
@Graham Linehan

1. A Jordan Gray music video that includes sexual scenes, along with classroom scenes featuring children and Gray as a teacher.


2. A Jordan Gray music video that has the following in the comments section.

'My school made a cover of this song! She has been at our school twice and she is like our diversity mascot! Beautiful person!'

'@***** love this song and i loved meeting you at my school you are a amazingly talented person,singer'

'We sung the song we wrote with you today for anti bullying you taught our school a lot thank you x'


3. Jordan Gray (seemingly before 'transition') glamorising drug use?


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Everything about this guy is appalling, and his music is shite

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

But thank goodness he never went Into the schools under the auspices of Educate and Celebrate!

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Oh dear.

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I eat, sleep, work, sleuth. 😁

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Unfortunately for Jordan ☺️

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Wonderful! 😂 I hope you archive too because evidence once detected often goes plummeting down the memory hole :-)

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by KFP

He really makes my skin crawl. He revels in displaying his AGP fetish.

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It would have been bad enough even if he'd kept the clothes on.

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Is that definitely a transwoman in the wheelchair, because it's not pink.

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Is that not transphobic of Starmer to wear the poppy where his pronoun badge should be?

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I'm starting to think I'd even be kicked off new twitter. 😂

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Yeah, what a bigoted bastard. Never mind remembering the war dead, Starmer needs to be thinking about the casualties in the war against trans rights. Just ask Owen Jones, trans people have practically no rights and the few they do have are in constant threat of being taken away. And they're being attacked and murdered all the time too.

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Pink News 'Keir Starmer Wears Poppy In Solidarity With All Transwomen Named Poppy'.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

And a purple poppy for all the furries 🙄

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Made out of fur (fake fur like the fake women).

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

Haha of course, and because they're all about ethics.

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Oh don't, we'll end up with a trans epitaph!!!

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There's not even enough room on the Great Wall of China to list all the different pronouns.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

But what about all the CASUALTIES!!!!!! 😱😱😱

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The Casual Ts should have taken things more seriously!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

Haaaaaaa! I got that one. Hurrah!

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Thanks for the posts, Graham The stories just keep getting crazier and more bizarre. Hard to believe anyone still believes in any of this gender nonsense. Donated to Posie's crowd funder. Praying for her safety and that of all those brave women attending her " let women speak " events. Shameful that the police won't provide any protection 💔😭🤮

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If ever a case proved the inanity/insanity of ‘identity’ theft, it’s the able bodied man claiming to be a paralyzed woman. And to think he’s been taken seriously by some. Why? Because actual physical reality is bigoted and transphobic, dontcha know.

Isn't it ironic that these same cult-captured lefties will scream to high heaven if anyone 'appropriates' ever so slightly, and even with the best of intentions, the dress, or speech, or art, or whatever, of another culture eg. First Nations, but don't give a tinker's damn about the very real appropriation of the very existential meaning of women and the disabled?

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Andy (?) from Little Britain wonder if he’s got a carer

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What a surprise, it's his wife who stayed and who he uses as a support dog.

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"Care in the Community".

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Anyone pretending to be disabled or chronically ill (see many cases of people who have pretended to have cancer and ended up financially *better* all of a sudden) should be jailed for fraud.

Anyone pretending to be something they are NOT as a matter of course, to access services, support, adulation, finance etc should be jailed for identity fraud. I see no difference to stealing the actual identity of another person and using it to get rewards that do not belong to them.

Men pretending to be women are doing the same thing. Especially as they are demanding access to spaces (women's toilets, prisons, hospitals, etc), support/services (rape crisis centres; Women only prizes and lists), and adulation/grifting (Funds set up to "support" them for whatever ridiculous wheeze they have next/likes etc on social media). Its all FRAUD.

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I had forgotten the link to John Money but of course it's back to him yet again. He created this, coined all these pseudo psychiatric 'terms' and 'diagnoses' for fetishes mostly experienced by men to get themselves off that have spread to the body politic and powered the 'rights' movement that convinces young girls to cut their breasts off.

