We should all be writing polite, non-threatening letters to Mr Mulville to reinforce the points made in this piece, and to ask him to acknowledge that Graham has long been vindicated by facts and deserves to have his work seen (and make a living from it). Surely that is worth doing? And if so, can we get it organised so that Mr Mulville receives a great deal of such correspondence?

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Good idea! According to ceoemail dot com JM's email is jimmym@hattrick dot com, so I've sent him an electro letter.

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Thank you for the email address. I will put pen to paper (sounds better than finger to screen).

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:-D finger to the screen is my reaction to Owen Jones appearing on tv.

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:-D or finger down throat.

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Shocking but sadly not surprising. How wonderful it would be to see Ted brought to life again! You're not just on the right side of history, you're on the side of right. Wishing you the very best of luck with this. Fair play to you.

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The people collaborated with the Nazi were "on the right side of history" - As long as the Nazis were in power.

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What a bunch of cowards, Graham.

EDI Jester has done excellent poem for you by the way.

As you say, why don't they just hand it to you to do - Barclays Bankers!!

Will cross post in due course

Hope you get there in the end, Graham


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What is it they have over you? Have they bought the franchise or is there not some way to legally make an alternative production with an alternative team? For sure the whole branch is rotten to the core but times are a changing and vindication will surely make difference sooner or later which will embolden some to risk their necks?

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Tis shared. All the best.

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Graham, I note that Hat Trick's YouTube account have very recently (days, not weeks) started uploading the best parts of Father Ted. I feel it is our duty to remind Hat Trick in the comments now we've had the Cass Report and the NHS doing a sudden u-turn on definitions, that Hat Trick apologise to you and give you back your rightful work. I've started and left a comment with the hashtag #FreeFatherTed. I suggest all in solidarity with you should do the same.

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Hi Graham, I’m a paid subscriber but I didn’t get this piece ( not in junk either). Perhaps I’m not the only one and you need lots of letters to be wending their way Mr Mulville’s way.

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Just as a general comment on the trans movement:

The entire trans movement is based on nothing less than the negation of language. Orwell noted in his “Principle of Newspeak” that if you control the language people use then you can control the way they think. By deleting certain words, you make it more difficult to express the ideas behind the words.

Of course you cannot simply delete a word. But if you have the power and the resources (i.e. control over the media which, considering the monolithic high profiling of the trans agenda everywhere, is clearly centralised to a degree previously unimagined) then you can gradually change public perception of a particular word.

And it’s clear that the word “gender” has undergone a transformation in which the original link of the word with sexuality has been sundered thereby depriving the word of any meaning beyond an infinitely expandable list of nullities as demonstrated here:


Bearing in mind this utter vacuum now occupied by the word “gender”, it is no surprise that those submitting to the trans ideology seem to be utterly inarticulate in expressing themselves. This is compounded by the following:


“A friendly reminder that you don’t need to understand the nuances of gender identity to know that each individual person knows who they are better than you ever will.”

No-one can understand the nuances of gender identity because gender itself is seemingly indefinable. And the implications are truly dismal. It seems as if every person is trapped inside some strange solipsistic prison of self that is incommunicable to others. Although this is obviously true in some basic ways, recall that the entire transgender movement is based around the changing of laws i.e. it is very much a public matter i.e. a public matter based on the inexpressible!

Another consequence of the sundering of gender from sex is the peculiar sexlessness of many who self-define as “transgender”. This is probably an effect of this solipsism which manifests as a relentlessly narcissistic creed. Its ideal is the amoeba which can reproduce itself.

All of which helps to explain the sheer lack of the power to articulate displayed by those “trans-people”. See here:


Being a "transwoman" has nothing to do with the sexual pleasure a man has in "feeling that he is a woman"? There are so many looming contradictions here that the mind is in danger of being overwhelmed. Are we to assume that a being a woman has nothing to do with sex or femininity? But then, since the trans movement has demoted the very concept of gender to meaninglessness, they have shown no awareness that this reduces them to such embarrassing nonsense. Here we have a movement that has NO CONTENT! All these people are being whipped up into a passion over nothing concrete at all - although obviously its EFFECTS are clear: the social disruption, the maiming of lives, the terrorisation of women, gays, children etc.

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