
I hope Birdy names and shames too...

But I hope that she is safe and sound and not in danger of threat or attack first and foremost.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I hope so too, Moley, not least because the folk world needs to know who this person is who is sending deeply threatening letters to one of their own 'music family'.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter


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Feb 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

That absolutely floored me. Surely whoever wrote that headline is a secret member of the terven 🤣🤣🤣😆😅 Absolute gold.

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The cognitive dissonance that must have caused, probably got a nosebleed

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

You read through this and see weak, no morals, no thinking abilities and just think should I feel pity or scorn?

Then you realise these people are helping to enable this corrupt ideology to permeate in society.

Hey people you reap what you sow...stand up or go down.

These have gone past all reasoning … have no alliance with them!

Get out now!

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Guess I shouldn’t even be responding to an article about “sensitivity” readers -- but l’ll first confess, and apologize deeply for my white privilege -- perhaps then I’ll be allowed to squeak out a few words? “Old novels” are out. Who knew? Infraction levels? How very Maoist, or is that a racially insensitive observation? Must admit, I’m really sensitive to all this ultra-sensitivity. Where’s my recourse? It all started with Leo Buscaglia’s 1980’s PBS adult audience clutching their teddy bears, and look what it’s come to. The death of literature.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

GROOMER ALERT: Teacher boasts that he tells 'our trans students' (whose children are these, sir? other people's, you arsehole, at risk from groomers-into-the-cult like you. Oh and define 'trans' please) that there's a special 'transition closet' just for them at school where it's just like turning into superman, they can 'be the superheroes that we know they truly are'.

You'll get to be way more special than all the other boring kids! Your own glitter closet to come out of, into magic sparkle-clothes that change your sex! Teachers siding against your parents in secret! Parents who might have awkward views on the prospect of their kid uncomprehendingly submitting to care-free clinics for damage to their sexual function, fertility, voice, bodily integrity, chances of a fulfilling life... transphobic stuff like that.

His barely concealed contempt for parents as an entire class, his presumption to know better who their children 'truly are', this mantra-mouthing apparatchik.

What can be done to safeguard against the righteous indoctrinators like him?

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There's a piece of video of UK LGBTQERTY activist, Elly Barnes, director of 'Educate and Celebrate' telling a room full of teachers not to let on what's in their training because the silly old parents might get their knickers in a twist (I paraphrase). The room laughs.

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Of course. In plain sight, and proud of it.

Can't bring myself to look for it, this stuff is too personally destroying.


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She started at a school local to me. It was just LGB at the time. I remember it- around 2004 I think. I remember thinking what a good idea - there was a lot of homophobic teasing and bullying going on at that time- probably still is. Telling children that a man is a woman if he says so, and that butch girls are men, isn't the solution to that though... . She won awards; was feted. Now pulls in the ££ with her indoctrination

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I left a very long, very angry message on thr answerphone of Educate & Celebrate the other evening. Not surprisingly, I've had no reply back.

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Good on you for trying, thanks.

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What interests me is that women are involved in grooming children for ... who? male pedophiles? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who grooms children should lose their teaching license permanently.

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Birdy has been harassed by one man in particular for ages now - he is in a well paid job and feels superior as his passive aggressive narcissistic whine shows - I really want him to get his come-uppance.

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Great that Birdie's going to be on TMWI

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Graham I was wondering if you would help me. I have up until recently been subscribed here. I had to stop my subscription as my dad died and I’m struggling to pay for his cremation he died on Sunday and I was his carer and I am a single mum. I am sorry to bother you but I am in a tight spot. I really enjoy reading the content you make and listening to the mess we’re in, thank you so much for speaking up for women. And my dad was gender critical old guy! Remind you of anyone! I am not on social media much. Hence why I am asking here if you could highlight this just giving page. No worries if you can’t. Rachael foy


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Just made a small donation. Not much I know, but only had sporadic work this year myself... Good luck!

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Hi everyone thank you so much. It really is helping. We can get some of the costs covered because he was on benefits. But not all and I need to clear his flat that he rented and I’ll need to get a skip etc. so it’s the other things that are cropping up also. As well as some costs that aren’t covered. I didn’t say but I will post all receipts etc. on the updates but if the just giving page.

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Same here - so sorry for your loss xx

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Hi everyone thank you so much. It really is helping. We can get some of the costs covered because he was on benefits. But not all and I need to clear his flat that he rented and I’ll need to get a skip etc. so it’s the other things that are cropping up also. As well as some costs that aren’t covered. I didn’t say but I will post all receipts etc. on the updates but if the just giving page.

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Hi everyone thank you so much. It really is helping. We can get some of the costs covered because he was on benefits. But not all and I need to clear his flat that he rented and I’ll need to get a skip etc. so it’s the other things that are cropping up also. As well as some costs that aren’t covered. I didn’t say but I will post all receipts etc. on the updates but if the just giving page.

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If you or your Dad were on benefits do you know there is a death benefit you can apply for to help pay for his funeral. It should be fairly straightforward.

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Hi everyone thank you so much. It really is helping. We can get some of the costs covered because he was on benefits. But not all and I need to clear his flat that he rented and I’ll need to get a skip etc. so it’s the other things that are cropping up also. As well as some costs that aren’t covered. I didn’t say but I will post all receipts etc. on the updates but if the just giving page.

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Watching Aaron Rabinowitz on 'The Mess', last night and remembered the description, "Wind-up Merchant", a phrase I haven't used for ages, .....was good to see Arty Morty managing to erase Aaron's weird smile for a short while at least.

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Great news and hot off the presses. For Women Scotland have won their appeal against the competency of the Gender Recognition Act for Boards Scotland

Basically to allow a 50% representation of women on public boards. Crucially though it redefined 'women' to include transwomen.

Ruled as not competent.

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To expand. The Court of Session ruled that Woman is a protected characteristic under the Equalities Act as is Gender Reassignment BUT 'transwomen' are not.

This means that in law (Scotland)

Transwoman are Not Women.


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I have more sympathy with the journos and the 'her penis' reporting having read the Equal Treatment Bench Book yesterday. The guidance for judges says it's a crime to deadname or out a trans person. Well worth reading the chapter on transgender which misrepresents the Eq Act and even suggests genderqueer as a valid identity. The guidance for Parole boards is no better advising that people may be gender fluid or polygender meaning they hold multiple gender identities, sometimes simultaneously. How can people working in the criminal justice system possibly make sense of what appears to be box of Stonewall fridge magnets chucked at a wall. My guess is the journos in these cases are writing headlines that make it clear without them being threatened for outing someone.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

"What happens when you Google ‘The Staniland Question’"

I find that post fascinating, albeit in a bleak, can't-believe this-is-happening way.

If you subscribe to gender ideology, surely the answer to the Staniland question - is "Yes, I do believe that male-sexed people have the right to undress and shower in a communal changing room with teenage girls." So why can nobody say that? Do they or do they not believe it? Because it's pretty much central to what they claim to believe?

And now google not only can't answer the question; they're trying to make the act of asking the question, offensive in itself. The cutting-edge Silicon Valley tech firm with its touchy-feely values and its 'Do No Evil' slogan, is as scared of a simple question as any repressive regime.

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All of these companies are evil, pure evil.

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