Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

A Guardian spokesman says no one (ie, Owen Jones) was found guilty of “bullying”, but The Guardian also found that it was reasonable that Jones’ actions left someone feeling “offended, intimidated and insulted”.

Oxford English Dictionary definition of bullying: “seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce”.

Still, I suppose that if you can’t define a woman, it’s not all that surprising that you can’t define a bully either. Odd though that they’re running a national newspaper; the sort of place where you’d think being able to define things accurately is fairly important.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Owen Jones is manipulative. Heinlein said the best way to lie is to tell half the truth. That's what OJ is doing here. What he says may be literally true, but it's a classic misdirect.

Saying he wasn't found guilty of bullying by anyone at the Guardian is NOT the same as saying he wasn't found guilty of bullying at all. But most non GCs won't see the lie within the careful wording of his half truth.

He's lying by omission and the Guardian is complicit in his gaslighting by not sacking him. We see you Owen Jones. Shame on you.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I don't buy for one second that Owen Jones believes in gender ideology; I think he made a career decision to pretend he believes in it. Just as the media group he works for pretends to hate offshore tax havens while "brass-plating" one of its subsidiaries in an offshore tax haven. Or just as it pretends to hate misogyny and homophobia while backing the biggest misogynistic, homophobic movement in decades.

Does Jones, a gay man, sincerely believe that a teenage boy who's attracted to teenage boys is *really* a girl? And he should be medicated and operated on to fix that? I doubt it. I reckon he just doesn't have the courage of Suzanne Moore.

He wouldn't dream of appearing on something like Andrew Doyle's show to explain his beliefs, despite Andrew being the most reasonable, polite, fair-minded interviewee. He'd be unable to block the awkward questions like he does on twitter.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Reckon you're spot on, OJ has made a career decision.

Same with Starmer, Lammy etc. Are we really to believe these grey straight men in suits do believe the ideology? It's all about political expediancy. They're in a bubble, listening to their 'advisors' on the subject desparate to be on the 'right side of history' - little realising the general public ain't buying it and they generally look like tools.

Sturgeon is different only insofar that due to her 'alternative' lifestyle queering Scottish society generally suits her.

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

He simply doesn't like women. Becoming a champion of trans rights and a friend of all trans identified people, gives him the opportunity to dismiss the concerns women have raised and attack them. It also gives him protection and a veneer of respectibility among some because he's doing the 'right' thing. He's seeing off the bullies - women.

I find it difficult to believe that Jones cares any more about about trans people than he does any of the groups he makes a living from patronising and misrepresenting. He's a narcissistic opportunist, not much talent or insight but plenty of malice.

I believe he prsised the TV drama It's a Sin, the work of another misogynist, as something about gay people that didn't include women. Seeing the downfall of this bullying little turd won't only be just, it'll be so bloody enjoyable.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I can remember my shock when, after admiring OJ’s intelligence and skill on Sunday morning politics show, I started following him on FB and immediately realised he was a completely different person. The image of the witty, thinking socialist is nothing like the real person. It was a wake up call for me about believing the projections on the TV.

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Yes. I was very upset when Rolf Harris was exposed. There have been so many tv people shown up, I think you just have to assume they’re all good actors.

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I'm pretty skeptical, but I bought into the Fauci crap here in the U.S. The man is an utter monster, but he seemed so reasonable on TV, though he never once mentioned how people could improve and support their immune systems.

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Wanted. OJ aka Malfoy. For misuse of platform, not just 9 3/4. "A twitchy little ferret". Small, blonde, desperate when cornered. Women especially, be on guard.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Ferret.. such an underused word. Known for their nasty nip, and ability to hang on relentlessly.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

And hanging out in Yorkshiremen's trousers - would this also apply to our OJ?

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter


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Don't forget 'reverse ferret', when people turn their beliefs through 180 degrees. Watch it start with the this mob any time soon.

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So many men (and women) 'only support trans rights because they are misogynists'. Who knew so many men were misogynists? Not me, in my naivety.

Put perfectly.

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I know, it's been a real shock to me to learn how many men revel in their misogyny. And how many women enable them.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Owen Jones when he gets called out for his petulance and his bullying "I didn't do it....but if I did say anything they probably deserved it because they're all nasty right wingers"

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

One of OJ’s win wins

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Just glad Private Eye have been after that prick

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

But don't worry cancel culture doesn't exist according to OJ, so he'll be fine lol

To be honest I'd rather his downfall come at the hands of those he keeps pandering to over his critics. I'm confident there that he will drop the ball, the woke mob will come for him, and he will feel the brunt of what he believes is a myth.

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I remember several pieces in the Guardian - several years ago, when I still managed to put up with it - that completely denied 'Cancel Culture' existed.

I don't think that Suzanne Moore wrote any of them though...

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I'm reading about the roots of cancel culture, Moley, IN THE 1980S! Celia Farber, a journalist who wrote about AIDS: "...if you were 'bad,' if you didn't push agenda driven science [for people who don't understand what this means, it means so-called science in service to big pharma, not inquiring science], EVERYTHING was taken away from you. And the media cheered. And anybody who didn't was destroyed, vilified, harassed, fired, in a word, canceled." Sound familiar?

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It does indeed. Sadly!

And 'agenda driven science' - 'Research and Development' of course!

