Can we start calling them The IT Crowd. 🤡

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Haaaa! I think you've started something there!

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The Times reporting on Nicolson.


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How did that moron get to be an mp......oh wait he's in with like minded twerps

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Tell me if I'm way off here...

1. I don't want to give women's rights to AGP men with a fetish (they are not any type of woman)

2. I don't want to give women's rights to men who are struggling with internalised homophobia (they are not any type of woman). In fact, I believe that policymakers are enshrining homophobia in law by enabling struggling gay men to identify out of their sex, as well as undermining the wholly sexed identities of women. Are they, or are they not, therefore re-establishing the idea that that effeminate gay men are a type of woman, you know, what homophobes used to believe back in the day?

3. I feel more compassion for group 2 than I do group 1. I believe that group 2 are victims of the very ideology "non-homophobes" are championing, i.e. "we're not homophobic, we believe effeminate homosexual men who struggle are literal women instead!"

Even if we can't differentiate between group 1 and 2 - and we can't, because anyone can be dishonest - surely it doesn't matter because no man is ever any type of woman?

So in a sense what I am saying is this - my compassion can vary depending on what is driving a person's transsexualism, but my feelings about what the law should be do not. Men cannot be women.

I'm just "checking my thinking" as they say...

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Well your thinking is critical thinking and your comment is excellent, and I agree. 👏

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Oh good. Thanks, KFP! Appreciate that. I'm in full peaking mode today! 😂 Send the idiots!

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How about we take the pressure off and not pretend anyone, surgery or not, is the opposite sex to what they are in reality? Ta-da, "human rights" issue fixed and no man feels " pressured" to invert his penis in order to access the women's changerooms.

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And that no man feels an inverted penis means he has any right to access women's changerooms.

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Exactly, talk about a self-created mess. They invent the law, then say their own law is a human rights issue. THEY CAME UP WITH IT! Idiots!

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Okay, the notion that 'transgender' people are being pressured by society at large to surgically or hormonally conform to his or her (oops, binary pronouns) 'chosen' 'gender' is NUTS. It's the ultimate projection from a cult that swims in the waters of projection. When was the last time you wished a man would get 'breast' implants? Or facial modification? Voice box shaving? Inverted penis? Or forced a woman to have a mastectomy? Or a fake phallus constructed out of a huge swathe of arm skin? The only thing the article got right is that all this body modification is TORTURE. But it's inflicted from within the cult, not from the outside. This is just a clever new twist to bring in declared self-id. Will no one think of the men who merely want to access women's spaces on the basis of their say-so?

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Love this comment on old beer belly Brian!

Wonder what would happen if it happened!

From Twitter ( I never know whether to put in commenters name off platform).


"I'd like to see these misogynistic pageants completely filled with men. Same with the pages of playboy and other men's magazines, filling up brothels and in windows of red light districts the world over. Let them "ruin" it all."

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Yes, how about a full swap? Haha 😂

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A different kind of 'sex swap'.

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Yeah 😂😂

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"She was the only woman soldier working in the guard room, surrounded by men who harassed and frightened her after she said she was transgender".

And therein is the Big Lie. He is a man, a male soldier just like his colleagues. So the Big Lie creates, and will continue to endlessly create, an infinite set of problems. He wants wrong sex hormones, but they will no doubt make him infertile. Ergo, society is demanding his sterilization. This inability to take responsibility is at the heart of the 'trans' cult. No recognition, or ownership of the slimy trail of destruction it trails behind itself. Broken psyches, broken bodies, broken childhoods, broken families, broken careers -- and ultimately, the complete tearing of the social fabric.

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Just want to say I love Glinner's Twitter...such a smorgasbord.

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What are your thoughts on butter boards? I'm not yet convinced!

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What's going on with Glinner's Twitter? I genuinely don't know

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Do you mean in relation to returning to Twitter?

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More so regarding Sianrose's comment, but anything Glinner + Twitter related!

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What is it you don't know?

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Glinner's still not back on Twitter, right?

