
A little information on the creation of this image, if I may... A follower posted her version of this under my other Famous Five image on Twitter (See first link) ... which was itself a humorous retort to Jane Claire Jones' mini rant about how one or two TRAs were instructing her to fall in with the new line of thinking that Famous Five George was in fact trans all along - and NOT a tom boy. Who knew?! ('Tom boy' = 'Thom Bouy' on the new image)


A beloved follower posted her FF idea under this. She mourned that she 'couldn't get the lettering right', and so I offered to try and do my own version of this so she could use it 'under her name'. She seemed delighted to proceed, so... here we are! So I cannot take all credit!

Thanks and respect to:

Sekhmet of the Terven KPSS💜🤍💚



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Just to add to Morley’s summary, the original Tweet from the banker Frances Coppola can be found at https://www.twitter.com/Frances_Coppola/status/1554044572724068352?cxt=HHwWgIC8pcTTiZErAAAA

Coppola was rightly ratio’ed silly, with numerous references to her public display of misogyny and homophobia. She determined, in later posts, in true ‘9/11 Troofer’-style, that her critics were ‘bots’.

Having utterly trashed her reputation and with numerous screenshots and an archive of the Tweet, Coppola is pressing-on regardless, having revealed that her TRA inclinations are just cover for a deep-seated hatred.

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"Unrepentent transphobes" is such a cult tell. As are the proposed education camps. Pol Pot anyone? If the 'gender' ideologists had their way, what would be next on the agenda after mere expulsion? Thank god for the pushback against these dangerous people.

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I'm reminded of Dr. David Starkey in an interview on Triggernometry saying that some wokesters, if they could burn you, would. We already have some of them wishing an early death on 'dinosaurs', this wish even being chanted loudly in protests. Burning is not too far off.

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The hallmarks of industrial scale mass murder and unbridled child rape are there for all to see. They've got neon lights on.

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The day after we learned about the thousand girls prostituted, raped, abused and ignored for years in Telford, Nadia Whittome popped up to tell us that trans people are 'the most marginalised in society'. Thanks, Nad, for a further demonstration of breathtaking stupidy.

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Their blind prejudice is breathtaking. The Labour Party and police are still deeply embedded in the enabling of the rape gangs all over the country. Did you see the video of the Oldham Council meeting? Parents and supporters of those abused were pinned with false charges and issued ASBOs. Unbelievable.

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re. 'No limits for men. None.'

Here is the ultimate question that desperately needs answering.

It's the 'Emperor is in a woman's bathing suit!' kinda question.

"What is the difference between a man watching little girls get naked to pee and a man named Clementine watching little girls get naked to pee?"

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AAAGGGHHHH!!!! This is of course, off topic, but I've just this minute listened to a sort of documentary on fawning CBC radio (our tax supported Canadian national broadcaster, equivalent to BBC Radio) featuring a man-pretending-to-be-a-woman doing his voice exercises!!!!!! Paid for by Alberta taxpayers. Just when our health care system is strained to the breaking point because of Covid, we have all these deluded people clamouring for 'transgender health care'. And here's an article about the waiting lists for 'affirmation' surgeries, and the necessity for 'suicide watches'. Talk about emotional manipulation.

"I think top surgery for guys costs anywhere between $8,000 and $10,000 right now.'


These 'guys' are troubled young autistic teenage girls, no doubt.

"The overnight cost of having someone on a suicide watch in a mental health facility would easily eclipse that in a very short period of time." Suicide watch? Give me a break. This is Tranada for you. Completely captured.

I want my permanently suspended twitter account back!!!!

It's so frustrating to see all this and not to be able to publicly talk about it. That's why I'm ranting on Graham's Substack.


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get cheapo used cell phone on ebay. dont add a sim card to it. instead connect it to your cell phone via hot spot while your cell phone is not connected to the home wifi. then your cheapo ebay phone will be connected to the internet. then get a new email account. then get a new twitter account.

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Wow. Thank you Kyle 'MacGyver' Reese.

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Great idea! But the trouble would be for me that I'd probably get banned again because I can't hold my tongue.

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I have the same proclivity. Telling it like it is, but apparently truth is transphobic, right? I had gained a lot of followers in just a few months of tweeting, so maybe was perceived as a threat. And I'm fairly sure that Montgomerie fellow, man, boy, whatever -- had a lot to do with it.

