
just found this performance of it https://youtu.be/PZor42yfGr0

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Crying. Thanks for that.

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Wonderful. She reminds me of Daniel Johnston and the truly haunting hope for love.


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The medical community in the US is taking some notice. This article made me so happy today: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/964604 bu they also linked to this propaganda website: https://transsafety.network/posts/ and the attempt to deny, obfuscate, blame the "transphobia" epidemic on Evangelicals and Right wingers shines through. It is a tough fight. WPATH has a comments period until the 16th for the new Standards of Care, in case anyone wishes to comment. I'm giving copies of "Irreversible Damage" and "Trans" to all my young family members in danger of capture by this ideology as Christmas gifts!

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Thank you for posting the Medscape article. The comments, by medical professionals only, are also telling and heartening.

But, for the info of Glinnerites, the first 4 paragraphs:

'New draft guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is raising serious concerns among professionals caring for people with gender dysphoria, prompting claims that WPATH is an organization "captured by activists."

'Experts in adolescent and child psychology, as well as pediatric health, have expressed dismay that the WPATH Standards of Care (SOC) 8 appear to miss some of the most urgent issues in the field of transgender medicine and are considered to express a radical and unreserved leaning towards "gender-affirmation."

'The WPATH SOC 8 document is available for view and comment until December 16 until 11.59 PM EST , after which time revisions will be made and the final version published.

'Despite repeated attempts by Medscape Medical News to seek clarification on certain aspects of the guidance from members of the WPATH SOC 8 committee, requests were declined "until the guidance is finalized."'

Only two days left to comment, and in the absence of clearer info requested by Medscape, FFS?! Who benefits from such an unethical, "affirmation only" rush job by WPATH? HOW MANY MORE will they DAMAGE without giving a sh*t?!

A doctor in the comments:

"...The fallout from the atrocious treatment of these young people at the hands of all those who are supposed to care for and protect them will resonate for decades. It is difficult to find the words to describe such egregious treatment; Perhaps we can start with ones with which we are most familiar: malpractice, negligence, abuse…"

Utter heartless bastards.

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Thank you, Jeri, and TJ37 for your post too. I am trying to limit my dipping into links as it's just too much and so alarming what's happening and the current and potential for actual damage. To read your digest of key points is great.

A little like what we have to do with MPs and elected officials or civil and public servants in every country where the activist advance troops have been more effective in seeding this under the be nice umbrella.

That's the point of a brief, I guess. In all senses.

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My assessment of you from what I have seen on the Internet is that you have matured and become a more grounded individual.

Adversity and hard times make us all better people when we are willing to knuckle down and not just focus on ourselves.

You are going in the right direction.

My songs of the year, apparently!

I liked that list...class!

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Oh Seth Abramson, what a disappointment 😔

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I have given up being disappointed. There is now no such thing for me. I actually now assume people are dumb about this until they prove otherwise

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My hope is, people remember the time before they became gender critical, what it took to see what was happening, and be there to help when friends begin to really see what is happening.

Some are dedicated to never changing, but most are not really aware.

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He was already the Owen Jones of legal twitter, stonking prima donna with a fragile ego.

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I thought the LEGAL definition of rape contains the words "penetration" and "penis"?

Or at least it *did*. Who knows what Stonewall's minions have been orchestrating behind the scenes.

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In what universe are these cosplaying larpers a “vulnerable minority”? Where is the proof of this? Why do so many journalists not bother with fact checking? I had no idea men with sexual fetishists were “vulnerable”

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It's like a nervous tick : "vulnerable" "marginalised" "stigmatised" yadda yadda yadda ...

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It seems 'complaints handling' now means every legit one is seen as vexatious moaning and yet anything else flagged as a 'complaint' brought to the attention of senior management, say a board, which is clearly vexatious or with alternate motivations must be seen to be lengthily and 'properly' investigated process-is-the-punishment style. With some public posturing and pillorying thrown in so the rotten eggs can meet their target. Smearing to destroy someone over minor or unproven grievances and thoughtcrime, even if ‘charges’ are dropped or lead nowhere. That’s in normal workplace disciplinaries and alleged random crimes. Abuse is merrily carrying on under that radar and during the purges while everyone's distracted.

It's an art to deal with complaints - good businesses and organisations deal with them quickly and efficiently and absorb the feedback before reputational damage. But now if anyone even hints at your yadda yadda listicle there's panic and deplatforming first. That's not 'fair' or 'just'. I’m unsure why questions are not asked before (due diligence). Well I can guess. Is this institutional ignorance, or being led by the nose by lobbyists. There's a general air of not having a clue about a lot of these.

This applies to several recent spats online, as well as a dance company, and University lecturers. And anything touching upon safeguarding, which seems now to be protecting those who we need to be safeguarded against, and that's from minor boundary violations to major crimes.

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All sorts of middle-aged men are being called "vulnerable" nowadays, it's wild.

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Couldn't agree more. Is he the projecting comedian? What they did to the once great Indy is painful. UK newspapers trashed by the US (based) fops now filing content and writing 'open letters'. That 'piece' is such pap. Rowling seems to imagine? It's my belief he is the one seemingly imagining. He's apparently utterly unaware of why women and girls don't report to the police. What age do homeless women die Noah? Ooooh and he can see insidemindbrainwavethoughtmagicfeelings too.

This is laughable. I'm not outraged.

"Rowling — through her tweets, her advocacy and her fiction — seems to imagine a world in which trans women are privileged predators working with a compliant police force to assault innocent cis women. In fact, trans women are a small, marginalized, vulnerable minority, who face terrifying rates of sexual violence from, among others, the police who are supposed to help them." Take a breath, here we go...

