Thanks for reposting about ‘Aimee’ Challenor/Knight. I now need to go and have a shower. I’ve rarely read anything that’s disturbed me so much. To think this object can influence children online is disgusting.
The 'gender' cult magnetizes and 'celebrates' deluded souls. Unending horrors can and will flow from a cult whose central pillar of 'belief' -- that a human being can change sex -- is a complete delusion.
The truth is so unkind! Stonewall as a brand needs to be buried in lead, deep. In the Greens case they were easily swamped by TRAs I guess, .. the Lib Dem’s, I think, are just spineless virtue-posers with zero morals. Unfit.
Immense respect to Andy Healy, and to Graham for calling out Aimee Challenor, the Greens, and the Lib Dems. Also to Alison Teal, Green Party candidate for the constituency that recently saw off Eddie Izzard, for speaking out against gender ideology. Despite her record as a hard-working councillor and her role in the Sheffield Tree Campaign, she's been dropped as a parliamentary candidate and hounded by TRAs and their enablers.
The Challenor story seems like some sort of weird update on O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief." Everyone wants him for a little while, thinking they can get something out of him, only to end up giving him away at the first opportunity because the costs of maintaining him are too high.
It seems that these organisations were so desperate to virtue signal their diversity and inclusion that they did no due diligence which is negligent, or they did and went ahead letting them inform policy and direction which is downright evil. Big kudos to Andy who deserves a huge apology. I am sure my utter respect for him, and from others too, is a poor prize for his bravery but I hope he is proud that he did the right thing.
How can the greens and lib dems behave like this? Also it seems clear doesn’t it that at the very least Aimee had a terrible upbringing. Most likely one filled with abuse too. So not excusing his behaviour but worth considering how victims often become perpetrators.
One of the worrying aspect of this is that The 'Green' Party and LibDems are actually standing to govern this country.
I am not sure about the LibDems but the 'Green' Party has little interest in democracy, human rights (fair trial) or safeguarding. They believe that because they are 'the good guys' they can just do what they want without regard to the rule of law.
A lot of people seem to be tarring the (UK) Green Party with the same brush. It is not true that 'all' Greens are TRAs- I'd guess only 10-20% are TRAs... but TRAs have taken control of the party, head office and conferences. Local parties are in effect independent of national party, so they are vulnerable to being taken over by a minority. But anyway, Conference is the only decider of national policy- so again, not everybody can go, and it is easily manipulated by TRAs. As Glinner just said above, many of the internal rules in the GP, were put there in the last 7 or 8 years.... Because the GP is small, it is vulnerable to being taken over like this. There has never been any proper debate (let alone real scrutiny) allowed on trans issues, within the GP. Members who tried to raise Conference motions that looked even sightly Terf-like, had them rejected- and the more vocal members have been silenced by internal disciplinary action, being suspended, or even expelled from the party. This is why 3 members are in the process of bringing (separate) legal actions against the Green Party of England and Wales- which should be in court this year. There is only a small number of Green activists pushing Gender Ideology- and the spotlight will be shining on them. I am sure many Green Party members are not even aware of the Challenor story- and those who are, do not want to ally with child abusers. So to sum up- please do not assume 'all' Greens are TRAs/ anti-TERF....
You're right, if the story of the Challenor's was made public things would change drastically. And the people currently saying what they know of gender ideology doesn't affect them, it refers to a tiny minority, or live and let live, blah blah, would realise that it has everything to do with them and their children and everyone's children.
They would become aware of the horrific things that take place in terms of endangering the well being of minors, for example, whether they are autistic children and young people currently being 'treated' for non-existent gender/sex dysphoria, or being placed at risk of harm from men identifying as women and having access to female spaces, etc. Whatever has entered their unconscious would become part of their conscious and they would no longer be able to disassociate from what is happening. And would collectively oppose it and put pressure on politicians and all institutions in the thrall of gender bullshit to act.
Thanks for reposting about ‘Aimee’ Challenor/Knight. I now need to go and have a shower. I’ve rarely read anything that’s disturbed me so much. To think this object can influence children online is disgusting.
eugyppius characterized the German Greens as the "economic collapse collective." Are the UK Greens the "sex-based rights collapse collective"?
