
That dog looks.... 'surprised'. 🤭 🤓

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

He really does, almost alarmed 😧

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I did another version with him rolling his eyes at the new blue hair colour! But I liked this one better as it could be seen as surprise or shocked dismay!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Yes indeed. I’m reading him as actually a bit horrified, but p’raps I’m just projecting. Much like that comedian in the podcast.

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Universities, especially the arts and social 'sciences,' will have to rebuild and re-staff when the 'gender' cult is finally shown for what it is. PhD students, masturbating to fantasy child pornography for 'research' -- it's the kind of thing no one believes if you tell them. This is all down to the domination of post modern queer theory -- a horrific blight on the academic world, and so, upon the rest of us. Rebuilt and re-staffed from the ground up. Thanks 'woke' puppets -- for destroying nearly every damn thing worthwhile.

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Yes indeed, Amen to that. The description "Dark Satanic Mills" doesn't quite come close enough!

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This is the calibre of academia: The PhD student is so moronic he doesn't know about the research about men who become addicted to child pornography. It changes the chemistry in the brain -- I believe it's an overload of dopamine -- and it becomes very difficult even for men who want to stop to actually stop.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

Graham, brilliant as always.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Meanwhile in Manchester, the local newspaper (the Manchester Evening News) is running a puff piece on Drag Queen Story Hour (see https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/news-opinion/drag-queen-story-hour-its-24701228#comments-wrapper ). Anyone posting a comment questioning whether it really is a good thing finds it quickly deactivated - mine went straight into moderation and was deactivated within 2 minutes (I’m trying Twitter instead).

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

What do you expect from a newspaper the abbreviate to MEN? 😁😁😁

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Dare them to write a similar headline for Kellie-Jay Keen.

Complete radio silence from the MEN when the black pampers turned up to shut down her speakers corner event in May.

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And the same reporter cheering on protesters who wanted to stop.. (checks notes) women talking to other women in their own meeting place.


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Aug 8, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

"Ratioed up the wazoo" 🤣🤣🤣

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I've listened to this Queer Theory Jeopardy several times because I love Derrick Jensen, but those close-minded cult handmaidens screaming at him are hard to take. Apparently pointing out the pedophilic agenda in queer academia' is 'transphobic'. Hhmmm.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The impression I get from the trans movement representatives is of a singularly joyless bunch of ... indeterminate beings. The old gay groups and drag queens radiated energy that seemed genuine. But this new lot? Hint: The moment you have to be told and told repeatedly that a movement "is loving" and "caring" and "fun" then you know it's not.

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That podcast is a thing of wonder. Women who consider themselves feminists unable to accept the concept of a girl who doesn't obey pre-1960's stereotypes. And of course they repeat the mantra: "Kids must be free to be themselves." Unless it's a girl who doesn't like pink, fluffy things or playing with dolls. Then she must be told she's in the wrong body. Like any cult, they can contradict themselves all day long yet still can't understand why the "unenlightened" just don't get it.

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But did you notice when she’d finished speaking to her son, he just asked for another sandwich, and she became overwhelmed with how easy it was for him to absorb and accept what she’d just said, rather than thinking that he just wanted another sandwich and possibly had not been listening, or had dismissed what his mum had said because it didn’t make any sense.

She projected an awful lot onto him.

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This seems to be modern-day liberal parenting. I heard a woman whose six-year-old son was murdered at Sandy Hook describing how he had written "nurturing, healing, love" on a card on the refrigerator. I was a very wordy child and I'm sure I did not know the word "nurture" when I was six years old. I'm also sure this was something she told him to write.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Now you've made me wonder how the Germans are mucking around with their own language. Sie is already both the plural they and the singular she, so anyone who needs to feel special is a bit stuffed. Dutch use zij/ze in the same manner, probably similiar issues in Danish etc.

I really shouldn't look into this should I?

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In Dutch, some who need to feel special use "die" (= "that") as a singular personal pronoun.

Others use "hen" (= "them", non-subject form of the 3rd person plural "zij", as subject).

So that leads to sentences like:

- die gaat naar school ("that [one] goes to school"). At least that sentence is grammatically correct.

- hen gaat naar school ("them goes to school"). That sentence is completely ungrammatical.

I suppose Germans could use "ihnen" (dative of plural "sie") in the same manner, if they were so inclined. No idea if they actually do. I have heard about made-up personal pronouns in German ("em" for example).

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I'm going to start spotting these now on twitter whether I want to or not, I can still read a little even if I'm rusty as hell. Preparing to sigh in polyglot.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

“My wisdom has fallen on terf ears”

Haha more please Graham


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I listened to the Jo Bartosch programme and to hear a bloke talking about how drag queens felt energised and beautiful dressing up in stereotypical woman's clothes encapsulated their experience as being a pleasing fantasy for them.No harm in that but it is nothing to do with women. The bloke also seemed to feel

( FFS!) that saying this would flatter, pacify and charm us in some way.


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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Toksvig's letter is another example of supposed 'rebellion' which is in reality nothing of the sort. There's nothing remotely edgy about having a go at the Church of England these days. If she wanted to show some actual courage, the letter would be addressed to the leaders of another, somewhat more ferocious religion. But I don't see any of today's liberals being prepared to demonstrate that sort of bravery, do you?

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No, and I have no idea why. Nope. I can't think.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

That Free Speech Nation interview is – or certainly ought to be – a bombshell going off everywhere. The trans movement is a pure psy-op of utterly malevolence, whose aim is to create universal psychosis and wreck lives, deform children, tear apart all sexual relations, and stunt humanity as much as possible. It is a movement that is being funded and shielded at the highest levels. It has armies of paid up trolls and moles infiltrating public spaces, comment threads and websites. And I have no doubt at all that, if it appears to be on the retreat, it will soon give way to other movements equally shady and venomous.

This should be on a poster everywhere:

“As soon as I started telling the truth, people stopped believing me!”

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It must be exhausting being the child of that Australian commentator. Everything must be a “learning opportunity” for inclusivity. Of course, it’s all about Mum’s righteous self-image.

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We must all remember what our focus is and stay strong. Narcissistic perverts don't have empathy, they use, abuse and centre their self in everything they do. Great piece, Graham, on Andrew Doyle. Your comedy will return, I assure you. You're bruised. Give yourself time. Keep up the fight. We're all with you. ❤️🤍🖤

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Ah. That’s nice Claire.

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Ahh the Guilty Feminist brigade. Tell Deborah Frances White she's said something stupid and she'll accuse you of being sexist and accuse you of saying women aren't funny... even if a woman is saying it. I know lots of funny women. She ain't it. Anyway tomboys aren't fucking trans

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