Enraging. If 91% of service users were women, what are the councillors doing about them? They are far more vulnerable than no doubt mostly white men cosplaying as women. F*ck this s*it.

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Yep, I’m angry. And sad.

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I wrote in the comments on the Brighton and Hove News report:

“…current onsite provision is women-only.

“The EIAs highlighted the need for more support for both heterosexual and gay male survivors and also highlighted the specific barriers to service experienced by the trans community, with trans survey respondents noting that the type of support they wanted was not available.”

Well, surprise, surprise the overwhelming majority of people fleeing domestic violence are women, often mothers with children. There is a myth that Trans-identifying men (aka “Transwomen”) are attacked. They simply ARE NOT attacked in the UK. Not a single trans-identifying man has been killed in the UK in the last two years whereas two women are killed EVERY WEEK and have been for years. Domestic violence is a SEX-based crime perpetrated by MEN. If there is a need for the odd trans-identifying man to find emergency accommodation he should not be trying to gain entry to refuges for WOMEN. He needs separate provision.

This story reminds me of Vancouver Rape Centre which lost municipal funding because it refused to admit male-bodied people to women’s refuges, and somehow managed to keep going with charitable donations from the local population.

Men are simply terrifying to a woman who is a survivor of domestic violence. She wants other women to listen to her and care for her, and the last person that she would share a room with is a male-bodied person.

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I am utterly enraged. How could this happen?!

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RISE are campaigning for an additional clause in the domestic abuse bill which was in the HoL in December. Women bringing charges against their abuser should not have their name published by the press, for fear of further attacks from the abuser. Please sign the petition: https://www.riseuk.org.uk/press-petition

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Not nice. Male pattern violence against vulnerable women and children. Thieves.

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is there anything we can do ? of a practical nature?

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