Larry Wachowski is a textbook autogynophile who proves what I've always said - a man with a paraphilia will happily destroy the comfort and safety of women in service to his fetish. He destroyed his marriage and another relationship just so he could wear women's panties and engage in his sissy/bdsm lifestyle with a parasitic dominatrix who wanted money. And of course all the wokey dokes fell over themselves to celebrate this gross autogynophile.
And now with the help of accommodating state and federal laws, AGPs are destroying the entire fabric of society. We're all non consenting participants in their fetish scenes now.
I'm going to live on Walton's Mountain, with Ma and Pa Walton, and John Boy and Grandpa and Grandma, where life was good and people stuck no needles in each other, didn't believe they'd changed sex and were, back in the day, for the most part, pretty darn normal. I can't take the way the world has become. I want to see less and less humans, with each passing day, and just be with my beautiful animals, listen to the birds and be amongst Nature.....I'm very tired of sick humans who do sick things, to themselves, to each other. Something is very, very wrong with humans now.
It’s the reason I moved to the rural countryside. This kind of crap emanates from urban areas. While the countryside isn’t idiot-free, there is a lower ratio of idiots per mile. G’night, Sue Ellen! 😉
Bloody weird and I feel sorry for the main protagonists' previous partners although other than that, it's not the worst thing I've read.
Still, what about brother Andy? Is he just wearing a dress and a wig or has he also had the full treatment? Will we find out in the next instalment of 'W for Wachowski'?
*spoiler alert*
Their first movie, Bound, was excellent, especially as, unusually for Hollywood, the two lesbian lovers got away with it.
The gender identity issue is deeply complicated. Gee, why would Rolling Stone yank this article?
Gender identity includes (1) AGPs like the Wachowski brothers and other middle aged transitioners, (2) massive donations of ca$h by same, like Martine Rothblatt & the Strykers etc., (3)misogynistic trans activists like Dr Adrian Harrop & guys in skirts roughhousing women at GC events, (4) cheating athletes like Lia Thomas, (5) parents medicalizing their minor children (I Am Jazz), or other minors seeking medical transition, AND (6) a minuscule minority of genuinely dysphoric individuals who just want to quietly go about their lives.
Oh, plus insane self-ID jurisdictions such as California (thanks, Gov. Newsom !) allowing peeping creeps into women's restrooms, and male prison inmates to transfer to all-female prisons, just because suddenly they “feel” like women.
This whole narrative is a shit-show. It is so clearly NOT a simple civil rights issue involving a poor misunderstood marginalized minority. NO WONDER Rolling Stone magazine disappeared this article.
A good article to dredge up. These people are fetishes in bad nylon wigs. Hopefully we will win. But this rot goes deep. I really do think it’s got to come from women. Especially women, to haul physically that turd at the Edinburg rape centre out of the building and on the floor. For pretending he is a women.
Something else on Buck Angel. He popped up on Peter Barclay's blog site to discuss the transitioning of children (most definitely anti). Peter's style could be described as 'grassroots'. An ordinary guy who cares about child safeguarding.
Interesting watch if you can get past Buck's LA style delivery. 😁
I still can't call Buck a man, nor refer to any other person, who lives as the oppostite sex, with incorrect pronouns. So many very beautiful women who seem to be happier living as men now. I know it's a deep, long story...and every person's story is different, but it makes me sad, it just does.
I want to see this article spread far and wide, I can't stress enough how tied up most AGPs are with masochism, and how the sexual arousal at being abused is part of what they EQUATE with femaleness. That is exactly my experience in relationships with AGPs.
Why is Buck always referred to as he/him? Buck is a woman. I see this often when people are talking about Buck. It's as if she gets a pass that no one else does.
Larry Wachowski is a textbook autogynophile who proves what I've always said - a man with a paraphilia will happily destroy the comfort and safety of women in service to his fetish. He destroyed his marriage and another relationship just so he could wear women's panties and engage in his sissy/bdsm lifestyle with a parasitic dominatrix who wanted money. And of course all the wokey dokes fell over themselves to celebrate this gross autogynophile.
And now with the help of accommodating state and federal laws, AGPs are destroying the entire fabric of society. We're all non consenting participants in their fetish scenes now.
I'm going to live on Walton's Mountain, with Ma and Pa Walton, and John Boy and Grandpa and Grandma, where life was good and people stuck no needles in each other, didn't believe they'd changed sex and were, back in the day, for the most part, pretty darn normal. I can't take the way the world has become. I want to see less and less humans, with each passing day, and just be with my beautiful animals, listen to the birds and be amongst Nature.....I'm very tired of sick humans who do sick things, to themselves, to each other. Something is very, very wrong with humans now.
