Jul 29, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

The tweet about the "tomboy" in the ladies toilets is utter utter bollocks. No woman would challenge a child about being in the wrong toilets. Having seen many a male child in the toilets I have always just assumed they are with a parent who is not comfortable with them being in the men's on their own

The thing is us terfy types are actually serious about this child safeguarding malarky . I myself don't do a Terminator type scan of a child to determine their sex. I just think it's a kid.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Also I wouldn't be surprised if he actually angers the Church of Gender by admitting that tomboys exist. By their "logic" a girl who prefers "boy's stuff" is a boy trapped in a girl's body, and a boy who likes ballet and pink things is "really" a girl.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Sorry but I know from personal experience that this can happen - also that it has nothing whatsoever to do with "TERFs". It happened to me when I was 12, looked younger than my age and was mistaken for a boy.

I have also seen a boy who looked about 10 or 12 being asked to leave the Ladies when he was hanging around outside the cubicles waiting for his mother.

Whether you think that is right or wrong is another matter - but it happens.

What is relevant is that it has NOTHING to do with "TERFs".

It happens because some women feel it is appropriate for a boy that age to be using the Ladies while others do not, instead thinking that he is old enough to use the Gents unaccompanied or should wait outside.

Sometimes those women can mistake a tomboy of 10 or 12 for a boy.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

re. drag queens.

A lot of people, including parents who are 'dragging' their toddlers along to these ubiquitous events, are not recognizing that this is indeed 'trans' propaganda. These men never ever had an interest in children's literacy in the past. Isn't it strange that we have a plethora of these events just as 'gender' ideologists are trying to sell the ludicrous notion that human beings can actually change their biological sex? That men can become women. Let's confuse and indoctrinate the kiddies, while at the same time garner some of their innocence. Story hour in libraries, wow, what great cover and acceptance, not to mention VALIDATION. Wolves in women's clothing. This is not for comedy. This is not traditional panto. This is not for the children. This is totally for the social acceptance and validity of these adult MEN performing highly sexualized versions of pretend womanhood. What a total safeguarding failure on the part of the new younger 'woke' library staff. Keep drag 'queens' away from the children.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The Councils are at fault. Look at the list of councils who are SW Diversity Champions on the Sex Matters list https://sex-matters.org/stonewall-champions-list/

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It'd be good to compare those councils who've gone bust with those on the list. I see Slough Borough Council on there and the people of Slough are in for a rocky ride.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Beautiful 🙌🏼

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Wolves in women's clothing? I listened to an indigenous man who put his infant son into a wolf den because wolf was his child's totem, and the wolves did not harm the child. (Perhaps the origin of the stories about children being raised by wolves; wolf milk is very like human milk.) I would sooner hang with a group of wolves than the pedos you describe.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan, mole at the counter

In a very, very crowded field the episode of two male "lesbians" on a date might just make this the best ever Glinner Update. If there was a way to frame it, I'd prominently hang the piece at home!

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The story is so funny that if it didn’t happen someone would have to invent it.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

These men who’ve become lesbians and aren’t attracted to other men who’ve become lesbians clearly need to urgently attend a Stonewall diversity workshop so that their prejudices can be addressed; perhaps it could be called overcoming the y-fronts ceiling?

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Absolutely. Re-education camps are in order. Judith Butler lectures on repeat until their transphobic bigotry towards other 'men-pretending-to-be-women' is addressed and rectified. And y-front (haha, too funny) cotton ceiling workshops, of course.

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Think they call it the Boxer Ceiling 🤔🤬

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During a quick swing in the old string vest. Now that is diverse.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I don't remember any thing about being two! That is the most ridiculous thing ever!

I cannot imagine how a two year old would think in concepts of sex (boy or girl).

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I can remember very little before the age of about 10. My only memories are unpleasant of uncomfortable ones too... And there are only a handful of those.

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awww, Moley.

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I remember not being able to talk and how very frustrating that was. I remember taking things very literally too. When I heard that our neighour had 'fired' their housekeeper, I thought they shoved her into the furnace! Yes, there's lots I remember, but also tons I didn't allow myself to remember.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Ohh same here Moley!

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I realise this differs for everyone - by my own experience simply makes me VERY sceptical of people like Izzard claiming he 'knew' from the age of four that he 'was a girl'.

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Trying to like comments and not wanting to refresh (lazy!).

I remember sitting in my high chair listening to Perry Mason on the radio, a show that ended when I was two years old. I also remember sitting in the grocery cart and waving my arms about because I wanted grapes, and my mother moving the cart away from the produce!

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But Eddie’s only a ‘girl’ sometimes. H/she says it’s a ‘mode’. So what did Eddie know when he was four


* that he was a bit of a dick?

