
Is Nancy Kelly lying or stupid?

I would say, 'yes'.

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On the first item, the otherwise correctly alphabetised list puts Cis Female and Cis Male at the very bottom. These people are raging homophobes and heterophobes. #Omniphobes I call them.

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'Prefer not to say' implies one has a gender and just doesn't want to disclose it. There needs to be an option for 'I don't believe in this crap'. Although I do like it when they give you a free format box to write in your gender - I made sure to write an essay about regressive sexist nonsense in the gender box when completing my firm's latest stonewall diversity survey ;)

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James O’B is a loathesome man. Pretending he didn’t understand the term “social contagion”. Nasty little oik.

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That list of genders could all (except for the last two) be substituted by one word: "interesting," because that's what they're all attempting to mean. "I'm interesting, unconventional, stunning and brave despite being marginalised." etc

They're attempting-yet-failing to mean that, because what they really mean is: "I need attention but I don't have the personality and I haven't developed the skills which merit attention, so here's my oh-so-interesting gender identity."

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“A gender that only exists on Mondays”

“A gender once seen in a vision”

“A gender vibration of the colour blue...”

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Gonna self-identify into the aristocracy, fuck it. Can I crowdfund for a tiara?

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'Rose the kiln girl' from Great Pottery Throwdown..What a disappointment that he turned out to be aggressive and misogynistic. Enjoyed watching him on the programme; has an apparently nice manner and great clothes. Surely he didn't think all those middle aged women watching really believe he's a woman, but neither were they unsupportive of his name-change and his style?

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That's how I feel now...about trans.

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Normal people do not care about the made up term transphobia

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Why you all such shitty people?

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Young Shay restores my faith in young people.

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Hannah Berrelli is someone I'd love to see on the mess sometime.

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Long live Fortnum and Mason’s

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I just filled out an application form in which I was invited to identify myself as either cis or trans. There was no tick box for fuck off, unfortunately.

And another form said: "We encourage applications from Indigenous, Black or racialized persons, women, people with diverse gender identities or expressions, and/or people with disabilities."

Notice who's missing? Gays and lesbians.

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Graham, you probably have seen this but a TIM was invited to speak at a memorial of the *female* victims of the École Polytechnique shooting. Women who were murdered by a misogynist because they were women. The TIM of course made it all about him. Shame on the people who allowed this to happen. I'm apoplectic with rage right now. I guess a silver lining is that it'll peak more people.

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I really hope that Afghanistan thing isn’t fake.

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