Ah, so now I finally know what ‘non-binary’ means! It’s been such a head-scratcher up until now. The middle school teacher just taught us all a valuable shared online lesson. If you’re a woman, in order to be ‘non-binary’, you must brag about being ‘very queer.’ and you definitely require ‘they-them’ pronouns. If you’re a woman, you must shave your head, but dye the remaining tufts lime green and purple. (To prove your loyalty to the ‘trans’ cult.) Also ‘non-binary’ obviously requires nose rings, and eyebrow rings, and earrings up the ying-yang. (Cause you’re so non-conforming, never mind that all the other non-conformists adopt the same accessories). A ‘non-binary’ woman demands respect, and a ‘non-binary’ woman defines ‘improper pronoun’ usage as ‘bullying’ and ‘hurtful’. Ah, I get it. If you’re a ‘non-binary’ teacher and a young boy questions why you’re refusing to acknowledge that you actually are a woman (a reasonable question, no?) then you go right ahead, and bully the young student by telling him he’s ‘transphobic’ and you hurt his feelings by doing so. Then you project your own sins upon your victim. After all, your cult mandate is to confuse and disorient your students. So, yeah, I think I finally get what ‘non-binary’ actually means. A demanding, very conforming non-conformist, whose duty it is to take offence readily, and to shut down any real conversation bubbling up from inquiring minds.

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ALL those piercings? = self harm. Which explains a lot of this, really.

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It really does especially with the girls who take it further. Lobbing off hair, removing breasts and nipples and then the creating of frankenpenises , it's the removal of pleasure. Self harm and future misery. The boys at least aim for pleasure unless they get their tackle turned inside out. What a lot of fucked up bunnies on the horizon.

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Yup 'non-binary' means 'me, me, me, look at me, look at me, give me attention' and that's a pretty good definition of modern meanings for trans, asexual, poly-anything, queer, eunuch and pretences at having anything 'self-identified' or 'self-diagnosed'. It's troubling that some can 'self-diagnose' in genderology then any number of professionals now affirm that and it gets the veneer of being a clinical diagnosis, so carries weight, doors open, you get allowances, no one can disagree with you and you get medicated and surgery justified as a result. And a newly fledged career in 'advocacy', 'rights' and politics. They are getting the attention, so it's working for them, no wonder it spread so fast.

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All this, and they want it to be a 'hate crime' if you do not completely satisfy their need for validation. That's truly scary

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Yup, it seems the first time a modern 'civil' or 'human rights' movement like this has been so directly about targeting and unpicking the rights of others, under the guise of the opposite. They can never explain or point to what it IS that they are being prevented from doing, apart from crashing boundaries, removing, denying and taking the rights, spaces and histories of others and threatening, harassing, raping, damaging and killing those who refuse. I think that's why many approximate this by referring to Nazism and Fascism and the more cultish, closed, intolerant and rapidly spreading then established movements and religions. It's co-opted all the effective elements of them all, but mutated to project as glittery, fluffy and 'kind'. And also co-opting the genuine experiences of other mass abuses or rights movements to fit their narrative declaring illegality, homophobic abuse and violence, gay pride and liberation, slavery, anti-slavery and abolition, segregationists, KKK, Apartheid, black civil rights and Rosa Parks, the Third Reich and Holocaust, women's rights, emancipation and rights to vote and not be raped in marriage, domestic abuse, all violence against women and girls, all religions, intolerances, colonial abuse and losses, abortion, fertility rights, emancipations, fights, and freedoms, misogynies and isms.

What have I missed?

Anyone can 'identify' into it and for any narcissistic reason. And traumatised, vulnerable, damaged, bored, young or confused people looking for something are being given the golden ticket. Others make money - another golden ticket - and others see the way the wind is blowing and hopped on the golden bus for the ride. Then the ones who have a vision for the future like the transhumanists who tell us what the golden world is, then create it. Damaging the world we live in as they go.

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I like that image. 'A golden ticket for a golden ride on the golden bus to a golden world'. But, eventually they'll realize they're holding onto a tarnished ticket for a bumpy ride on a falling-apart bus travelling to a world of regret.

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These are super-duper comments beginning with the first from TSBBL. Thank you for four great inputs!

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Slightly off-topic Graham, but the article by Maya Forstater you posted this morning is showing as "Not Found".

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And he did preface it with '(Note to Substack: This is an extremely important story about major breaches in safeguarding by two UK Children’s Charities. You have already removed one photograph from a piece about it, I ask that you do not do so again.)'