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Not yet, but I believe it will happen. Are you on there?

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this a section Graham does as a round up of twitter posts...he is not at the moment officially on there .

But is there in spirit!

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Ahh I get you! Thank you, Sianrose 🥰

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Gosh ,more horror stories !! If women "don't exist " perhaps someone should ask that cancer specialist ,on what criteria do governments (past and present ,the world over ), base their discriminatory laws against WOMEN ,something which has happened in every society throughout human history 😭😱. Attempting to erase women this way is yet another manifestation of misogyny and even further proof ,if proof were needed ,that WOMEN do exist ,approximately 4 BILLION of us! This insanity HAS to stop before it destroys the world. Makes me FURIOUS.🤮🤬👎👎👎

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That writing ..’women and men are just concepts .. to make communication easier.. they don’t actually exist in the real world’. The outrageous ignorance.. like you.. I am enraged by this. Pregnancy, childbirth risks, miscarriage, endometriosis crippling pain .. not real (& the list of biological reality for women is long). And of course; care obligations to the generation below and above .. not real (they claim) .. and the very reason these deniers of ‘women’ have so much time on their hands to spew and campaign is because they care for no one.

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How do children come into the world without women? Are children abstract concepts too? Such raw horse shit -- all to remake the world into their own image...

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Starts @ approx 1 hr 56 mins in.

Decent US interview with KJK, not over in 2 minutes like UK interviews!

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I think extra testosterone has a really bad effect on women. A bit like someone who can’t handle their alcohol. It looks like we turn into arseholes.

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Doesn't it give an initial high?

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Could be. Euphoric arseholery?

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Geez! Men’s bad behavior when taking that stuff is what inspired the coining of the phrase, “‘roid rage.” (When I first heard that term, I thought it referred to pain-induced tantrums from inflamed hemorrhoids. It turned out that “‘roid” is also short for “steroid.”) Since steroids often make men so crazy, can you just freaking imagine the havoc they wreak on women? 😳 Euphoric arseholery must be worth it to them. Pathetic.

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Hemorrhoid rage! 😂

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I laughed at Roddy misspelling JN’s surname.

A faux pas surely *not 😊

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Maybe Roddy will drop the H, if John will drop the T. 😀

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Brilliant 😂😂😂

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Wow -- the 'queer polycule' -- so boringly explained. Who sleeps where, and with whom, depending upon work schedules and triads etc. But, I marvel. Isn't she the epitome of an upright, morally-centred family dynamic? A veritable matriarchal model of right behaviour. She doesn't show the kids on TikTok, as she tells us more than once. So proud of her boundaries. This woman seems to think herself as a boundary role model, or why else would she so publicly expound upon the lack of them?

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Oh my god, I had to switch off. She doesn't show the kids on TikTok but the board game "Who's Who?" is less complicated than the family structure 😂

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Story from a friend: a "non-binary" woman illegally parked him in when he parked his car in the legal spot to step into a store. He saw the watch cap covering the crew cut, button-down plaid shirt and the high waters trousers, Doc Martins and got the picture, thinking, perhaps though, it's a teenaged boy who borrowed his parents car. It was when he asked her to move the fancy jeep and heard her irritated, entitled voice that he got "affirmation" --she thinks she wants to be a boy. You'll find this. They are not only entitled to "pronouns." They are also entitled to park illegally and get huffy.

Ute Heggen YouTube channel now up, mind/body moves in short clips to help you calm down after this woo-woo.

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I've reported @KillingTime1235 for threatening violence and other threats by insinuation - which are more frightening than direct ones. We'll see.

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“...biology doesn’t usually do neat categories.”

How does anyone “do” a neat category?

And what is this “biology” that can “do” anything?

And it gets better!

“Biology generally prefers continuums or gradients.”

So now this “biology” can “prefer” one thing to another?

“There is no defined line when green becomes blue.”

For that sentence to make ANY sense at all, there must be a thing called “blue” and a thing called “green”. Furthermore they must be distinguished from each other. If they are not then the sentence disappears up its own arse.

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