginning to get up to speed, my 13-year old nephew has become my niece. My two best friends each gave birth to a daughter and a son, and now both have only sons. In two of the three cases, the children had displayed next to no signs that might have been 'warnings'. The other I don't know either way and I've not really felt it my place to ask.

But one of the Mums in question admitted to me that she was grieving; she loved having a daughter and treasured the mother-daughter bond, and was (quietly) clearly distraught about it. Asked her how it was going probably about a month later, and she's decided to go with it, and is focusing on how much happier their 'son' seems to be. At least none of the three are on medication or considering surgery at the moment, as far as I'm aware.

What can you do? I mean, I'm not a parent, and I'm a bloke which probably doesn't help either. I feel like I should just keep quiet when it comes to my friends for the sake of being, in the general sense, just supportive... while at the same time I feel terrified for the children involved in all this and aghast at the abuse and bullying of women who dare speak out of turn. How could supposedly progressive, liberal societies have come to this?

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I wish I could answer your question Jim. Be there for your friends and suggest they read "Trans"? It can be so hard to know what to do these days. I think many people's instinctive reactions are buried these days in case they have the "wrong" one. Parents who might want to help their child end up validating a clearly harmful choice for fear of social services or someone official getting involved, people don't speak up and say something for fear of public or virtual chastisement. It's hard to know what to do. I feel my way forward with people and if the conversation takes me to a place where I can, then I tell them what I know. Usually, I am met with disbelief and horror - not at me, but by what is going on.

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Two things:

First, taking a shower. Fuck looking like a woman, a lot of these incels need to take one just to barely subsist as a human being.

Secondly, I am literally offering $10 million dollars to Morgane Oger (or anyone else) to show us what this third sex is as no scientist on the planet has ever found it.

Easy money, right?

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Be careful how you phrase it. There are species who have indeed more than two sexes. Like bees and ants. Now, vertebrates just have two, a handful of whom can apparently actually change sex (the famous clownfish and some others). So, just two sexes and immutable, that is "just" mammals and birds I'm sure of. Us being mammals, the issue is of course clear. But just shows how important it is the phrase any public statement carefully.

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I’ve never heard anyone who admires bees and ants notice that these communal-living insect societies are always female-dominated. Seems to me that “civilization” has attempted to make male-dominated group-living societies, which hasn’t worked very well for most people, who are preyed upon to keep it going, IMO. I’m in the U.S.A., which must be the mindf*ckery capital of the world. Pretend rights printed on paper somewhere doesn’t make them an actual social reality.

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I've often thought it would be a much better world if it were run as the bees run their hives. Although who knows? I think maybe people don't notice the bee community is female-dominated because they are under the misapprehension that the worker bees are male. A lot of people generally think of all animals as male unless it is obvious they are not (if they are nurturing their young etc). I've even heard people calling cows and chickens he! As far as I was aware though, there are only 2 sexes of ants and bees. There are different types of females, those who mate and those who don't, and the males (drones).

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I'd say they need to shower so it's discernible they are human beings.

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So, I wrote the Govt of Ireland: “ To Whom It May Concern, I wish to comment on the State report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, especially regarding child "self identification" of gender, as per 20(b). This is absurd! Should any child under 16 years of age wish to identify as the opposite sex, or for that matter identity as a puppy, or Spider Man, etc., it is NOT the business of any government entity to pronounce the child's wish to be accepted as legally valid! As a sister to a brother who self identified as transgender and then discovered severe underlying mental health and other medical issues, causing him to immediately de transition, I feel very strongly about the lack of science involved in 'gender recognition' politics. Ireland's government is not my child's therapist, physician nor counselor in any way shape or form, nor should it be. That we are allowing adults and tennagers to self identify is bad enough. LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE!I AM VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED TO THIS!  Please note that I oppose. Thank you very much for your time.”

Also; watching the videos of the autistic young lady w/ the 1000% unnecessary ‘cosmetic’ double mastectomy & nerve damage- made me physically ill; Lush co. sucks; WikiHow sucks; Simon Whitten is a super perv; and I’ve “X”’d out Oger 😁.

Thank you, Graham, for all this info, which is causing my brain to fold inside itself and perform primal scream exercises (but that’s ok). Excellent work, as usual.👍👏👏👏👏👏

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Excellent letter! Sorry about what your brother has gone through...

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That’s a lot to take in! Thanks Graham. It’s all so depressing though 😞

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I clicked on the Wikihow link as I was wondering if I was doing "being a woman" right. It seems they're having second thoughts about it:

"We're sorry. This article is currently in quality review.

This article either has not yet passed our initial quality review process or has been flagged by a wikiHow editor for potential content concerns that would make it unhelpful to readers."