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Agree. I don't either. Most children's memories don't develop much before the age of 3 and even then they only remember the important things that happened. Jazz Jennings said the same as this person and even used words like penis and vagina .At age 2 ???

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"So, based on the idea that girls have long hair and boys have short hair, James is also age-perfect in thinking that when appearance changes, sex changes too. Until the age of about 7 (yes, 7 — in some children it’s older) children think that when something changes its appearance, its underlying reality changes too. This doesn’t just apply to sex, it applies to pretty much everything."


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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Since my teens the earliest I can remember is aged four. My first sex related thought was when then girlfriend offered me a peak of her boob aged ten.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

That lesbian dating story is a belter. The image of a man in a skirt getting wildly offended for being expected to pretend that another man in a skirt is really a woman, is gold.

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It's so inevitable, and supremely funny, it could be a lost sub-plot from an episode of The IT Crowd!

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He wasn’t being very kind to him, was he ?LOL

I laugh every time I’ve read it, almost as much as I do when I see the clip of fat bloke being pushed on the bike!

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The lost IT Crowd subplot:

Jen is feeling lonely after the end of a relationship. She asks Roy and Moss to join her drowning sorrow in the pub, but as they're scared of women and emotion claim to be too busy. Alone and on a whim Jen decides to enter a gay bar. There she meets a group of gender identity extremists who fool her into believing humans can change sex and that she's a lesbian. Jen is introduced to a male "lesbian" looking for love, but Jen says isn't ready for another relationship. Later Jen meets another lonely male "lesbian", so with her new knowledge of the gender zeitgeist innocently sets them up on a blind date ...

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The picture of Owen Jones reminded me of Aja's fabulous poem, which begins with...."Gender ID it's a white man's game....' which appeared on one of Graham's substacks a couple of weeks ago.

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That smug man proud to bring charges against Norway’s Christina. He cannot see the crime he is committing, the crime that's actually sanctioned by Amnesty Norway! How far this institution has fallen. This is exactly why sane people need to fight the ‘gender’ cult -- the CULT that has unleashed the hounds of hell. Notice his ridiculous sloganed t-shirt. Their obsession with using women’s toilets is bordering on psychopathic, if not already over the edge. Really, why is this? It’s the ultimate invasion, isn’t it? It’s all to do with genitals and body functioning at our most basic and vulnerable level. And these pretenders want into those sanctuaries. The provision of single sex toilets was one of the first rights fought for by our beloved Suffragettes, so it’s no mistake it’s the first women’s bulwark ‘men-pretending- to-be-women' went after. It's the accommodation necessary for women to lead a public life. Criminally woman-hating men want access to women’s spaces. Supported by Amnesty International no less. And a criminal system willing to send a woman to jail for three years for standing up for reality and safeguarding? We are in deep trouble, and that's why people need to push back in whatever way they can.

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We are in deep trouble. I think it's very similar to why men rape. Why? Because they can. Some people refuse to accept that it's about power and control. Dominance. Who cares, maybe it is just because they can. But then I'm a woman, so don't really understand the 'why' of it all I just want them to stop. I'm feckin annoyed at all the endless excuses and pity me tales they and some women dream up to excuse them.

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Spot on. Like everyone else I guess the first time I heard of all this I naively asked what really is the problem for them using the gents if women don't want them in their spaces, and the answer you get is violence. It's to dangerous for them to use the gents. No problem then you think, just open a third category of privacy spaces, but no. That's not good enough. Why? Then they'd be 'outed' as it's called. So it's not really about the violence then? It's about being validated. Quiet, bigot. Stop questioning things you know nothing about. I know that women are uncomfortable. They'll get over it. Aha! There we have it. Yes, it's an invasion. It's submission they want. It's a token of victory. Women are the enemy. Leave them nothing of their own not even their fecking toilets. Invade mums groups, pregnancy groups, lesbian dating sites, sports events, even prisons the lot. They'll get over it. Defile and destroy erase female from the map of humanity. As Jennifer Bilek realised it goes beyond transsexual. It's ultimately the quest for transhumanity. Theye're seeking anything but diversity, and it's the female that for them actually represents the diversity they are unable to tolerate, as it stands in the way of a uniformity of transhuman experience.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Happy to Donate to Christina’s legal defence. ☺️

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Also…Stella Creasey…definitely stupid. These MEN depend on getting stupid gullible mothers on-side to gain access to innocent babies and children for the purposes of paedophilia. What better way than to pretend to be a woman? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

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How do you get round the Norwegian krone thing if you’re donating in pounds sterling?

