I had a look at UKRI's recruitment equality monitoring...


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Until the GRA has been repealed, all of it, forever, this misogynistic insanity and persecution of women and girls will continue to exist. All GRAs, globally, must be repealed for sanity to return and for safeguarding of women and children, who have never been in so much danger in my lifetime of over 6 decades. Miranda Yardley on why the GRA must go....and for those unaware, Miranda is a trans identifying male, who is on the side of women: https://mirandayardley.com/en/why-the-gender-recognition-act-2004-should-be-abolished/

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Arghhhhhh my frustration is immeasurable. I hate it, follow the money. It’s disgusting. Utterly disgusting.

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Utterly horrific.

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2. Also, every area of education, where young people abound, has been taken over by those with Agendas now, invited in by Dept of Education. Everywhere needs investigating, and investigating with Stonewall Sniffer Dogs to sniff out every bit of Stonewall 'Law' in every UK institution of learning, in every charity, in every walk of UK life now. I'm seething, again.....

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Money (gender ideology) talks, bullshit (common sense) walks. Something has gone terribly wrong here.

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Show me the money

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The amount of fear we have to live in as our rights and material reality are being erased makes me despair.

I feel filled with rage at mediocre trans-identified males stealing intellectual, political, professional, and sporting spots from women- and their absolute drivel being published and acclaimed instead of women’s, when women are so talented and so underrepresented in journalism and media.

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one of the first things I noticed when I started looking into this was how women's studies depts are now gender studies and how many of those positions are overtaken by trans women. I can't for the life of me understand why they are hellbent on forcing everyone to believe they are women instead of people with a male life experience living as female, which is what they are. I'm having a really hard time absorbing why they believe the world must participate in their delusion. There are a few obvious factors such as their comorbid cluster B disorders and their race and class privilege (more often than not they are ruling class white males).

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Dodgy f*cks get the big bucks. Makes me sick

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just saw this on youtube, two different versions and the public is wholeheartedly on the side of 'alex' in both cases, you can see by the downvotes on this video that labeled this "transphobia" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOUBhQlhG2w I am seeing stuff like this more and more every day...whereas the institutions are eating themselves alive, due to trans donor funding and big pharma/medical $$ no doubt, John Q Public is getting fed up and over it.

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