"I never thought the leopards would eat MY face," sobbed the woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party

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As a retired midwife who practiced midwifery for 43 years ,I can categorically assure these clowns that BLACK WOMEN have the exact same anatomy and physiology as every other woman on earth.That also includes women of ALL races and nationalities !! Hard to believe that ANYONE can claim otherwise and such an insult to women of ethnic minorities.TWAM !!😈💔

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

If it's not ok for comedians to be "right wing" (whatever that means anyway), then Stewart Lee is unashamedly outing himself as an anti-democratic authoritarian bully who thinks people who disagree with his political views deserve to be silenced and to have their careers ruined. Well, there's a surprise.

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The responses to Stonewall are brilliant. They won’t like getting it up them.

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In the paranoid world that is 'trans', everyone is an enemy. Even 'allies'. Stephen Knight is so right about 'woke tripwires' (love that phrase). Landmines everywhere. No safe passage for anyone. They turn on each other just as hungrily as they turn on the 'other'. Hungry for validation. Hungry for woke points. Hungry for identity. Poor empty souls looking for nourishment in all the wrong places, and leaving a trail of destruction wherever they search.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

"The problem now is that there are comedians on our circuit that are specifically and explicitly from the right."

Stewart Lee - as with the entire hyperventilating media - would have nothing to say without his bogus "Left" and Right". These increasingly meaningless labels are the only thing he has left to hide his vacuity. Not to mention his cowardice.

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I half think this is all made up and one big joke as it's almost as if they're following instructions. It's hard to tell bot from human and I wonder how Turing, the man they have wildly misappropriated, might test it. The glee with which some piled on Jameela and how step-by-step it all was. The same process unfolds - it's always out of proportion, it's using attack as 'defence' and it deliberately misreads and twists everything. Does Jameela know what 'an actual transphobe' is? What does that mean? As opposed to a 'fake' one? Rationality? Good faith? Where has she been? Watching her fellow women thrown under buses daily. She's being shoving and pushing us under for years. She's been hailing the damn buses. Is she starting to understand that any disagreement about anything or failure to genuflect will be labelled 'transphobic' as it's a meaningless term? Always the patronising 'do better'. Spontaneous grievances that are spontaneously combusting.

It's always some brave soul defending their 'community'. Not just themselves, but millions. True social justice warriors. It's how abusers coerce their victims (everyone else agrees with me, everyone thinks you're the problem). They inflate themselves to create an impression that the supposed created offence is bigger, the crime more heinous. I've been listening to the nutjob unbinary plastic mayor on the Stephen Nolan podcast again, who banged on about possibly being chucked out of Uni or assaulted because the UK govt haven't protected him by including 'gender fluid' and other iterations of 'his community' in legislation. His attempts to explain how including that would make them safe, and by not doing so, it makes them 'unsafe'. Inventing a gap to fall in where there is none. Life, reality and the rest of us are one big thought experiment for them. And grifters have found yet another new way to grift. How can the Psychiatric professions as a whole stand by and watch this? Encouraging delusional thinking?

And Sidhbh, I guess there just wasn't multiple millions to be made in fidget spinners was there? Those cutesy pieces to camera are vile. Her results are 'natural-looking' are they? Looking at those parents, the kids had no chance. How has this insanity absolutely gripped that demographic? I wish Az Hakeem would talk more about his choices to steer away from surgery as the lunatics doing this really do think it's some higher calling and they are 'creating' some 'artistic' manifestation of heaven-sent 'healing'. Why are our brightest and best medics doing this? They are mauling and mangling children for filthy lucre.

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"It is clear how insanely out of proportion all this has gotten."

You reckon...? Because it was all perfectly sane and in proportion up until now? It was perfectly normal that JK Rowling got enough death threats to wallpaper her house, for suggesting that a civil debate might be a good idea?

This could be a "learning moment." As in: Learning that you used to be one of the mob who now see you as a ritual sacrifice. I sincerely hope it is but somehow I just don't see Jameela as the learning type.

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Poor Jameela!

Oh dear, how sad, never mind!

Stewart Lee: ‘I couldn’t survive without stand up!...

(but I have no concern for others who don't tow the woke line!).

"truly sick Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher" = rose west! (I don't care... the women is revolting)!

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Stewart Lee ought to be careful, the mood is changing out there.

Lovely tweet from James Dreyfus to #YoungGCWomenUnite seen today and TERFs is trending almost on a par with Jameela ! (I wonder how much longer she can carry on before she realises her trans pals are unhinged)

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Did you see Sam Morril is getting showered with praise for telling a pro Lia Thomas joke where the biggest laugh line is:

"I call bullshit that you care about women's swimming"

Morril is by no means a woke comedian and I think for him it's just an easy joke rather than a position to take. I'm happy to take a joke as a joke, good or bad. But the praise it's getting as some sort of important statement goes to show just how much women do not matter.

Imagine, caring about women's swimming. LOL.

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Re Neil Gaiman. I watched Sandman last night. Up until Ep 6 when we were introduced to ‘Desire’ a glamorous character played by a non-binary actor (male). Then ‘Despair’ an unglamorous, obese woman who slashes her own face.

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Jameela - Have you not heard "Like Saturn the revolution devours it's own children". The French revolutionaries, brothers and sisters at arms fell out often over trivial issues and started guillotining each other. The whole gender movement started on Paris left bank - French Marxist Post-Modern philosophers (and often paedophiles) like Foucault, Derrida, Satre. But anyone who has experienced Marxists at first hand (like I did at University) knows that they fall out over utter trivia.. which is why new groups form and reform. Those who transgress the arcane rules are treated as heretics. It seems you are now a heretic. Perhaps you might like to open your eyes to the philosophy you have signed up to? Become a nice witch rather than being burned at the stake by your so-called comrades.

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Regarding mandated reporting aka "safeguarding" IMPORTANT NOTE: Children who are abused sexually or physically (usually outside of school, but might happen there with a bad egg) are known to ideate or imagine themselves to be/wish they were the opposite sex. This is well-known in child development. Teachers are mandated reporters. In the US, you can lose your license and go to jail if you do not report abuse you've been made aware of, and every time you hear something, you are to report it to your supervisor. If your supervisor does not think it is a thing, you are still required BY LAW, to report it to child services in your state if you believe abuse has occurred. Look up NixMary Brown. I was working in Brooklyn not far from where she was killed.

So, if a child goes to school saying call me Sammy, I'm now (opposite sex) teachers are not asking ANY QUESTIONS about home life. They are saying this child will jump out the window if I don't go along with this "gender woo." They are not doing the doll interview (where a child has dolls available to demonstrate without being lead by the adult) and the child is thinking, "Oh, this is what I do to get (uncle, daddy, cousin, brother--sorry it is usually males) to stop waking me up in the night to make me touch him. I had to make a report like this. The child's father woke him up, dressed as Batman, and made him do it. He asked us teachers about that stuff he had to swallow. This is God's honest truth.

What will it take to get the schools to regain their sanity? uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com

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Oh, Jameela...

In the words of the immortal Winston Churchill, "An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile hoping they'll eat them last."

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