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haha yeah difficult!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Thx Glinner n Moley

Yes this Enid Blyton incursion is really wierd even for wokists ...... Blyton stories are not known for inclusion and diversity - unless that means inclusive of racism, antisemitism and xenophobia. Of course, it was a product of its time .... you had to ignore that if you were in any of the maligned categories and just wanted to enjoy the stories. [EDIT - forgot to mention class snobbery .... sry for not mentioning the oiks .... and the gypsies whilst I'm at it ............ anyhoo yes there was a lot of it about in children's literature at the time ......]

so now 'George' was trans?????????????? Sry brain now exploding. No more words!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

It's obvious that George was really trans. She didn't like doing the things only girls like to do, or dress the way only girls like to dress, in colours that only girls like. She can't have been a girl then.

If only some bastard hadn't misgendered her at birth, and they'd had puberty blockers in Enid Blyton's day...It could all have been put right and George and his allies could have had all kinds of gender appropriate adventures. Hurrah!

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Later to be followed by "The Famous Five Support George as a Detransitioner". Unless of coursde they became TRAs in which case it would be "The Famous Five Reject George as not Really Being Trans in the First Place". Oh, hang on.... ;)

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All that stuff about colours girls like wasn't around in the 50s and 60s, a lot of that is much more recent.

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I thought the pink/blue thing was from the 1950s'. Are the Famous Five books from the 30s' or 40s'? I don't think it's a recent concept.

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Turn of the 18/19th centuries, it was pink for boys n blue for girls!

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The dog will turn out to be a Furry next

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Yes, an utterly bizarre moment. The normal relationship of the woke to Blyton is to be slightly less appreciative than the state of Israel to Wagner.

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Yes I read all Enid Blyton's books when I was growing up but somehow I managed not to absorb all the prejudice, just enjoyed the adventures.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Yes understand and can relate .... read my Mum's FF books - loved George! But there were some jarring moments even then and I just learned to skip over em .... I'm not a lover of 'PC', trigger warnings and banning but sadly many of those old books need adult pre-reading before passing onto children nowadays.

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I love watching old films. I think you have to accept that there are going to be things said and done that don’t match today’s standards and ideals, although I have to say I haven’t seen anything really jarring from the 30s and 40s.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Mmm well, like I said, I'm not one for PC n trigger warnings eg on Rumpole of the Bailey old telly reruns ....absolute ridic imho ....altho I beg to differ re nothing really jarring from 30s/40s [eg it wouldnt be acceptable to have a black labrador named the N word re Reach For the Sky].

Yes, ocourse standards n ideals change - hopefully for the better [EDIT but don''t bank on it obvs]. It was the thought of George of Famous Five now being reclaimed as 'trans' which I found particularly odd - given how censorious gender wokists usually are towards authors [from Shakespeare onwards if not before] when they find 'that sorta thing' - as Father Ted might say!

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I didn’t notice any of it as a child. I only remember finding Anne’s role a bit boring. Did she have a personality?

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Same here! It was fantastic to find a girl who was like me in a book. I could never identify with girls like Anne, but I was so much more like George. I ached to be allowed to do the adventurous things George did but was prevented from doing them in reality (not capturing criminals or finding treasure but climbing trees etc.), as I was a girl and in the words of my parents and teachers had to learn how to be "more ladylike". I didn't want to be ladylike, I hated dolls, I hated pink, I preferred trousers etc. I did grow up feeling I didn't fit in because of this, butI am a woman, it was the imposition of stereotypes that was an issue and it still is!

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Hear hear! Same with me.

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Sick and tired of trans activists who equate those creeps with people who have genuinely been marginalised - we're not racists, we're not homophobes, we just hate misogynists in skirts.

Rosie Duffield is great, everyone else in Labour is a twat.

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And Tonia Antoniazzi, she's standing up to this wave of genderology too.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Anyway, the Turban paper is risible. Taking two data points doesn't show if there is a trend in the data as it removes wider context. It's an example of bad science. It's also funny that in his 23 references, a large percentage are his own work! Poor.

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Jerry A. Coyne (Evolutionary Biologist) from Chicago University has just written on this... I don't think he is impressed either!


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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Thanks for this - def worth reading - not least, the comments.