There was detail of how activists then mass reported Maya, then accused her of promoting porn, NSFW and of course, their ace in pack, terrorism, and that seems to have worked with ludicrous Twitter*. She was warning all of the above.

*and Substack? :-(

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I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what happened - the woke children in charge of these platforms caved.

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Mermaids will fall, but it shouldn't have taken all of this to rid the world of this one source of rot.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Liked by KFP

The Zoteria app is a MASSIVE concern. Barry is right to be very worried. The collection of data on hate crime is not something that any of these companies or charities have a remit to collect. For obvious reasons. Where is that 'data' going? What happens to malicious accusations? Isn't this data all erm, the role of the police and existing legislative bodies?

The app exists because the cult is gradually being seen for what it is. 'Hate crimes' against trans people...always trotted out as fact. Yet when I read the papers I see story after story of attacks on women. Murders. Acid attacks. Domestic abuse. Sexual abuse. Mistreatment of the elderly. So often it's women and girls who are the targets. Day after day. There's so much evidence.

But of course this is an ideology that despises proven facts. When you exist in rainbow unicorn world you don't care to hear the truth about the nasty reality that it's not actually all about you and how sad you feel that people don't 'validate' your fantasies. And you certainly don't give a monkey's about actual people who are the victims of actual crime.

Not enough data to prove your point that everyone 'hates' (disagrees) with you and 'wants you dead' (insists firmly you should stop abusing, indoctrinating and mutilating the young and vulnerable)? Why not just make it all up??!!!

On the plus side, this all smacks of utter desperation. It very likely crosses some legal and ethical boundaries and, like everything else from unicorn central, will prove another nail in the coffin. It is time that the legal system scrapes the rainbow stickers off the police vehicles and clamps down very heavily on abuse of the law.

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I think data governance is a key way we might counter this. Using the law again as others stand by paralysed with 'niceness'. It always comes down to why are you collecting this data, do you need to and for what purpose? How and for how long are you intending to store it? Did you get consent, is it accurate, can it be removed and who owns it. There are a few cases with govs failing to collect or mucking about with coding is found to be undermining their role, purpose, position and delivery of services (like the census and other 'gov' collection like the police).

I also think 'Zoteria' is modelling itself on other failing data scraping models under the flimsiest of excuses. Oooh it's an app how sexy it's the future.

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Why do the likes of the teacher ALWAYS have that smirk? She’s SO pleased with herself isn’t she 🙄

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

She's a narcissist who wants to be challenged on her identity, it keeps the focus on her which is satisfying and makes her feel powerful. It's people like her and multiple authoritative members of the gender cult who influence vulnerable young people. So many adolescents claiming non-binary status have experienced profound emotional neglect and abuse. This gives them an identity and meaning. It's incredibly sad but we need to feel anger at it, and that's happening.

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Graham - I’ve just read your ‘This is not a culture war it’s a war on safeguarding’ which appeared shortly after this post and something seems wrong with it. If you try to like, share or comment you get ‘page not found’.

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If you follow through the JKR bit there's a very helpful digest of all her trans-relared 'crimes', which I read with an increasing feeling of 'and just what is wrong with that???' Useful to have them all in one place.

They clearly haven't read her 'Strike' novels though.

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I read the first two and was very disappointed. Do they get better?

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I've read them all and enjoyed them, but I would say the last two have been the best.

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You could try the TV series. I enjoyed them and haven't tried the books yet (I know how awful).

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

The TV series are excellent. The casting of Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger is spot on too.

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I first got shouted at online for saying men have penises in about 2003. (Livejournal, the proto tumblr.) JK is pulling the sword from the stone and I am basking.

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The post “This is not a culture war. It is a war on safeguarding” that came out at 8am this morning is already gone!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by KFP

For the record. I’m not going anywhere near that Zoteria app. How long do we think before there is a ‘data leak’ and the contact / name details of anyone on the app will be publicly available? Nope.

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I wonder if thats the ultimate goal ?

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Wow what an excellent article

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It is indeed!

Ms Kay's article in the National Post on the implications for Canadians of the Cass Interim Report was the first piece looking critically at "gender affirmation" I'd seen published in a major Canadian newspaper.

So far as I can find out, it's the only instance.

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Trying to like and share the Maya This is a War on Safeguarding article but it won't let me. It goes to 'page not found'. I suppose you already know this Graham.

