
The Vichy Feminist statement.

I read it up to the first use of 'cis'... and no further, and I never will.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Eva Kurilova deserves a comedy award for her reply to Monty.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Drag is x rated all their shows even the bingo is based around sex,so why in the name of god do they want to read stories to little kids,and don't get me started on the parents...

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

These Mighty Hoopla facebook comments are a joy to read. That's the voice of the vast majority of people with their sense of fairness for all. This is why the Cult Of Gender desperately tries to avoid democratic debate; they can't keep pretending they're tragic victims of "bigotry," "fascism" etc when most people are calmly making a case for women's rights.

Also that's a great photo of Maya and her team. I hope they had an almighty party - they've earned it.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

For anyone interested, Rod Liddle in the Spectator sounds a note of caution regarding the next PM:

‘Especially on the woke stuff, which you may consider a side issue but is actually a concerted attempt to destroy our history, traditions and indeed science and common sense – it is MUCH more important than the economy. But then they’ve ballsed that up too, haven’t they? For the same reason: not Conservative enough. My abiding suspicion is that we won’t much care if the next Prime Minister lies from time to time, so long as he stops police cars waving the rainbow flag and lowers taxes. But he, or she, won’t. And Stonewall and the Tavistock clinic and BLM will all continue to hold sway. Unless you all, in your despair, join us in the SDP.’

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Christ, Colin does my head in. Can JK sue him into oblivion already? And that prick Aidan too. He’s a fuckn arse and a half

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Wow, 349 comments at-the-time-of-writing under the The Mighty Hoopla's post about Macy (https://www.facebook.com/mightyhoopla) and the ratio!

I honestly think the threshold has been crossed now whereby the TRA's/incels on social media no longer have any bastion place to hide. The mute button seems to be their only answer, but in using it, they automatically reduce their audience - Owen Jones being a case-in-point.

A special shout-out to one of my favourite blokes on the Web though; Katy Montgomery. Monty's being competing in the effort to peak-trans as many people online as is humanly possible. He's never though rightly got to the same levels as say, Riley J. Dennis (and he's retired!) or even in the same category as Owen Jones or Joss Prior, who have dedicated every moment of their online lives to peak-transing the nation-and-beyond. The snag is, all the 'low-hanging-fruit' for peak-transing has been almost exhausted now, and the TRAs/incels are just left with, well, TRA's and incels, who aren't good targets for their peak-transing initiatives, or those who have simply been living-under-a-rock and haven't a clue (or interest) in the subject.

Nonetheless, despite the paucity of candidates to peak-trans, Monty persists, by touring Twitter and trying to insert himself into threads that absolutely have no connection to his 'T' obsessions. And in doing so, he manages to peak-trans people who were otherwise beyond the reach of the TRA's/incels, let alone GC women and allies. That takes special dedication. Maybe in a few years time, when researchers try to total-up the numbers that the likes of Riley J. Dennis (did I mention he's retired?) Jones, Prior, Veronica Ivy, Jessica Yaniv etc. managed to peak-trans, they'll be a special mention of Monty's efforts, perhaps an award. Some means to say 'yeah, we know you didn't mean us well, but by gum, you helped us everyday and in every way, and for that , we thank you.'

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Brendan O’Neill has a strong piece, ‘I stand with Macy Gray’, in The Spectator online 5/7/22. Just one paragraph at random:

‘This is what is wonderful about what Gray has done. And about what Rowling does, and Maya Forstater, and Kathleen Stock, and Posie Parker, and Helen Joyce, and Julie Bindel, and all the other women who put their heads above the parapet to say: ‘I am an unbeliever.’ They chip away at the culture of intolerance and help to make other people feel confident enough to speak out. They create the conditions in which it becomes at least a little bit more acceptable to dissent. Men need to do their part too, by fully supporting the Macy Grays of the world when they come under attack for saying normal, rational things.’

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I gather that Julia Hartley-Brewer, one of the few brave broadcasters willing to tackle the Trans mafia, has written an open letter to those conservatives who will elect the next Tory leader and PM:

If you tried to thwart Brexit after 2016, you won't get my vote

If you back the Net Zero madness, you won't get my vote

If you won't rule out future lockdowns, you won't get my vote

If you don't know what a woman is, you won't get my vote.

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Anyone know of a similar US petition against gender ID in schools?

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The Auckland university question should be re-phrased:

Who is Santa Claus? What is the nature of his miraculous gifts? Essays that take a “Santa critical position” or question the validity of a fat guy flying with reindeer will be failed!

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Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022

Breaking news (update) : the Irish state handed out 195 gender recognition certificates last year, the highest number so far. No applications were refused (Irish Times, front page, 9th July).

Since the scheme began in 2015 there has been only one certificate refused.

If you want to apply for one (Go on, go on, go on!) then just send your request to:

Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Social Protection , Rural and Community Development,

Aras Mhic Dhiarmada, Store Street, Dublin 1, Ireland.

While you're at it send a copy of your application to a big supporter of the scheme -

Minister Helen McEntee, Minister for Justice, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.

If you are not an Irish citizen just inform the two ladies that you were wrongly designated British/American/Nigerian or whatever at birth but you ARE Irish and no one can deny your new nationality (or gender).

Note: Helen McEntee is a woman of small brain so only use small words and write bigly.

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We keep rightly complaining about Twitter's ridiculous rules, but isn't there an argument for saying the best way to make them take notice is to, you know, just not use Twitter?

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The bar manager and ersatz clown Panti Bliss is constantly referring to him/her/it as ‘Dr’ - in his O’Neill persona he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Trinity College Dublin because the kip (which went downhill only after I left in 1979, so I’m not to blame) wanted to appear cool and progressive blah blah. In the past the convention always was that it wasn’t used in such a way that it might appear to have been obtained by academic study. Then universities started giving these doctorates ( in return for, basically, cash and PR) to anyone who popped up and we can see the results in the main photo above.

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Apologies if you have already seen Jordan B Peterson’s brilliant take-down of the Trans madness and Twitter (which has recently banned him):


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