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I think that your credit card will convert it for you. 150 Norwegian kroner is about £15. That was the suggested donation.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I am glad that there is a Fundraiser appeal now for Christina Ellingsen, with a detailed explanation of the horrors of Norwegian law. These are the result of lobbyist stealth tactics perhaps the same ones as Dentons.

I have already contributed 150 Norwegian kroner - about £15 - to her appeal. There is a long way to go.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Ugh, the crap keeps crapping. Here’s the latest poop pile from WaPo… https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/28/sasha-velour-drag-not-dangerous-children/ 💩💩💩

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The story about the two transbians would be funny if it wasn't for the groveling by the tweeter. What the fuck did she expect hanging out with dudes who want to pretend they're lesbians?

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Intravenous Kool-Aid with that one.

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Please do not encourage British GCs to blame the trans lobby on American culture. The trans lobby was incubated in Canada and signed into the Yogyakarta Principles by heads of many nations.

Some parts of the trans lobby are more dangerous in the UK than in America (cops arresting women for tweeting). Twenty of the fifty US states have already passed laws protecting girls and women in sports. Canada currently has the worst trans-enabling laws of the three countries.

The label Terf Island is part of a TRA campaign to turn British GCs against GCs of other countries--most importantly, America. Divide and conquer. It is a war tactic as old as the hills.

Helen Joyce has been particularly bad about enabling it. Please ask her to stop. For Brits to portray British GCs as somehow superior to American GCs hurts us both and only helps the trans lobby.

American GCs have supported British GCs through everything you've gone through. GCs everywhere only ask that British GCs do the same for Americans.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Please don’t think we feel superior. In fact we despair at times at this uphill struggle. It’s like punching a wall of marshmallow. I do find it difficult to talk to my American cousin about this because although she’s a real strong female and mostly contrarian she just cannot take on board all the damage being done to women. Her liberal beliefs lead her to believe trans are underdogs so they can’t be all bad. And they’re not. But the activists are causing a lot of harm.

We support you. In many cases we are supporting American groups fighting the good fight in the States.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

You have my support Eleganta. It's easy for anyone outside the US to slip into anti-American views and it's fairly common. 'North Americans' are seen as a dominant group. We are not our politicians or political systems and many of us wholeheartedly disagree with what they do. It's very hard to criticise aspects of certain cultures without tarring everyone with the same brush. When we are left scratching our heads thinking 'how did that happen' it's easy to blame any convenient other.

Pharma culture and global corporate culture seem to have free rein in many countries and cultures - the 'industrial complexes' of war or healthcare. It's that we should be highlighting.

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I agree, as a Canadian, that Canada is certainly the worst of the three countries and will be the longest to hold out. We have no prominent dissenters on left or right, and the few people fighting this are often religious or conservative and their opinions are treated with contempt. Canadians are generally highly conformist and trusting of authority and we define ourselves in opposition to America. So transology sneaked into Canada in 2017 at the height of Trump circus, when Canadians were obsessed with performing how nice and liberal we were compared to our southern neighbours.

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I think the term ' TERF ISLAND ' was coined by GC people from other countries in admiration of the fight back over here ( UK )

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Curious about what Helen Joyce has actually said on this subject?

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Brilliant comic ,and no doubt that could easily happen Lol !! As for the 10 year old girl being ejected from a female toilet ? Utter rubbish. No woman would ever eject a child ,of either sex ,from the ladies and force them to use the gents. The person who wrote this sounds like a man or an extremely hostile TRA !! As for Stella Creasy ,words fail me !🤔😭

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Science suggests gender identity develops prior to conception 🤪

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Before that, surely! 🤪 🤪

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Oh my Moley. That image of Little OJ is worth my monthly subscription on its own.

I've been up in rural Scotland, house-sitting for a few weeks so I'm catching up. So many signs that the gender cult will be defeated in England, but the house owners in Scotland (lovely people) reacted to my tentative questions about their views on gender ideology by referring me to speeches by Mhairi Black. It was clear that they had no grasp of the implications of the GRA for women.

Has OJ gone a bit mad? He's increasingly ranty and incoherent.

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I have no idea why he posts pictures up like that on Twitter. He has done it previously with holiday pictures last year. He was photographed standing and smiling and reading (I think) the Shon Faye book. He did a poor impression of feigning interest in said book in my view with his faux concentration look...

Of course someone - some wag - came along and replaced the Shon Faye book cover with other amusing and apt book covers. HJ's 'Trans'. was one if I recall, and 'Feminism for Women' by Julie Bindel, plus an entirely fabricated cover ostensibly advertising the re-opening of the WI Spa 'this summer'.

And for reasons only known to said pesky Photoshop wag, 'The Observer's Book of Crabs'.

He must know that people... *coughs*... will retouch these images, surely?

Perhaps it is a trap. Or a bizarre example of public self-flagellation...

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