My thoughts as below fwiw re the linked youtube vid designed for schools which he seems think is ok - and which appears to have had thousands of likes and positive comments [nothing new to GC folks but I'm gonna say it anyway!]

This vid could've been some good/positive and perhaps reduce bullying - if it had left out 'trans'. But in the end it is affirming the dangerous, restrictive and narcissistic idea TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN that our identities are based upon the style of clothes we wear ... which is in turn based on our internal 'gender feels'.

It 'celebrates' changing our names accord to our 'gender style' - which happens to coincide with stereotypical pink/sparkly/twirly or blue/nerdy/sporty etc - implying that whatever sex we were 'assigned at birth' is irrelevant/changeable and image/style is all. Jeffery Marsh would be proud! [see Slightly Twisted Female vids on him if you're interested in 'queer child groomers' and have a strong stomach].

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George if I remember liked footie.

I wonder if the super-loony wing of the TRA’s - not just the regular loony wing - are working-up to transing the entire England Ladies football squad?

I mean, how can they let that stand? Women playing soccer? I imagine the TRA’s are incensed by such behaviour. Surely they need medicalising, and so does any English schoolgirl inspired to join a football team!

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Thanks Graham. I'll take two tickets for the musical.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

What community that won't be divided is Angela Eagle DBE referring to? The 'community' that over the past decade or less has been utterly divided by the inclusion of groups that were never going to be part of it. I'm wondering how many more clearly defined divisions she needs to become aware of, before she realises that these factions were their own communities with separate agendas.

She's a mug or a liar. I think probably the latter but she could be both. Whatever the case, I think more people are becoming aware that they don't have to be either of these things, and they won't.

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so disappointing.

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Ms Eagle is my M.P. and she works hard but I am not prepared to sign up to some mad religious belief about magical feelings creating a woman out of a bloke.

Also our area,due to a strike,has had NO buses for 3 weeks.I think that is important and a nightmare for people without a car.

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I know you’re joking about “your next musical”, Glinner, but I really wish you weren’t, I’d go see it.

LOL at Jameela Jamil: the woman’s a chronic liar. Remember when she lied about having cancer multiple times and being chased by a swarm of bees? She’ll say literally anything for attention.

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These people think they can get away with ANYTHING !! Hopefully ,lots of people are peaking right now. Only the wilfully ignorant or the completely dumb can believe any of their lies. AOC was still repeating the lie about who threw the first brick at the Stonewall inn when she was heaping praise on those extremely ugly drag queens !!

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

They transed George on the guilty feminist a few years ago. They certainly were guilty.

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Did they indeed?

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if you happen upon the episode link please do send it my way!

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Found it Graham. It’s on YouTube, fortunately I haven’t had to listen through again because my comment hasn’t been deleted. Its The Guilty Feminist episode 83, Hope with Hannah Gadsby.

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Thank you!

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

The transing happens at about 17 minutes in, and it involves a conversation between the comedian and her son.

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I'm reminded of Lesbians United campaign in June #SaveThetomboys (https://thelesbianpost.substack.com/p/savethetomboys) a campaign aimed directly at the likes of Frances Coppola whose extreme homophobia leads her to post her passion for transing tomboys. Such girls obviously need protecting from Frances Coppola and her ilk, who wouldn't hesitate transing any girl who steps-out-of-line - perhaps showing a flair for sport, engineering, flying supersonic jet fighters...

I imagine that she is easily rendered inconsolable by the sight of girls and young women living their lives outside what she would consider normal gender 'norms'. George was an obvious fictional case she picked-up on, determining that George must be trans. Last Sunday, if she was watching the Lionesses beating Germany, would she have been screaming at the telly throughout the game that all 22 on the field, and the subs, should have been transed?

I suspect so.

I've been watching 'For All Mankind' on AppleTV+. One of the characters is the female astronaut Ellen Wilson (played by Jodi Balfour) which in itself must enrage Frances Coppola - 'a female astronaut, surely they must be transed!'

Worse (for Coppola) Ellen 'The Girl Who Caught The Tank' is a lesbian - which would likely enrage Coppola even more. It wouldn't entirely surprise me if Frances Coppola wrote to producer/key writer Ron Moore, demanding that the Ellen Wilson character be transed in season 4.

When you get to the level of extremist homophobic nuttiness displayed in public by the likes of Frances Coppola, all bets are off.

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