"Why HIV in particular? Well, Gilead is also exploring the potential interactions between its HIV prevention medication, Descovy, and feminizing hormone therapy."

Well, there it is! Gay Conversion 2.0, or Trans Away The Gay!

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It's medical upselling. And is foul. "Oh, we see you bought HIV meds, are you sure you're not also questioning your gender too? See our new range of...get your bits lopped off with our top-rated and fast-selling...".

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Took the words right out of my mouth.

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Is this the major piece of evidence we’ve been waiting for as to what the BBC has been up to. Utterly venal and diabolical.

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Follow the money and the trail leads right to the top. How sick is this?

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Wow. This is huge. We’ve always known that the BBC was deliberately ignoring this issue and here’s a major reason why. How much longer will they be able to get away with such a dereliction of duty? How many more children harmed before they are held to account for their part in the ‘no debate’ strategy? What a disgrace our national broadcaster has become.

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God Almighty...

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There is no God with these people William only Mammon.

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Moloch. And we must sacrifice our children's genitals to him or he won't make the rains come and our crops will wither and die.

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Good for you, our Graham. The pieces are falling into place in a big way...

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That is an ENORMOUS conflict of interest, and should be on the front page of every reputable newspaper in the land!

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Goodness, and I thought Walsh was one of the good guys at the BBC. Why on earth would you call a company ‘Gilead’ though. Has anyone there even read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’?

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Societies like Gilead have oft been repeated in history. Minor cultures and whole countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have evidenced this. The story of Gilead really goes back to Sparta. Margaret Atwood never gave credit to that Grecian military City/State that her novel was a pale reflection of. It was a State where women's only role was to produce the next generation of soldiers to engage in military conquest. But the history of SPARTA has not been lost on the transgender men of the military as they've named their organization S.P.A.R.T.A. see:


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They really are doing all this in plain sight aren't they. And yes, as it's so horrific people instinctively turn away and don't want to know, so that revulsion means they glide on without scrutiny.

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Thank you. I was unaware of this organisation.

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Just looking at his photo he is a certain smug type in a certain smug suit. That someone connected to him would be so smug as to use a clever name like Gilead broadcasts their superiority as they think the little, uneducated people won't get the reference. What a laugh this all is for them. BitsnBobsButchery doesn't have quite the same literary cultural reference glow about it.

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The certain type of smug type back in the day used to be referred to as a smug git.

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When I saw the title of the article I assumed Graham meant Gilead the fictional place.

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Sometimes I think we're living there already!

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Well colour me fucking surprised , it’s all about money !! Who’d thought that

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My shocked face, let me show it to you.

You see my avatar? That's my shocked face. Now you've seen it.

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Aw William yer face is braw 😂

It’s just shit here so you have to laff

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#NotAllBeards. Luv yaaaa.

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Hey! That's profiling! 😉

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Are you accusing me of being a stalker !!

I’ve only ever asked you

If your diabetes was ok

If you thought Kemi’s husband would be ok with you marrying her

If you fancied a house swap to freezing fife

If your wee cat was ok

Oookayyy think I might delete this post 🤣🤣

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I never have.

1. Yes.

2. Maybe, haven't asked him yet.

3. Yes.

4. Yes.

You don't have to delete this post.

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There’s a piece on wings over Scotland today about stats , I’m not that bored that I can be bothered to repeat it , and I’ve lost my ability ( limited as it was ) to link to it

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Petal is right that an important article is on Wings over Scotland on statistics involving trans people. Since our last census was worthless this is as good as it gets on stats.

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Cheers Marion

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"[The] ‘transgender community’ . . . is really a collection of autistic, troubled, abused or just confused young people, along with middle-aged autogynephiles who realized that by sliding into a pair of pantyhose, they could slide out of their marriage."

Brilliant! Yet countless times every day smart, well educated, accomplished and otherwise reasonable individuals fervently defend the "transgender community" and "trans kids" as if they were solely responsible for preventing the Holocaust of 1939-1945.

