
I tried to look at that 'hedge gender' Tweet, but the account has now been made privet.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter


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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

or pulled through one !

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That would be my preference, yes!

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Kinda chubby to be nice about it, would probably get stuck. Oh good! no more twitter posts!

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

and still needs pruning twice a year!

Or ripping out, whichever applies …

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'Oh, we have a non binary gardener in every month in to prune our genders...

Thems are very reasonable in price AND thems takes the gender trimmings to the recycling centre.'

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Root and branch, I hope

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Dec 27, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021Author

Yes. Theys had to tell be thems were non-binaries, as at first I thought there was something wrong them them - but I simply didn't twig.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter


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And Graham says he can't write comedy about this stuff? You can always write comedy about the oppressors, particularly when they pretend they're the oppressed!

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Ha, in a way I'm slightly cheered by the Guardian shutting that poll, since I can't imagine any reason for it other than JKR getting too many votes!

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They’re so transparent! (No pun intendended).

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Do we have any moles that work for the Guardian who could leak how the paper managed to 'disappear' their Personality of the Year poll? It is such hilarious behaviour!

Also was very surprised to see that the Guardian had shared onto my Facebook page an article entitled ; 'There will be blood: women on the shocking truth about periods and perimenopuase', by Gaby Hiinsliff. What's going on, The Guardian is using the 'W'? Ah, ........on closer inspection, this article was written in 2012!

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I know of no moles at the Guardian.

If I did, I would disown them.

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In the 90's when multiple facial piercings were fashionable, the writer PJ O'Rourke said "When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person”

The modern equivalent is someone with an oh-so interesting gender identity, like when someone announces they're "hedge gender," you just know it's a bloke who has no absolutely no personality and nothing of any interest to say.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Nancy can't help giving her game away. Who could forget how the Qatari regime treat women: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/25/australia-demands-answers-after-women-taken-from-qatar-airways-flight-and-strip-searched

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

When they make that documentary, it's Glinner's Twitter they will be basing it on! Thank you for all you do to chronicle the mass insanity gripping our cultures.

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Dec 27, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021

‘Eleventy billion’. Did a grown woman really say this? Sounds more like the blue-haired teenagers she represents 😬

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Should have been Twelvty….

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Is it so surprising? The talks a lot of bullshit and tells lots of lies. She's a disgraceful human being.

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Absolutely, maybe we will never know, but I always think… what’s in it for her ?

She must know the untold harm she’s perpetuating, for both genuine dysphoric and the LGB community, she apparently was once a part of.

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Yes, I don't understand what's in it for her or the people she claims to represent and care about.

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Sianrose's comment below probably covers a lot of it. If you've got money rolling in to support the cause along with the power and influence, I can't imagine it helps people think clearly.

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Now turn to page 154 for the best illustration of the 'sunk cost fallacy'...

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The scary thing is she probably thinks she's doing good. So much of this is mass delusion.

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She hates herself and she spews it all over the rest of us. Just like Judith Butler.

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Power alone. She is Dolores Umbridge

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Ha ha ha! The Guardian, where "Comment Is Free But Facts Are Sacred!"

(Except the fact of who was leading the poll - that one's downright blasphemous and we must never speak of it again ;)

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"Facts are scared' more like

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She Who Must Not Be Named!

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These weird men pretending to be women are nauseating.

They are so open about their fetishes but cowardly people just turn and look away.

All as bad as each other.

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Reminds of the saying “You can put lipstick on a pig ….

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The Stonewall outfit...it all stinks!

327 public bodies paying Stonewall over £1 million each year

A TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) investigation has found a total of 327 public bodies were paying into Stonewall's Diversity Champions scheme. Between 2018-19 and 2020-21, this saw Stonewall receive over £3 million of taxpayers’ money.

Freedom of Information requests found that more than two thirds of universities were signed up to the controversial programme, alongside 58 health bodies and most Whitehall departments. Quango Homes England spent the most on Diversity Champions and associated schemes, at a total cost of £45,942, while the former Foreign and Commonwealth Office gave the most of any government department at £19,012.

The TaxPayers’ Alliance is calling for an end to the practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying, so public money is not used to distort political decision making by advancing policy positions taxpayers may seriously disagree with.


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Follow the Stonewall Yellow Brick Road ..

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One wonders if Qatar, having codified the execution of gays and lesbians, hasn't taken a cue from Iran to trans away the gay.

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I spoke too soon. It's illegal to change your gender in Qatar and has been since 1915.

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Several years ago I read an article in a Western publication (I can't remember which one) praising the Iranian government for covering the medical bills of people who were transitioning. It clearly wasn't an important consideration that these people didn't identify as trans, they just preferred that option over a prison sentence or execution. Unbelievable.