We need the psychological and mental health professions to take responsibility for these 'fathers'. They formalised these things and through iterative research have created and expanded these fields. Some men's fetishes are for classifying other men's fetishes. It's dressed up as scientific 'curiosity' so I'd like to see the same 'curiosity' in how men deriving sexual pleasure from dressing up as women or amputating limbs is linked to teen girl breast removal. This prick in a wheelchair that he doesn't need shouldn't be propped up by any made up medical diagnoses to give him the veneer of 'suffering' from anything and making his delusions something others have to accommodate. He's not a woman, he's coercive and abusive.

All the range of body dysphorias of the past few decades like BDD and disordered eating now seem to be expressing as or with this and it's the same bunch choosing what gets included in diagnostic manuals.

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Viktoria Alme, 53, an able-bodied male who now identifies as a disabled woman.

Just reminds me of this...

"If it's not rude to ask, how did you become disabled?"

The IT Crowd Disabled duration 3.o6


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I love the way he's carried away on his avalanche of lies. So funny. The 'wee' whispery voice "I'm disabled", all the concerned people around him, the fetching of a wheelchair, the van. In this brilliant comedy, it's hilarious. IRL, it's hideous.

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I cried laughing watching that episode. The bit with Moss behind the bar gets me every time.

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"Leg disabled" - best episode in a very crowded field!

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I wonder how conscientious this guy is at maintaining his acquired disability. Does he 'recover' when there's no one around to pay attention to him? What a prick.

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Oh my lord that was a funny one 🤣

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"WOAH - The White House *deleted* its tweet after Twitter placed a fact-check disclaimer on it."

Oh yes a level playing field please.


"Leave lesbians alone, mate

Here’s Jordan Gray, a straight man, describing himself as a lesbian."

Mmmmh "trans" men wanting to be women and want to be with women...it is like their sexual proclivities are that of a heterosexual man!

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Bit different to his Friday Night Live flashing incident.

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Abigail Shrier (who wrote the excellent "Irreversible Damage") believes that escalating numbers of detransition stories (and lawsuits) will bring the mutilation of kids to an end, and I would hope that the same happens with sex offender stories.

Everyone know that Alan Morgan is a male sex offender and trying to tell them otherwise is taking the piss. Sturgeon is off her head if she thinks this isn't going to get worse, and if she thinks people are just going to keep putting up with it.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Detrans stories and also lawsuits. Isn't it heartbreaking that the thing that will eventually stop it is children and young people going through the very process? They stop it by hurting more people. How is society so desensitised? People really consider that perhaps this is what vulnerable kids need. I truly believe that the contagion isn't just among youth - this has been the mass grooming of society.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

Imagine someone stereotyping in this day and age 😂

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The Pink News typists are always stereotyping. 😜

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

Oh my god... again... Biden would have got it quicker! 😂😂

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Did it take a few haha, stereo-typing.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by KFP

Got there in the end! 😂 👍

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Reading some Tweet threads this week has been revealing. The TRA's/incels line appears to be equating opposition to the TRA's or support for same-sex attraction, women rights and children's safeguarding as being 'fascist' or 'literal Nazi'.

'Leah' on Twitter is a perfect example;

'Lots of intersections between GC and literal Nazis.'


'Literal Nazi's' are of course...Nazi's. However this rewriting of history, whereby the Wehrmacht conquered France, the Low Countries, The Netherlands, invaded Russia and fought in North Africa in an effort to defend women's rights, childrens safeguarding and the right of same-sex-attraction isn't being easily comprehended by many.

Likewise the idea that women and those supportive of safeguarding and same-sex-attraction are 'fascists'. Once again the idea that Benito Mussolini and General Francisco Franco led their fascist nations to uphold safeguarding and same-sex-attraction is an awful lot to digest. That The Republican side in The Spanish Civil War were fighting to end women rights and children's safeguarding and to oppose same-sex-attraction is going to require some humdinger history book revisions.

Yet this is where our young TRA's/incels are leading the British and US Left, down a path it won't be able to easily escape from. Conceivably Leah isn't all that certain what a 'literal Nazi' was (we don't have literal Nazi's anymore, but neo-Nazi's can-be-found). Whether they understand that 'literal Nazi's' agreed with Lebensraum, aryan supremacy, The Führerprinzip (political basis of Nazi government) and obedience to The Führer remains mere conjecture.