I look forward in a decade or so to scholars' assessment of this period of mass delusion, but we have to bring it to an end first. Where I live, in Portland, Oregon, it is anathema among the elected officials who represent me to utter a word of opposition to gender identity ideology. They won't hear of it.

Trans activists have done their job and done it well. Politicians think they know two things about trans. First, WPATH is the "gold standard" of trans health care; and, secondly, trans kids will kill themselves in droves if society doesn't fully accede to the demands of every trans person, every trans ally and every trans scholar as they are made.

If the political process fails us, can we litigate this matter to victory?

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I changed that line because I felt it was too flip for an important story. Thanks for preserving it, though!

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If only all the AGPs wanted to slide out of their marriages: too many keep their wives and kids trapped and abused and have been campaigning to get rid of the spousal exit clause for the GRA.

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At least there's a growing willingness on the part of gender critical people to say that adult trans women are AGP men.

Now there needs to be a concerted effort to help rescue Blanchard's "homosexual transsexuals," that is, same-sex-attracted men who get their wires so badly crossed that they're willing to endure the horrors of chemical and surgical sex reassignment and the marginal demimonde existence they'll experience as man-loving men pretending to be women while seeking male romantic and sexual partners. It sounds like really bad pulp fiction.

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I often now think this cultural wave that was seeded or magnified by a medical and 'mental' health industry out to progress its own interests specifically encouraged those wires to be crossed. In conjunction with the surgical industry and pharma. Any doubt or question was answered with 'your wires are definitely crossed, this, and only this, is how you uncross them'. Then it grew, sometimes deliberately, then by osmosis it seeped everywhere, became a 'specialty' and that was that - the money and insurance need for it to exist as a formal identity and clinical 'treatment' was established and the more the merrier kerching. Papers could be written, careers and professional identities built on gender identities. Ah, a leech'll fix that. How much of this would have happened, how many men would have happily grown into and lived as gay men, with other gay men, without any need to play out some strange stereotypes of gender given the stamp of approval by the white coat brigade who make a living off it. The 'clinicians' who work hand-in-hand with the porn industry as it's all just business.

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It all makes sense.

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Has anyone brought this to the attention of any of our allies in Parliament or the House of Lords? They will be all over this.

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Graham the BBC had a nerve trying to paint you as the bad guy when they have been complicit in the worst medical scandal ever instead of exposing it. They have lost all credibility and I will never believe anything they say again.

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how is it not at least a potential conflict of interest that the BBC’s medical editor has such close ties with a pharmaceutical company pulling in 27 billion dollars a year.. this screaming at me people! Well done again Graham!! On it goes ..

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This is extraordinary. I hope to God these people are made to answer for this scandal one day.

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Gilead was a region in the Bible, east of the Jordan River, now part of the country of that name. In the book of Jeremiah the phrase goes, "Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there?" Often people believe it's from the stories of King Arthur and the Round Table &etc.

Has anyone else noticed the ridiculous forms at the OB/GYN office, in which women, in a place where the patients are solely women, have to pretend some of the patients are not? There is no section to indicate SEX. Rather, under your name are "Sex at Birth" and 2 more sections, "Current Gender" and "Gender Identity." So, one could be female at birth, currently non-binary gender, with male gender identity! Or, male at birth, currently non-binary-femme gender and "female gender identity, just to waste everyone's time!" Catherine Robillard and other luminaries from our world have contributed solutions to this nonsense: cross it out and put "adult human female" or cross it all out and write SEX:F, or, if you are worried about the reaction of the doctors/nurses/staff, write anonymous post cards to the administration afterward. The disrespect of women this form is irksome to women who are facing an often trying internal exam next. Here's my testimony the day after, in the garden, butterfly kindly flew in at the end:


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Nothing shocks me any more. My response is now more likely to be 'yes of course, that's the only explanation'. Kept that quiet didn't they.

I'm sensing the 'invasion of the body snatchers' and terrified that some time soon Glinner, doc Stock, etc. will stand up and say 'women Can have a penis' a la the late great Donald Sutherland at the end of the film. 😱

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Yes, the scream! Gives me the shivers every time! Brrrr.

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