And for those of you who don't get that your government is supporting transgender ideology:


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Thanks for that. Didn't know the full story. Definitely not a just verdict. I'm on her side and well done to the reporter for using the correct pronouns for HIM ( the plaintiff )!! 😭🤮💔

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Was kind of wondering about the "correct pronouns" - at least until I took a look at the source and the author ... 😉

Sadly, many other "journalists" and newspapers are too "ideologically captured" to call a spade a fucking shovel - excuse my french ...

For example:


"Transgender woman left questioning whether to 'return to closet' after being called paedophile and other slurs by Portsmouth mum sentenced for abuse at court."

What a bloody joke - the person in question is a male transvestite - at least if he still has his nuts, and a sexless eunuch if not.

Another in one of Canada's generally more sensible papers - less woke than run of the mill, but still too ready to pander to the delusional:


I had objected to the article's comment about Lia Thomas "transitioning from a male to a female" but my comment thereon was deleted as, from recollection, it was deemed offensive. Which contributed to me cancelling my subscription to the paper.

But, relative to Susan's "your government is supporting transgender ideology", and as I had commented in an earlier one of Graham's posts, that is far too ubiquitous:

For instance, New Zealand's insists that "lesbian" is "A woman who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex or gender."


Equally demented is their talk about how people can "permanently change their sex":


And Canada's Statistics Department is no better; I had submitted a Google Docs paper to them over their clueless endorsement of gender ideology? What's particularly clueless are their definitions for gender, this being a case in point:

"Male gender: This category includes persons whose current gender was reported as male. This includes cisgender and transgender persons whose current gender was reported as male."

Circular Definitions R Us. Though I'll concede they usefully differentiate between sex and gender, but generally go off in to the weeds thereafter:

"Sex and gender refer to two different concepts, but are interrelated."


The general corruption and outright rot that "genderology" - like astrology and phrenology - has wrought is pervasive and pernicious if not pathological.

Some scientific merit in the concept of gender - there are, in fact, many psychological and behavioural traits that show some differences, on average, between the sexes. However, as with the differences between phrenology and neuroscience, there is so much of gender that's so much incoherent and anti-scientific pseudoscience and outright twaddle - riven with a "magico-spiritual undertone", and corrupted by a "merging of science, magic, and religion":


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The "verdict" is ABSOLUTELY unfair, unjust, and ridiculous, but I would hope that she would learn from this and not get into seven-hour twitter fights with a flaming asshole. Don't give these sick dudes the attention they crave!

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Gareth Roberts piece is brilliant. Middle class, advantaged people with guilty consciences should get a pet instead

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He was a brilliant writer for Who too, I keep seeing this clip shared online now that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are coming back. Guess who wrote it.


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Great stuff. Tennant and Tate are coming back? A pity Roberts won't be writing for them.

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I believe it's just for some specials, 60th anniversary year.

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Thanks for the info.

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They're mostly useless and terrible pet owners too.

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Julie Bindel is truly amazing. Thank you for your continued research and campaigning!

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" 'Feminist Greens' , which was obviously set up to imitate the 'Green Feminists' ..."

😂 "Judean Peoples' Front" versus the "People's Front of Judea"


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Yes I'd like a bit more detail about that vote. Seems odd.

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