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Susan, I have just watched the Dallas Buyers Club. Need to get up to speed on this.

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I always said if TRAs wanted to fundraise to take my Substack down, don't send them your money.

Send me your money! And if it's enough, I'll take it down myself.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Such funny work - thanks Mole at counter

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Beautiful job, moley moley. You always bring a smile during these times of utter retchery.

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Thanks for saying that. very much appreciated.

All I can do is call things as I see them - in my own slightly twisted and very sarcastic manner. The jokes and the graphic pieces seem to 'hit the spot' with a lot of people - mainly women, of course - and for that I am pleased.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Slightly twisted and very sarcastic must be a penchant of mine, then! You always lift the spirits. Thank you.

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My honour and my pleasure, I assure you!

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Well that explains it perfectly 😂😂😂 -

This stuff is like Wikipedia. You start reading about something and you end up following links endlessly ....totally confused and forgetting where you started.

"An electio aroace is a individual who is aromantic, asexual and does not experience any form of tertiary attraction. Despite this lack of attraction electio aroace desire and seek out relationships, whether this be sexual, romantic, queerplatonic, etc. They may indicate what genders they desire a relationship with, such as bi electio aroace, or lesbian electio aroace for example."

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"X Adora Viehl" or as his mum knows him: "Colin."

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Ha ha... It's all just shite 😂

Years ago I was at school with a self identified 'Marxist'. Back then when ye spouted pish, the adults would smile indulgently and pat ye on the head. Now the parents actually let the children call the shots.

Incidently the Marxism was a 'phase' - ended up a Chartered Accountant with his own company and retired at 50.

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And he probably had no idea who Marx was! Just sounded good ...

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I keep reading it as "An electio aroace is a individual who is aromatic" -- so they smell nice.

I looked up 'Aromantic'. I think I have it. OMFG!!!!

* You don't experience feelings of romantic attraction

* You feel that you do not need a romantic relationship to feel complete or fulfilled.

* You don't experience “crushes” or being “in love” with someone else.

* You have a hard time relating to romantic stories.

(OR I'm a confident 43 year old women who is single and happy in her own skin)

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I couldn't make heads or tails of it. A bilingual English/Transwank dictionary is long overdue.

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Good one!

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

They'll never get to publish it as they can't seem to agree on terminology, the definitions of said terminology or identify all these thousands of genders they claim exisit.

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

I find it terribly annoying how media insist on using incorrect terms and clouding the issue. Nobody has ever suggested banning transgender athletes from any sport. Never, any.

The problem isn't that these athletes identify as transgender, not at all. The problem is that they are men, who want to play women's sports.

Men are perfectly welcome to continue playing in men's competitions, no matter how transgender they believe they are. Women are all perfectly welcome to continue playing women's competitions, regardless of how transgendery they feel, unless they are doping with testosterone.

I would like it if the media would stop doing this. I don't know how best to make it happen. How many letters would it take? Lawsuits?

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I fully agree. I also hate that the media always talk about trans rights instead of women's rights, and pitch things as women attacking trans people instead of women grimly hangin on to their sex-based legal rights.

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Please Graham help me to fund raise for sponsorship to replace Peter Stanton withdrawing his sponsorship of the girls CIGLE race because British Cycling won’t let trans men compete against girls. They need £15000 by May 10th. I’m no cyclist, but this makes my blood boil.

I don’t know how to do this, but I’m good for £150. We can’t let men like him control the sport, any sport.

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Have you started a fundraiser? There are various platforms but I have no idea of how they vary, which is best for which purpose etc. Also, are you on Mumsnet? The Feminism and Women's Rights' board had something about this. You can't link directly to crowdfunders there but it'd get known about. NB Mumsnet call crowdfunders various gardening terms - digging in allotments/gardens, planting carrots etc.

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"Social constructs can’t dictate care."

Indeed, he/they Blair Peters, they can't. So why are you using one as the basis of performing double mastectomies on children? Gender and the gawd awful stereotypes that go with them that are being used to define people as aligning with their "assigned" gender or not, IS a social construct and it should NOT dictate care. Sex should. Proper diagnosis of dysphoria should. Evidence based studies into long-term effects should. Gender ideology should not.

It's funny how the folks making a killing on the back of all this seem to be happy to beleive in this tripe.

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The "Queersurgeon" he/him appears to be genuine, unfortunately.


Canadian with pink hair, by the look of it.

See also:


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We all knew Owen to be a massive misogynist and especially talented bully, but having the confirmation published in Private Eye feels important. Notable that in the same issue there are four cartoons mocking gender id extremism. PE has no staff cartoonists. The 'toons are selected from those submitted on merit by editorial dept'.

These are the cartoons (hosted on imgbb):





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I haven’t got the expertise really. I read that several organisations have offered to sponsor, but British Cycling don’t want anyone ‘ political’ to take it over ( so it’s okay for a man to make a point against women’s sports, but not for a woman to make one for them). They say they are trying to get a ‘commercial’ sponsor, good luck with that, they all seem to be captured.

As long as it isn’t pouring, I’m going to go to the women’s tour ( in June) on the last day, it’s in Oxford and the Cotswolds. I’m going with at least a placard, I’d like to dress up as a dinosaur. I don’t care if they arrest me, I’m seventy and lame so it might be too much even for the MRA s.

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