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Unhelpful to readers? Au contraire, it was very helpful in pointing out very clearly the many ways I've been womaning wrong for so many years .

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Who knew I had to take a shower? I've been doing it my whole life in the belief it was about personal hygiene and now I understand it is part of passing as a woman! Seriously, not smelling is part of passing as a woman? So is passing as a man, having bad personal hygiene and smelling rank, one of the ways we are defining being a man as a society now? If I was a chap, I'd be offended.

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Oh you naughty unwomany wummins. Passing through one Uni halls I could tell which floor I was on, only on the smell of the hall outside, as they alternated male and female. Outside in the corridor on the stairwell. And no it wasn't that some floors smelled of Lynx. Sweaty, cheesy and some unknown rotting festy rutting stag quality that I believe is perhaps old pizza, beer or testosterone. I'm discounting the beer and pizza as I believe wummins like these too. Pheromones innit? Wikihow quality review take note (Moley please run riot on these poorly drawn cartoons).

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My head hurts after reading that

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Irish consultation website states * PLEASE NOTE THAT SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 5PM ON FRIDAY 12TH NOVEMBER * but let as many know as you can asap! There is some wiggle room here :-)

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That tiktok video breaks your heart and makes your blood boil at the same time. How any surgeon could cut into healthy breast tissue and leave her with that ugly scar (and god knows what trauma to deal with when she realises the full significance of what's happened).

As for that gap-toothed thing in the ASMR video, I've no doubt he's known to his local cops and I hope they're keeping a very close eye on him. If they're not too busy arresting women for stating biological facts on twitter, obviously.

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OK. So apparently I'm a transwoman every morning... Just when you thought it couldn't get any more absurd.

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It's genuinely hard to detect which is Moleyfied and what isn't. Just splutteringly speechless with this value for money bumper edition newsletter! New Family Social just wow. Deary me, Moley will be out of a job. I feel I've been pushed so far down a rabbit hole I'm sniffing rabbit shit and picking it out of my ears. So no women need apply to adopt, foster or be special guardians, but the need to discuss and advise on cross dressing is paramount huh? That's a huge population they're aiming at then I guess. How inclusive. And Morgane really doesn't understand science. Or facts. Or words like 'spectrum'. That bimodal distribution curve in humans joke was hilarious.

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Wikihow Part 3: Acting like a woman "Empathize with others and be sensitive to those around you." That's never gonna work then, is it? I bet they had to look up the meaning of that sentence on google.

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Clicked on the wiki how article and it says it can't be seen as it's "in quality review" but found it here if anyone's interested: https://archive.md/Ai3QM

"Whether you are transgender or just having fun, this article will help you achieve convincing femininity. "

Right. Just having fun i.e. appropriating women and their experiences when it suits you.

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Well thank you, yes I was. The Q&A!! Type like a woman!!!!!! That's exclamation marks isn't it?!!! LOL WTF ROFL. I haven't even got to Part 2. I will have to save that for when I need a laugh. This just can't be true? Mind you I don't shave my entire body, have a tell tale lack of fundamental foundation tide marks and haven't worn sassy enough nail colours for ages, so I clearly am a man. To think I 'passed' for all these years. Me and my hard work curly hair (praise be I need the flowers in it that match my outfits matchy matchy).

Convincing my arse. Convincing a parole board? Can someone ask Mr Tim B-L if this internet web thing was just a big joke? I can't wait to see the suggestions that you just get a full on woman body suit from Buffalo Bills R Us.

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Thanks. Hes captured so much crap. I was worried hed give up popping people but had hope due to the amount. He digs deep.

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What is Morgane Oger arguing are the other characteristics or attributes that define sex? Shaved legs and big tits do not make a man become a woman. Are Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire instructional films?

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Its true, guys often smell like literal poop. Must be all that "girl sex". Enemas exist.

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The electrician and his helpers were working on installing hard-wired smoke alarms in our house. One of the helpers said to another helper, "Now that I'm married do I still have to shower every day?" !!!!!!!!!

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Yeah ive noticed that about icky guys, they finally get a girl then act like its a game theyve won and finally start being honest or doing whatever, then wonder why no one stays.

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My husband saved loads on personal hygiene products when I had covid as I couldn't smell anything. 😁

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I don't want to think about this. :(

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I thought you might be interested in famous transwomen, we have one in Australia, in the figure of a globally known Sydney professor teaching feminism, who re-edited all his work, so that it became her work.......and who is now emirita, but busily producing the opening speech for the University of the Future, which no doubt will not be transphobic, and probably regards transwomen as the best feminist specialists about what is a woman, and what women need and want!

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