The 'gender' cult magnetizes and 'celebrates' deluded souls. Unending horrors can and will flow from a cult whose central pillar of 'belief' -- that a human being can change sex -- is a complete delusion.
Pffw I’m exhausted by all of this and I’m way on the outside , I don’t know how you manage to cope with all of this shite Graham
Fits right in with Alfred Kinsey, John Money & Volkmar Sigusch, child molesters and "sex researchers." I mention that triumvirate today!
The Greens are a disgrace and no longer fit to exist. They are shielding paedophiles and pursuing and victimising the person who exposed the abusers.
The truth is so unkind! Stonewall as a brand needs to be buried in lead, deep. In the Greens case they were easily swamped by TRAs I guess, .. the Lib Dem’s, I think, are just spineless virtue-posers with zero morals. Unfit.
Immense respect to Andy Healy, and to Graham for calling out Aimee Challenor, the Greens, and the Lib Dems. Also to Alison Teal, Green Party candidate for the constituency that recently saw off Eddie Izzard, for speaking out against gender ideology. Despite her record as a hard-working councillor and her role in the Sheffield Tree Campaign, she's been dropped as a parliamentary candidate and hounded by TRAs and their enablers.
The Challenor story seems like some sort of weird update on O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief." Everyone wants him for a little while, thinking they can get something out of him, only to end up giving him away at the first opportunity because the costs of maintaining him are too high.
Jeepers! Also, I've just realised I missed the Terfy New Years Mess...
What a treat!
Stay sane, Glinner!
It seems that these organisations were so desperate to virtue signal their diversity and inclusion that they did no due diligence which is negligent, or they did and went ahead letting them inform policy and direction which is downright evil. Big kudos to Andy who deserves a huge apology. I am sure my utter respect for him, and from others too, is a poor prize for his bravery but I hope he is proud that he did the right thing.
How can the greens and lib dems behave like this? Also it seems clear doesn’t it that at the very least Aimee had a terrible upbringing. Most likely one filled with abuse too. So not excusing his behaviour but worth considering how victims often become perpetrators.
One of the worrying aspect of this is that The 'Green' Party and LibDems are actually standing to govern this country.
I am not sure about the LibDems but the 'Green' Party has little interest in democracy, human rights (fair trial) or safeguarding. They believe that because they are 'the good guys' they can just do what they want without regard to the rule of law.
A lot of people seem to be tarring the (UK) Green Party with the same brush. It is not true that 'all' Greens are TRAs- I'd guess only 10-20% are TRAs... but TRAs have taken control of the party, head office and conferences. Local parties are in effect independent of national party, so they are vulnerable to being taken over by a minority. But anyway, Conference is the only decider of national policy- so again, not everybody can go, and it is easily manipulated by TRAs. As Glinner just said above, many of the internal rules in the GP, were put there in the last 7 or 8 years.... Because the GP is small, it is vulnerable to being taken over like this. There has never been any proper debate (let alone real scrutiny) allowed on trans issues, within the GP. Members who tried to raise Conference motions that looked even sightly Terf-like, had them rejected- and the more vocal members have been silenced by internal disciplinary action, being suspended, or even expelled from the party. This is why 3 members are in the process of bringing (separate) legal actions against the Green Party of England and Wales- which should be in court this year. There is only a small number of Green activists pushing Gender Ideology- and the spotlight will be shining on them. I am sure many Green Party members are not even aware of the Challenor story- and those who are, do not want to ally with child abusers. So to sum up- please do not assume 'all' Greens are TRAs/ anti-TERF....
How do I know when The Mess is on ahead of time? I'm subscribed but I never seen notifications :(
I like speaking to everyone on the live chat!
You're right, if the story of the Challenor's was made public things would change drastically. And the people currently saying what they know of gender ideology doesn't affect them, it refers to a tiny minority, or live and let live, blah blah, would realise that it has everything to do with them and their children and everyone's children.
They would become aware of the horrific things that take place in terms of endangering the well being of minors, for example, whether they are autistic children and young people currently being 'treated' for non-existent gender/sex dysphoria, or being placed at risk of harm from men identifying as women and having access to female spaces, etc. Whatever has entered their unconscious would become part of their conscious and they would no longer be able to disassociate from what is happening. And would collectively oppose it and put pressure on politicians and all institutions in the thrall of gender bullshit to act.