Young Fred was well hot :)

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Brilliant piece. Thank you so much for sharing the truth. I'm still reeling from the Barbican here in London having a 'Queer history' exhibit a little while back raging that 'we must thank Black trans women' for starting everything. It's quite damning the complete erasure of truth for us all. Frustrating and heartbreaking. I just can't abide erasure of truth.

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Thanks for this Fred. And also thanks to folks like you that made the world a less threatening place for homossexuals and are still doing so today by standing up and setting the record straight (no pun intended).

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Just about everything from Adam and Eve, to dinosaurs has been ‘transmorphed’ into this manipulative ideology, so ‘Stonewall’ trying to do the same, came at no surprise.

As vile as many of the TRAs are, the naivety and almost childlike innocence, many of them seem to be, to me, it seems so obvious how they’ve been drip fed a skewed narrative.

Thank goodness the voice of reality is still being heard.

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Fred Sargeant is a wonderful man, so down to earth. Why do so many people want to re-write history? The holocaust didn't happen. America was discovered by the Spanish. Only white people were involved in the slave trade. Trans folks were at the very heart of Stonewall.

It is all such attention seeking behaviour to justify the actions of a few and give them something to crow about. The media, whatever colour or flavour, should know better than to pander to them, but so few journalists seem willing to stand and be counted. As my gran used to say, "oh shit, hands going down in hell baskets and rats are swimming towards the life rafts. People need to sit up, take notice and fire out truths!"

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Also, if you read carefully, most of the men in dresses present at the riots would not have defined themselves as transsexual or anything of the kind back then. It's perhaps a bit confusing that Fred uses the very contemporary word transgender for them much in its indistinct and appropriating modern form. But then again, there is no way to describe these historical events - in more than one sense - in the light of their appropriation by transideology without confusion. You inevitably have to use two very different terminologies. The one from back then, which was homophobic (faeries? c'mon) and the one championed by Stonewall and the like, designed to confuse people.

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Thanks for this.

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Just a couple of days ago a man I know IRL was trying to tell me that so-called "trans" people were at the forefront of gay liberation from the beginning. So annoying. I sent him Arty's interview with Fred but I doubt he watched it.

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Well written piece. Most rational people must surely realise by now that EVERYTHING The " trans movement" says is an outright lie and that becomes more apparent with every "proclamation" they make.Well done to Fred for speaking the truth. We know who to believe and we cannot allow history , on any subject ,to be rewritten to suit this vile agenda .♥️

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