It can seem like that, thank goodness for natural world
It’s the reason I moved to the rural countryside. This kind of crap emanates from urban areas. While the countryside isn’t idiot-free, there is a lower ratio of idiots per mile. G’night, Sue Ellen! 😉
That's a synopsis for a better film than anything the Wachowskis have made in the past twenty years.
Bloody weird and I feel sorry for the main protagonists' previous partners although other than that, it's not the worst thing I've read.
Still, what about brother Andy? Is he just wearing a dress and a wig or has he also had the full treatment? Will we find out in the next instalment of 'W for Wachowski'?
*spoiler alert*
Their first movie, Bound, was excellent, especially as, unusually for Hollywood, the two lesbian lovers got away with it.
Bound - great movie 🎥
The gender identity issue is deeply complicated. Gee, why would Rolling Stone yank this article?
Gender identity includes (1) AGPs like the Wachowski brothers and other middle aged transitioners, (2) massive donations of ca$h by same, like Martine Rothblatt & the Strykers etc., (3)misogynistic trans activists like Dr Adrian Harrop & guys in skirts roughhousing women at GC events, (4) cheating athletes like Lia Thomas, (5) parents medicalizing their minor children (I Am Jazz), or other minors seeking medical transition, AND (6) a minuscule minority of genuinely dysphoric individuals who just want to quietly go about their lives.
Oh, plus insane self-ID jurisdictions such as California (thanks, Gov. Newsom !) allowing peeping creeps into women's restrooms, and male prison inmates to transfer to all-female prisons, just because suddenly they “feel” like women.
This whole narrative is a shit-show. It is so clearly NOT a simple civil rights issue involving a poor misunderstood marginalized minority. NO WONDER Rolling Stone magazine disappeared this article.
Thank you Glinner et al., for resurrecting it.
A good article to dredge up. These people are fetishes in bad nylon wigs. Hopefully we will win. But this rot goes deep. I really do think it’s got to come from women. Especially women, to haul physically that turd at the Edinburg rape centre out of the building and on the floor. For pretending he is a women.
Basically put that lot to work in Asdas etc...see what their ethics/moral values would be!
Buck Angel on the cheese counter...the Wachowski sisters on the tills!
See how much time they would have to indulged in this warped fantasy world.
And no their artistic creative view! has no more credibility than someone who has not got the outlet to put their creative imaginations out there.
Something else on Buck Angel. He popped up on Peter Barclay's blog site to discuss the transitioning of children (most definitely anti). Peter's style could be described as 'grassroots'. An ordinary guy who cares about child safeguarding.
Interesting watch if you can get past Buck's LA style delivery. 😁
I still can't call Buck a man, nor refer to any other person, who lives as the oppostite sex, with incorrect pronouns. So many very beautiful women who seem to be happier living as men now. I know it's a deep, long story...and every person's story is different, but it makes me sad, it just does.
Dafuq did I just read?
He's a nasty tiresome narc and will destroy all around him - sad man.
LA weirds Ville if you look at the riches there and then skid row!!!
There are normal people there (I know JW's and some family).
I wonder if it is the amount of money some have that just turn them mad and twisted.
I have watched the Matrix but apart from a few scenes its was like … oh really.
Some clips put to music.
Matrix Reloaded Mix
1st Song Vanessa Mae Storm
2nd enigma techo remix from 90th old one :)
Eurodance-House of Techno - Enigma - Rave (Club Dance Mix)
Money allows you to indulge, in anything.
It’s better to cry in the back of a Bentley.
I want to see this article spread far and wide, I can't stress enough how tied up most AGPs are with masochism, and how the sexual arousal at being abused is part of what they EQUATE with femaleness. That is exactly my experience in relationships with AGPs.
Why is Buck always referred to as he/him? Buck is a woman. I see this often when people are talking about Buck. It's as if she gets a pass that no one else does.
Highly illuminating!
By sheer coincidence, I just saw this review of Matrix Rehash. I mean Matrix Resurrections.
They’re remaking V for Vendetta ????
My life is so boring 😂
Seriously, that’s a lot to take in, strange yet bizarrely fascinating.
I think (& hope) it's just an old article, from before V for Vendetta came out, rather than anything to do with a remake
I love the original, in my opinion, most remakes are never as good.
I’m afraid they’ll cast Antifa as the heroes, instead of ACTUAL resistors of authoritarianism.