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Trans or die is actually the choice they give homosexuals.

This was was fatwa issued by then Ayatollah Khomeini upon hearing and being moved by a story a man who felt “trapped” in his body as a woman.

I think this man got caught in a gay act and had to come up with some prime bullshit to avoid execution.

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Iran is TRA paradise where the medical establishment there cannot tell the difference between sex and gender - to them, it’s all the same.

There was one person who was diagnosed “98% female” and was told they could bring the other 2% in line but not the other way round.

One wonders how exactly a medical doctor could make such a diagnosis.

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Diagnosis over dogma, it seems there is little choice !

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God knows, it sounds moronic, like something made up on the spot.

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That sounds like something from an online quiz. In fact, if I remember rightly, there is an online quiz that does exactly this. I think I was very nearly non-binary.

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And it’s not really a law that homosexual men are given this choice but the pressure to trans, especially from their families, is intense.

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Dec 27, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021

So Nancy Kelley thinks being a lesbian is akin to being a "sexual racist"? That's actually what she said? I need to show that to a couple of lesbian friends of mine then as they seem unaware of this. I mean, quite apart from lesbians in particular, doesn't that make having ANY sexual preference "sexual racism"? Is there literally no end to the rabbit hole?

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I don't think there is, an end to it, people are making it up as they go along. Trans culture isn't about dysphoria anymore, it's largely about men having everything the way they want it. Some bearded dick head can put on some lipstick and say he's a woman, and arseholes like Paisley and Jones will nod and say how marginalised and oppressed 'she' is.

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So what is she ? Or has she supped from the trans chalice now ?

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Simon Edge gave an excellent breakdown on the associations with Qatar and Al Jazz, beautifully ripped Nancy a new one !

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Dec 27, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021

"People sometimes say I should write a comedy about this stuff but who would believe it? "

So much of this stuff already reads like a Chris Morris 'Blue Jam' sketch. Like the trans-identified guy writing on reddit who had "lesbian" sex with another trans-identified guy and was wracked with guilt because "I couldn't stop thinking that it just felt as if I was having sex with a guy..."

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Very funny! Endless comedy!

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I've seen Christine speak a few times and I find his style really unpalatable, I cant quite put it into words, but its something like, that he seems very petulant, exaggerates stuff and deliberately misrepresents the arguments we are making on our side, and acts exasperated all the time as if we are all clearly mad and he is dismissive of any possible concerns of women....me me me!!!!

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Alviss the Yuletide Hedge (they/them)


Liminal Gender, while being more directly accurate, is a mouthful, and most people have no clue what Liminal means. Hedge is just easier.

Liminal Spaces and the Transgender Experience

Transgender individuals are people whose gender identity and/or gender expression does not converge with gender norms associated with assigned sex at birth. A sub-category of people who identify as genderqueer are exploring gender expression along a continuum beyond the confines of traditional binary definitions of either male or female. We suggest that individual who undergo some form of physical transformation may experience a temporary liminal state as they transition from one gender identity to the other. Others who fall under the transgender umbrella but are not transsexual may not fully transition but rather remain somewhere in-between the binary categories of female or male. This phenomenon illustrates the transient and complex nature of gender identity formation. Our study explores the many ways that transgender individuals and people who identify with the transgender community are managing their journey and negotiating their identities.


All these different names for people with problems!

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If they just substituted 'masculine' and 'feminine' for 'male and female' than they might have something. They are so very confused: using gender stereotypes and sex interchangeably But even then it's like they think they invented 'gender nonconformity'.

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And there's nothing wrong with not conforming to stereotypes, some people never conform to them. That's fine. My dear Mum was apparently a proper tomboy growing up. But she never thought that meant she was born in the wrong body.

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I had a problem even trying to read that bunch of word salads. These navel-gazers do grate on my soul. Why didn't he explain what liminal means then? Ah the University Of Sweet F-All (SFA). There's a lot of discussion of place and space in many different areas of academic study, like geography (doh) and so borders and boundaries too. Watersheds and thresholds and how to describe or visualise and map them. Lots of 'peri-' this and that and liminal is a favourite term. Gender ideologues and colonialists thought it was clever to apply that to the human experience, body and 'representations' and shrink down the meaning and add their own as if no one had ever thought of that before.

There's also a lot of temporary or permanent states and how change manifests in sciences and physical geography, so they like those terms and nicked them for their fetishes too, to describe their extra special lived experiences. Remove everything from the real and observable. Stop it!!! These things mean something real!! All this is adding layers of confusion and ignorance in the guise of 'educating'. Bung in a few 'transients' and 'complex realities and modalities' and abracadabra, in between a phenomenological somewhere and nowhere halfway up anywhere, kerching, you have yourself a paper for review.

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A documentary— yes please!

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