"It’s easy to generate outrage..." No, really? Really now Noah, not what you're doing at all?

"...by claiming the police are too sympathetic towards trans women accused of assault. But it makes no sense to encourage police to embrace bigotry against marginalized people accused of crimes."

Hilarious. Where is she claiming that? Is it police arresting men for raping girls, that kind of assault, those most marginalised we're talking about? Then the usual Jewish and Black people accused of violence comparison. Way to go Noah! Extra points. Focus taken back from the victim to the perp again.

Noah, I beseech you, please stop causing me pain (did I do that right?).

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Google him and his prostasia links - answers the question as to why he's attacking a woman concerned about safeguarding for women and children.

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Thanks Ellen. Sorry, that was my sarcasm failing. I sadly know who this man identifying as a journo is, and his open history of dodgy affiliations. I was too peed off that he's being allowed to platform his bullying again so ended up blah blahing here! I cannot believe this is all happening in plain sight and so many are suffering from repeated memory blanks and critical thinking failures.

I've been reading some reports, reviews and also current media coverage. Cases details that reach the public after an onerous legal process has finally kicked in usually a year or two after events. I keep seeing 'home was clean and tidy' in these where there have been catastrophic failures in safeguarding. And assumptions and logic fails.

How does a home being clean and tidy prevent or obscure abuse? I view this as the same critical thinking failure as: how does being able to type on Twitter mean you should and should be promoted or listened to? Just because you're a GP does it mean you're good at your job, and hold views that are sensible, rational, reasonable and worthy of the professional role that you hold. No, no, no and no again.

Warnings ignored, and in fact those warning, or whistleblowing being viewed as vexatious or troublemaking. So, the inevitable cruelty, torture and death of the vulnerable. That's a complete failure in how to assess, and to derogate, delegate and defer responsibility. Signposting. We're in a sea of it. The whole nature of systemic failures and systems impervious and the machine of shifting responsibility.

I cannot bear the misuse of the word vulnerable by proselytizers like Noah.

Some key authorities, services and platforms are really wearing blinkers. We help them and warn them, then they gleefully stick them back on, so there, like a three-year-old thinking they've won a spat. This ability for some to have a veneer on Twitter, whilst skirting close to, and/or outright defence of sex offenders and abusers is so upsetting it's addling my mind.

I am struggling to read 'supposed' 'theoretical' and 'alleged' being used by suffocatingly smug gits and 'be kind' 'allies' on social media used to describe abuse that we all know happens. JK has been through domestic abuse. If they think she will bend under this pressure they have another f**king thing coming.

I'll get some tea, stop reading and ignore it for a bit!

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Shitbag is right. 🤮 Thanks for linking.

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The pedo guy? Quel surprise.

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Sadly it appears we have to say man who has supported those with those tendencies, so they don't go screeching around accusing anyone of accusing them.

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Seth Abramson

Alexa, was it something I said ?

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

I thought you may have had those purveyors of ambient sound Protomartyr provide a relaxing soundtrack to 2021

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That 'Faye' individual with the gun tshirt...

How in the hell does a post like that receive so many likes? What is wrong with people? That person posted that message the day after we had yet another school shooting here in the U.S.


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Sorry about the flack you've been getting. There were a lot of women defending you too. We don't have to agree on everything all of the time, we do have to fight an evil ideology together. Thank you for all you do in this battle.

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Is diaper-man Yaniv?

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Sadly not, as it means there are (actually many more than...) two of them. The article says he's in his 40s, while Yaniv is apparently about 33 (despite looking really, really bad for that age; I honestly expected him to be much older).

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I don't like it when things I'm sure happened disappear into the online void. Magic notifications on comments that take me to page not found and no thread. First it was the duplicate posts now the disappearing posts? Someone in US not happy with what students were told at Pwincetown?

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sorry! I should have said. For non-sinister reasons I had to take it down. don't worry, definitely for the greater good

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Phew! I was accused of TRA mansplaining the other day and was feeling a bit Spike Milligany :-)

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Thanks for that wee reminder, just bought Rachel’s poetry book.

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What kind of university would ever accept a man who wears nappies and has a 'baby fetish'? I mean, WTF is going on? What kind of nurse would EVER change one? He's not incontinent, he's got a paedophilic sexual fetish and should be locked away, for his own safety and for the safety of everyone else, especially children. I know we're now not supposed to say things like 'He needs a jolly good slap', as my Granny used to say, but truly, I think it's time to go back to The Old Ways and The Old Days. Do I want such mentally sick men around me in the public, intimate spaces of women? Do I heck!!!! The T Shirt says all.....avoid him like The Plague at all times....and as for the woman holding a giant, inflatable penis to her body, could we just Lose The Crude, because FFS, this is not needed. I get what she's saying, but really.....I mean, REALLY???? This dumbing down of society, the sexing up of it, it's all absorbed by children...and it's truly offensive to me. I'm too fooking old for this crude, rude world, which is beyond pornified.....UGH!

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The lady with the inflatable penis was with a large protest of nightclubbers marching past and ran over to join the women with Posie Parker protesting about Laurel Hubbard. I had a cringe too but watching the livestream it was quite funny and cheering as the women had been warned by the police about the protest coming.

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It still amazes me how ignorant I was of all this stuff before I "peaked" last year. I never thought I was particularly a feminist; the rights of women to their own sex-based spaces and protections, i.e. bathrooms, sports, rape crisis centres etc was simply not a remotely contentious subject, even growing up in the comparative Stone Age of the 1980s, and I don't think I was raised in particularly progressive environment. I never realised just how many men (and a depressing number of women too it seems) hate women. None of us would even exist without women!

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