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Thanks Graham for giving me a mention on your update. The Bad Law Project have succeeded in removing the Non Crime Hate Incident from my police records but I still have a huge battle on my hands to get Norfolk Police to commit to a proper investigation. Here is a link to my blog explaining the sheer incompetence of Norfolk Police to protect me. I'm looking for a lawyer with expertise in criminal law to take this one. Please spread the word, if anyone knows someone who may fit the bill and knows about current cyberstalking law. Recent blog as follows.


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Who worked on Kate Scottow's appeal?

Answer: I have just found the judgement: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Scottow-v-CPS-judgment-161220.pdf

Diana Wilson was her barrister, instructed by McLartys Solicitors

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Thanks Una. The problem I have is I can't pay. I'd need a pro bono. It just feels like begging. Not sure how to go about it. I've contacted 2 other solicitors who have quoted me thousands of pounds!

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Kate Scottow was not wealthy. How did she manage? Get in touch with her solicitors and ask. What do you have to loose? And crowdfunding:: your Wordpress piece is the starting point to ask the Gender-Critical public for help. I'll contribute. Many others will too. Your experience is similar and in fact even worse than Rachel Rooney, Gillian Phillips, Rachel Meade because you are being hounded by a insane man and others. We will get there, but God it is an awful journey. X Una

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Thanks Una. I'll email them. Are you on twitter btw?

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My God Arabel's Raven, I am so sorry. This is such a long time to be facing that. I'm wondering if you contacted any of the organisations mentioned on this Substack, or looked at who represents them? Perhaps by contacting them, or their offices they may be able to put you in touch? Standing for Women, Woman's Place UK or Sex Matters. Any barrister &/or longstanding feminist activist &/or lesbian who is currently being harassed by some of these activists might be a font of knowledge.

If the Bad Law people have helped, I'm not sure why they aren't aware of anyone. Congratulations on the police review and 'de-linking'. Have you contacted Norfolk and Suffolk since to ask for an investigation as above, and your concerns about why this hasn't happened? I'm sure there are a few more steps possible before JR.

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I have tried to find a feminist lawyer but they need to be working in criminal law. That seems to be a tough call as it appears most feminist lawyers work in family law. I would need pro bono representation and every lawyer I have spoken to are not able to offer that. This has had a profound effect on my health as it has continued for 5 years and counting. Judicial review is very expensive. I want the two men doing this to me to be prosecuted under criminal law. The Norfolk police have let me down. I have had 3 crime numbers all closed before any investigation took place on my behalf. I have no idea how to get the police to investigate.

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Allison Bailey?

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That would be a dream come true. But I have no idea how to get to speak to her.

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Sorry, I don't think I was clear. I don't think you need to go to JR before other avenues are exhausted. I don't think and didn't mean you need to find a feminist lawyer, just a good one, and those orgs might have been a place to look.

I think you need to write to the police, and say you are unhappy with how they handled your case(s), see that as a whole and the cumulative impact on you as the victim of their mishandling that. You can submit any evidence you have to support that. Then, and considering the effort you went to in overturning the NCHI, you would like their response and reassurances that they are acting on your reports. The police will have to explain why they are ignoring or not fully investigating your reports about those two men. If you are then unhappy you can complain again. I realise having to complain multiple times is wearing.

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Thank you. I have done all of that. Taken it to the IOPC twice. And the Crime Commissioner for Norfolk. My last resort has now been reached. A judicial review!

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Pretty comprehensively all got their fingers in their ears then. I am sorry. And also that you're having to tick off everything you've tried to me too! My thinking cap is on (whatever good that will do). It's odd they can be pushed into a review when they feel like it. You need a review of that review.

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Thanks you for engaging. It means a lot.

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Re: "Ronson disgracefully portrayed Camp Trans as a triumph for polite discourse in his tone-deaf podcast."

A memory: I attended Michfest the year that Camp Trans set up across the street. I went across the street peacefully to find out what was going on. A man dressed as a woman stopped me and told me that they were actually being nice to us, because they could sue Michfest for sex-based discrimination and shut it down, but instead they were kindly giving us a chance to let them in peacefully. Even at the time it sounded like a man saying that he was being nice by giving me a chance to consent to sex with him, when he could just rape me outright.

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We need more people like the blonde woman giving schoolboards hell, she was amazing and I fully support every single word she said, groomers and pimps is exactly what they are

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Can't share the Maya article. States PAGE NOT FOUND. Just thought I'd let you know.

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