Regardless, the current obsession with associating Nazis and fascists with being pro-womens-right, pro-childrens-safeguarding, pro-same-sex-attraction, opposed to transing-the-gay, but nonetheless being 'transphobic' of course owes much of its employment to Vladimir Putin, who has never hesitated in flinging-around the 'Nazi' slur in an effort to gain popular support for his attack on The Ukraine, or fury at The West.

The regular use of the term 'Nazi' whether it comes from TRA's/incels or from President Putin of course diminishes the word and all that it should be rightly associated with (the evil of The Holocaust being primary). Yet if we take things at face-value, then the public must rightly be confused, or at least some minority of them. It appears that the world is now awash in Nazis, whether they be Ukrainian citizens and enlisted men-and-women serving in their military battling Russian forces, or 'TERF's' advocating for women's rights, childrens safeguarding and the right to same-sex-attraction.

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I find this very disturbing and haven't got to grips with what is at the root. It's a number of different forces pulling us apart. Maybe they were taught so badly in school they have picked up bits from films and social media and have recreated their own versions of the recent past into whatever this is. Then social media and small bubbles have created a new history, past, present and future. The way they sling around historical terms, events and experiences is chilling. This level of almost deliberate ignorance and lack of curiosity seems to have sped up at the same rate as access to knowledge has become easier. I was saddened and confused to hear young football fans chanting slurs with reference to the Hillsborough tragedy - they are getting that from somewhere, it's spreading and seemingly untethered from shared cultural norms. Or is it that cultural norms are now so split and changing so rapidly less and less is shared. It's cruel but it's #benice but it's wrong and right.

It's not just going from a few TV channels and fixed phone lines and faxes three decades ago, to a forest of options we have now, it seems to have separated us out into myriad presents and current realities. Anyone seems to think they can impose a fantasy reality and insist this jumbled picknmix has some grounding in reality and fact.

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"Leah AMELIA" Again with the 2 "girly" names. Dude can use as many names as he likes but he'll always be a man & we'll always clock him as such.

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1990s: MRAs call feminists 'feminazis'.

2020s: TRAs call feminists 'nazis'.

They think no one will notice it's the same misogyny if they claim to not be men.

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The ‘transgender’ pioneer, capable of committing crimes in two different sexes in one day. What a feat! I’m curious — when he publicly exposed his penis, or when he publicly urinated — did he commit these crimes as a man or as a woman? I’m confused.

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'Whatever happened to Baby Jane?' Bwahahaha!

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He should ask the one in the wheelchair to be the Blanche to his Jane.

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Older detransitioner, formerly Maya Kaye, now has new YouTube channel, "Call Me Sam"


Sam's voice is almost gone from the years of taking wrong sex hormones. His father also "transitioned." Once, back during the Maya phase, Debbie Hayton recorded a chat about "de-stigmatizing" autogynophilia on the old channel. Bravo to Sam for making this detransition public.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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The article about wheelchair bloke - "Yet despite his wife’s outrage, Alme started dressing as a woman at home, a situation that “became a strain” for her, as she was struggling with a recent cancer diagnosis."

I mean, WTF? Clearly someone wasn't getting enough attention. What a prick.

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Re. Alan aka 'Alannah', 'transgender' criminal extraordinaire, capable of appearing in court as a man and as a woman on the same day -- his lawyer "urged the court not to jail Morgan because the defendant was extremely distressed by the prospect of being sentenced to a prison term". No shit.

Not to worry though. All is well. "The report confirms she is still doing well and engaging with various services, including the community mental health nurse and the Salvation Army." "She". "She" is still doing well. What about the rest of us?

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'Transgender criminal'. Has a ring to it, does it not?

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I don’t like the ‘female sports’ business. There’s a suggestion there that women’s sports shouldn’t exist, a belittlement of the whole idea of ‘female sports’. Perhaps the thinking is that we should instead have ‘gender fluid sports’?

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